Fairies Quotes

Quotes tagged as "fairies" Showing 91-120 of 357
“Blind folk see the fairies.
Oh, better far than we,
Who miss the shining of their wings
Because our eyes are filled with things
We do not wish to see.

Deaf folk hear the fairies
However soft their song;
'Tis we who lose the honey sound
Amid the clamour all around
That beats the whole day long.”
Rose Fyleman

“And though you should live in a palace of gold, or sleep in a dried up ditch,
You could never be as poor as the fairies are, and never as rich.”
Rose Fyleman

Magda M. Olchawska
“I love fairies so much. I would so love to touch one, whispered Julia in excitement.
“U can touch me.But please don't touch my wings,they are very fragile,”replied 1 fairy.“I’m Farina,the fairy queen.”
Magda M. Olchawska, Mikolay and Julia Meet the Fairies

Karen Pryor
“As he [Sir Malcolm Sargeant, conductor of the London Philharmonic] stood in waist deep in the shallows of Whaler's Cove, the littler spinners came drifting over, sleek and dainty, gazing at him curiously with their soft dark eyes. Malcolm was a tactful, graceful man in his movements, and so the spinners were not afraid of him. In moments, he had them all pressing around him, swimming into his arms, and begging him to swim away with them. He looked up, suffused with delight, and remarked to me, 'It's like finding out there really are fairies at the bottom of the garden!”
Karen Pryor, Lads Before the Wind: Diary of a Dolphin Trainer

Magda M. Olchawska
“Many trees were pulled out of the ground with their roots crying for water.”
The lake was all polluted with thick layers of grease,the grass & flowers were squashed, animals walked around. #kidsbooks "Mikolay & Julia"

Total elocological destruction,said Mikolay trying to use one of the funny long words Julia was always using.
These are not monsters Farina.These are people and building machines.”
Magda M. Olchawska, Mikolay and Julia Meet the Fairies

Colin Thubron
“Once, at the dreaming dawn of history -- before the world was categorized and regulated by mortal minds, before solid boundaries formed between the mortal world and any other -- fairies roamed freely among men, and the two races knew each other well. Yet the knowing was never straightforward, and the adventures that mortals and fairies had together were fraught with uncertainty, for fairies and humans were alien to each other.”
Colin Thubron, Fairies and Elves

Magda M. Olchawska
“Me & my fellow fairies are running away from a huge monster that keeps destroying our home land,sobbed Farina.
The monster is terribly scary,has huge jaws, creates clouds of smoke & makes loads of noise everywhere it goes.”
Magda M. Olchawska, Mikolay and Julia Meet the Fairies

Magda M. Olchawska
“Mikolay had explored the big attic many times before, and he knew that his mummy misplaced boxes all the time.
Ah, I,don’t really want a wand, um, that much. Can we go home now? “Please? begged Julia as she walked toward the door.
But Mikolay grabbed her hand and whispered:Lets just see where the shadow is going and after that, we can go right home.
Mikolay and Julia carefully moved closer and closer to the wall.”
Magda M. Olchawska, Mikolay and Julia in the Attic

Magda M. Olchawska
“When Mikolay and Julia are not at school, they usually go exploring and adventuring.
Mikolay’s and Julia’s mummies are both witches and are in charge of fixing things.”
Magda M. Olchawska, Mikolay and Julia Meet the Fairies

Magda M. Olchawska
“Come on, this is a real adventure I have here, screamed Mikolay again, this time more impatiently.I think someone is singing inside the wardrobe. Can you hear that?”
Magda M. Olchawska, Mikolay and Julia Meet the Fairies

Magda M. Olchawska
“We live in the fairy forest of huge trees which is on the other side of the lake, said Farina.”
Magda M. Olchawska, Mikolay and Julia Meet the Fairies

Magda M. Olchawska
“We need to get to the other side of the lake if you want to help the fairies,” said Mikolay.We could use my crystal ball for transportation,” suggested Julia pulling out a small crystal ball out of her pocket.”
Magda M. Olchawska, Mikolay and Julia Meet the Fairies

William Shakespeare
“Oberon: Ill met by moonlight, proud Titania.
Titania: What, jealous Oberon! - Fairies, skip hence:
I have forsworn his bed and his company.”
William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

William Shakespeare
“Puck: Lord, what fools these mortals be!”
William Shakespeare, A Midsummer Night’s Dream

Thomm Quackenbush
“Are UAPs (Unexplained Aerial Phenomena, the more precise name for what was erstwhile called UFOs) to be blamed on a technological-advanced interstellar society? Time travelers? Dimensional visitors? The fae folk in shiny metal suits?”
Thomm Quackenbush, The Curious Case of the Talking Mongoose

W.R. Gingell
“Please tell me you’ve at least got him locked up in whatever the fae version of irons is?”
“The fae version of irons is irons.”
W.R. Gingell, Between Kings

Elizabeth Lim
“All at once the fairies burst from their corner, lit brighter than a galaxy. The elders darted straight to the captives. But the younger pixies, led by Tinker Bell, zipped and darted around the pirates, sprinkling enough pixie dust to spark.
Enough pixie dust, that was, to burn.
"We're on fire!" Smee shouted. "Run for the water!"
"The boy will escape!" Hook snarled. "You'll all be staying right here!"
The pirate crew wanted to obey their captain, of course--- but the fairies were relentless. And their dust rained down like acid. Tink found that the unease that came from always trying to contain her outsized feelings was greatly alleviated with this opportunity to expend some of that wild, raw emotion. It was thrilling. She threw her head back, laughing as the crew retreated.
Then it was just Tink, Hook, and Peter. The Darlings and Lost Boys had been released by the elders. Peter was still strung up, bobbing in his restraints like a kite. Amid the chaos he looked at Tinker Bell with amusement.
"Came back for us, did ya?" His eyes twinkled.
I came back... for me.
Elizabeth Lim, A Twisted Tale Anthology

