Famous Quotes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "famous-quotes" Showing 91-120 of 400
Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Every flower is a melody that floats through the air and soothes our hearts.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“The right way is always the difficult way but it’s the only way that connects us with our soul.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya, Safa Tempo: Poems New & Selected

Deepak Kripal
“Complex is not sum of many simples, it is simply one complex.”
Deepak Kripal, Sense of a Quiet

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“I’ve never been afraid of the darkness. It’s always been a part of my life. But I cannot live in the darkness forever. I better change the way I live and start to crawl toward the light.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“And this tree, now I am looking at is equally stubborn as me. Freezing rain, and howling wind. No, they can’t shake our spirit. Our future stretches before us and we’re travelling together into it in our own velocity.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Steven Cuoco
“When it resonates, and you feel it, then it was meant for you.”
Steven Cuoco

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“There’s nothing more tedious than pretending happiness when your world is upside down. Don’t pretend. It’s ok not to smile when anxiety is controlling your life. But don’t let the misery envelop you. Take a deep breath and try to fix your world though it may take some time. Remember, there is a way out of despair. You are that way.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Don’t fear failure. Fear inaction. Keep moving. Don’t quit. Live life as intensely as you can with sunlight in your eyes. Don’t believe when they say, you don’t have wings and you cannot fly.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Steven Cuoco
“Trust your path and trust in yourself to know and believe in the best and always do what is right.

Lean into being kind, compassionate, and forgiving. So many times we can get stuck, but there will always be people, opportunities, and circumstances that will push us forward.”
Steven Cuoco

Steven Cuoco
“There are some people in the world who think you should enable them and tolerate their ignorant behavior and put up with their bullshit. I'm not one of those people. If I pissed you off. Then piss off!”
Steven Cuoco

“Vic Stah Milien is nothing but a moniker, something I use to evade the paparazzi from following me to get to my clients. I have hundreds of these monikers. I am the Ghost of Hollywood.”
Vic Stah Milien

“Truth is an illusion for the egotistical man.”
Vic Stah Milien

Kristian Ventura
“The children who played the Scorpion game in daycare knew the point. Before the beach, Andrei walked past a group of little boys and girls through the front window. He spectated their game. The kids were placed within a circle marked on the ground as a boundary. One blindfolded child played the Scorpion. And then the Scorpion violently tagged each student they found, eliminating the group one by one. The game would eventually end. The Scorpion would eat everyone. Andrei watched the children choose their mortal dance and run carefully in all directions. Then the circle of watchers applauded the child who won— that was, the timid, clever boy who had laid down patiently on the floor, away from the Scorpion, as still as a manhole cover. The unseen kid held his breath in the name of survival for the duration of the game. Though there was one player who moved unlike the rest. Bless that spirit who dared to dance teasingly in front of the Scorpion, inspect the circle to learn its space, had fleeting looks of love with other bugs, and was the only one to know what it felt like to belt their endangered voice in a loud, delightful cry toward the heavens.

The dancing crier was killed. But the shy, certain statue of a boy died twice.”
Karl Kristian Flores, A Happy Ghost

Steven Cuoco
“If you hate your voice, remember it’s the sound your pet loves to hear.”
Steven Cuoco

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Time settles down a thing or two but not everything. We cannot wait forever. We cannot hope forever. We cannot dream forever. We have to move on with whatever we have or with nothing at all. We have to move on.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“After you, all the equivalents became mismatched,
Chemistry turned into smoke, and physics broke apart;
After you, everything rare became scarce.

After you, my dream became reality,
From every sleep I woke up to clarity,
As if I was dreaming but woke up again,
And my sleep continued, just the same.

After you, a monster under my bed
Swallowed me whole, filling me with dread
Then surreal turned into reality
A nightmare I couldn't escape

Sajjad Nahavandi”
Sajjad Nahavandi

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Life. It’s not just about watching the stars. It’s about shining with them.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya, Our Nepal, Our Pride

Jon Luvelli
“I've crossed the line you haven't crossed, so don't cross me.”
Jon Luvelli

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“We have no right to just stand by and watch them tarnish our tomorrow.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya, Our Nepal, Our Pride

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“When you’re too tired and feel like giving up on life, sit down and ponder over the journey of water.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya, Safa Tempo: Poems New & Selected

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“I was forty years old when I stood up for myself for the first time. I should’ve stood up earlier.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

“هواكَ كثيرٌ عليّ، وقلبي
‎على نارِ قلبِك لا يستطيعُ
‎وأيُّ بديعٍ أروحُ إليه
‎وأنت إلهي السميعُ البديعُ
‎فمِنْ أين يأخذني الآخرون
‎وبين يديك يهيمُ الجميعُ
‎لقد ضيّع العشقُ عقلي فماذا
‎يقولُ بحسنِك حرفٌ وضيعُ”
Mahdi Mansour

“دعوتُ لهم مرّةً بالبقاء
كأنّ السماء مقوّسة الظهر،
وطني أتنكسر البيوتُ حزينةً
وقلوبُ كل العاشقين بيوتُ
شعبُ إذا ما الفقر حلَّ بدارِهِ
كتمَ الجراحَ وقلبُه مكبوتُ
لو تحشد الدنيا على إخضاعه
ينمو بحجم عذابه الجبروتُ
هبني أكن مرسى تنام على يدي
لو تستطيع مراكبٌ ويخوتُ
هبني أكن ألم الجراح، دم الإبا
ما همّني إن ذبت بي وشقيتُ
ما دام مجد الأرز يسكن جبهتي
وتنام بين حقائبي بيروتُ”
Mahdi Mansour

“كل العواصم نثر... وانتِ شعر موزون!
لو قلت فيكِ شعر... بكون الحكي عم خون!
العيون كلا مكحلة بالقهر
ومبللة الجفون...
كرمال شوفك عين ما بتكفي
يا ريت كلني عيون...”
Mahdi Mansour

“لا أحبّ الأعياد منذ طفولتي.
لم أفهم كيف أنّ السعادة تُرصد في رزنامة العام كمواعيد العمل.
فرح الآخرين لا يناسب مزاجي دائماً، وتوقيته أشبه بتلزيم الحب إلى شركة خاصة.
الزيارات لم تصلني بأحد يوماً،
ولطالما لم أشعر بواجب الواجبات بل بدت لي على شكل قصاص، والاتصالات التي تولد في العيد تموت معه..
حتى مظاهر البهجة لا تشبهني، لذا، لمّا أزل أرغب في قراءة رواية، وأنا في سريري بعيداً عن فوضى تعم البلاد ابتداءً من رؤية القمر وليس انتهاءً بنوع الشوكلاتة التي تقدم للمناسبة.
ثمة أعياد تأتي بلا صلوات ولا تهليل،
أعياد على شكل طاولة وفنجان قهوة، ووجه لامرأة غريبة تترك في دورتك الدموية قمراً لا يختلف على رؤيته الفقهاء والمساكين الذين يُساقون من أفق إلى آخر كالطائرات الورقية.”
Mahdi Mansour

“ما خُلقنا للبقاء... إنما خُلقنا للرحيل…”
Mahdi Mansour

“من كل صوبٍ عيون الناس شاخصةٌ‬
‎وأنتِ ماكرةٌ تصطاد بالنظرِ...

فكيف أقوى على صدّ العيون، وبي‬
‎شيءٌ من الحب مع شيء من الحذرِ...‬

كأنني مبعِدٌ عنك العيون كمن‬
‎يظن يقوى بكفّيه على المطرِ...‬”
Mahdi Mansour

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“Always live your life with gratitude. That’s how the light comes into your life.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Bhuwan Thapaliya
“There is nothing more to reveal. Our lives lie bare and exposed.”
Bhuwan Thapaliya

Steven Cuoco
“Embrace the audacity to pursue your ideas with determination. For in decisive steps lies the alchemy that transmutes dreams into reality. Embrace the transformative power within, for it is through the relentless pursuit of your vision that you carve a path of significance, leaving an indelible mark upon the tapestry of existence.”
Steven Cuoco