Richard H. Fay
“The lingering crowd dispersed. Father Ryan shook his head as he watched them go their separate ways. He never understood why sensible persons clung to silly fantasies. He muttered something about foolish rustics and then marched back to the vestry to get out of his uncomfortably warm robes and pour himself a pleasantly hot cup of tea.”
Richard H. Fay, Four by Fay: Four Fantasy Stories by Richard H. Fay

Richard H. Fay
“Drink deeply, my hapless mortal,
Of our heady, corrupting brew.
Feast upon fine foods and sweet treats
That turn to mere dust in your mouth
And mark you as ours forever.
Feel life’s warmth leave your soulless shell
Once that racing heart beats its last.
Lose the grace of mortality;
Become trapped for eternity.”
Richard H. Fay, Cosmic Journeys and Gothic Visions: A Speculative Poetry Collection

Khalia Moreau
“Do you like horses?"
"Truth be told, the only thing I love more is dragons."
Wren whistles, and a whinny resounds throughout the air.
I spin around, marveling as a horse gallops through the field of jasmine. She's like a bolt of obsidian in a blanket of white, her breaths like little gusts of wind. She rears several times once she's next to Wren, stomping her front hooves until he reaches out to pet her. "This is Nerra. She will take us where we must go."
Like an acrobat performing a trick for the umpteenth time, Wren hops onto Nerra's back effortlessly. He reaches a hand out to me, and I climb on. He places my hands around his waist, and I swallow hard.
"Hold on tight. You're in for a treat," he says.
On the count of three, he kicks Nerra into a gallop. The horse is like a dragon bound to the earth. Her gait is smooth, her gallop so strong it practically feels like she's trying to take flight with each stride. I hold on tightly to Wren.
We head north. Dressed in bright garments that appear to be dipped in a ray of sunlight, Emerald flitters around as we enter a field of daisies.
"Hi," Wren says. "We're on our way to see Omniscius."
Emerald gives a graceful nod, following behind Nerra with several other fairies. Much to my delight, as we exit the field of daisies and encroach on a field of red roses, the fairies' beautiful yellow garments turn red. Wren's shirt and my dress do the same.”
Khalia Moreau, The Princess of Thornwood Drive

Debbie Bishop
“5.0 out of 5 stars!!! A lovely and delightful book. This is a wonderful book! Highly recommended! The characters are engaging, the story line is good, and it is a nice change from so many other genres out there." amazon reader”
Debbie Bishop, PILLYWIGGIN The Lost Shadow Boys

Debbie Bishop
“(Five stars) A CHARMING, MODERN DAY FAIRY TALE By Tim Janson...with this book you really get an old-fashioned fairy tale told with today's tribulations. It's a light, fun read, filled with humor, wit and charm. While any kids in the 7 - 14 age range would enjoy the story, I think it especially speaks to young girls who can relate more keenly to the problems endured by the main characters. The book is beautifully illustrated by Andy Park and features a number of full-page illustrations that perfectly complement the story written By Debbie Bishop. The pair have created a story with lively characters that come to life before your eyes. Highly recommended!

FIVE STARS! The Fairies of Bladderwhack Pond is a great story for kids and teens alike! This wonderful fairytale has modern references to kids as they live today. It’s like Harry Potter for kid’s today! Debbie has created a really fun book that will be cherished! --amazon reader”
Debbie Bishop, The Fairies of Bladderwhack Pond

“Kirsty and Rachel hadn’t hesitated for a second. Of course they’d help – they loved going to Fairyland!”
Daisy Meadows, Esme the Ice Cream Fairy

“Rachel giggled at the sight of her and Kirsty. They looked just like the goblins, and had trays of ice cream hanging around their necks. “We definitely look nicer as fairies than goblins!” she said.”
Daisy Meadows, Esme the Ice Cream Fairy

Lyra Selene
“I was made of weeds and dark water and unbreakable ice. I was not made to loose.”
Lyra Selene, A Feather So Black

Debatrayee Banerjee
“Have you ever wondered, maybe Witches are just fairies who shed off their wings, or maybe Society chopped off their wings (who knows) and they continued to fly anyway by a broomstick made with the scattered fragmented dust of their wings?”
Debatrayee Banerjee

Heather Gudenkauf
“When fairies dance upon the air, reach out gently and catch one, fair. Make a wish and hold it tight, then softly toss your pixie back to summer's night.”
Heather Gudenkauf, The Weight of Silence

Deborah Pettit
“In one shrub, a pair of eyes stared at them unyielding. It hopped and hopped and hopped. Out came a fuzzy brown bunny, twitching his nose. He spotted the girls and bounced away. They roared with laughter but stopped. What if the other eyes didn't belong to adorable little bunnies?”
Deborah Pettit, The Heroes of the Tuduma Forest

Deborah Pettit
“The fairy realm Nala lived in lay deep inside the Tuduma Forest, a place bursting with evergreen thickets, Cape aloe, and rubber trees one hundred feet tall.”
Deborah Pettit, The Heroes of the Tuduma Forest

“He led them to a bay where the walls and windows were covered with paintings of rainbows. Rachel and Kirsty shared a quick smile. For them, rainbows had a secret meaning. The first fairies they ever met had looked after the colours of the rainbow. Since then. The girls had been to Fairyland many times, and had helped lots of fairies. But rainbows still held a special place in their hearts.”
Daisy Meadows, Maryam the Nurse Fairy