Joy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "joy" Showing 181-210 of 5,199
Elisabeth Elliot
“Restlessness and impatience change nothing except our peace and joy. Peace does not dwell in outward things, but in the heart prepared to wait trustfully and quietly on Him who has all things safely in His hands.”
Elisabeth Elliott

Victor Hugo
“The poor man shuddered, overflowed with an angelic joy; he declared in his transport that this would last through life; he said to himself that he really had not suffered enough to deserve such radiant happiness, and he thanked God, in the depths of his soul, for having permitted that he, a miserable man, should be so loved by this innocent being.”
Victor Hugo, Les Misérables

Fyodor Dostoevsky
“Love the animals: God has given them the rudiments of thought and joy untroubled.”
Fyodor Dostoyevsky

“Accept your dark side, understanding it will help you to move with the light. Knowing both sides of our souls, helps us all to move forward in life and to understand that, perfection doesn't exist.”
Martin R. Lemieux

Gloria Vanderbilt
“To be happy--one must find one's bliss”
Gloria Vanderbilt

G.K. Chesterton
“The modern philosopher had told me again and again that I was in the right place, and I still felt depressed even in acquiescence. But I had heard that I was in the wrong place, and my soul sang for joy like a bird in spring.”
G.K. Chesterton, Orthodoxy

Steven Galloway
“She felt an enveloping happiness to be alive, a joy made stronger by the certainty that someday it would all come to an end. Afterward she felt a little foolish, and never spoke to anyone about it.
Now, however, she knows she wasn't being foolish. She realizes that for no particular reason she stumbled into the core of what it is to be human. It's a rare gift to under stand that you life is wondrous, and that it won't last forever. ”
Steven Galloway, The Cellist of Sarajevo

Criss Jami
“God favors men and women who delight in being made worthy of happiness before the happiness itself.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Robert G. Ingersoll
“The glory of science is, that it is freeing the soul -- breaking the mental manacles -- getting the brain out of bondage -- giving courage to thought -- filling the world with mercy, justice, and joy.”
Robert G. Ingersoll, Humboldt From 'The Gods and Other Lectures'

Jack Gilbert
A Brief for the Defense

Sorrow everywhere. Slaughter everywhere. If babies
are not starving someplace, they are starving
somewhere else. With flies in their nostrils.
But we enjoy our lives because that's what God wants.
Otherwise the mornings before summer dawn would not
be made so fine. The Bengal tiger would not
be fashioned so miraculously well. The poor women
at the fountain are laughing together between
the suffering they have known and the awfulness
in their future, smiling and laughing while somebody
in the village is very sick. There is laughter
every day in the terrible streets of Calcutta,
and the women laugh in the cages of Bombay.
If we deny our happiness, resist our satisfaction,
we lessen the importance of their deprivation.
We must risk delight. We can do without pleasure,
but not delight. Not enjoyment. We must have
the stubbornness to accept our gladness in the ruthless
furnace of this world. To make injustice the only
measure of our attention is to praise the Devil.
If the locomotive of the Lord runs us down,
we should give thanks that the end had magnitude.
We must admit there will be music despite everything.
We stand at the prow again of a small ship
anchored late at night in the tiny port
looking over to the sleeping island: the waterfront
is three shuttered cafés and one naked light burning.
To hear the faint sound of oars in the silence as a rowboat
comes slowly out and then goes back is truly worth
all the years of sorrow that are to come.”
Jack Gilbert, Refusing Heaven: Poems

Phil Kaye
“Fear of joy is the darkest of captivities.”
Phil Kaye

R. Buckminster Fuller
“There is no joy equal to that of being able to work for all humanity and doing what you're doing well.”
R. Buckminster Fuller, Critical Path

Helen Keller
“There is joy in self-forgetfulness. So I try to make the light in others' eyes my sun, the music in others' ears my symphony, the smile on others' lips my happiness.”
Helen Keller

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“We are sometimes dragged into a pit of unhappiness by someone else’s opinion that we do not look happy.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana
tags: agony, anguish, aphorism, aphorisms, aphorist, aphorists, as-happy-as-a-clam, beaming, beatific, bliss, blissful, blissfulness, blithe, blue, broken-hearted, buoyant, carefree, chagrin, cheerful, cheerfulness, cheerless, cheery, chirpy, content, contented, contentment, dejected, dejection, delight, delighted, depressed, depression, desolation, despair, despairing, despondency, despondent, disconsolate, dispirited, distress, doleful, dolefulness, down, down-at-the-mouth, down-in-the-dumps, down-in-the-mouth, downcast, downhearted, ecstasy, ecstatic, elated, elation, enjoyment, euphoria, euphoric, exhilarated, exhilaration, exuberance, exultant, face, faces, forlorn, funny, gaiety, glee, gleeful, gloom, gloominess, gloomy, glum, glumness, good-spirits, gratified, grief, grinning, happiness, happy, heartache, heartbroken, hilarious, hole, holes, humor, humorous, humour, hurting, impression, impressions, in-a-good-mood, in-good-spirits, in-seventh-heaven, jocular, jocund, joke, jokes, jollity, jolly, jovial, joviality, joy, joyful, joyfulness, joyless, joyous, jubilant, jubilation, jumping-for-joy, lighthearted, lightheartedness, long-faced, low-spirits, lugubrious, malaise, melancholy, merriment, merry, miserable, misery, morose, mournful, mournfulness, on-a-high, on-cloud-nine, on-top-of-the-world, opinion, opinions, over-the-moon, overjoyed, pain, pit, pits, pleased, pleasure, quotations, quotes, radiant, rapture, rapturous, sad, sadness, satire, satisfaction, satisfied, smiling, sorrow, sorrowful, suffering, sunny, the-blues, thrilled, tickled-pink, torment, transports-of-delight, tribulation, unhappiness, unhappy, untroubled, walking-on-air, well-being, woe, woebegone, woeful, wretchedness

Sharon Carter
“Why would he appear to be so freaking concerned about me to my fake boyfriend anyway? she thought. He needs to mind his own business and keep out of mine. Shallow, arrogant bastard!”
Sharon Carter, Love Auction: Too Risky to Love Again

Criss Jami
“I do not care about happiness simply because I believe that joy is something worth fighting for.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

Sonia Rumzi
“Suffering teaches joy.”
Sonia Rumzi

Sharon Carter
“How did your mom die?" she queried. “Her name was Megan Brimmer, and she had breast cancer. She passed away when I was twenty-three.”
Sharon Carter, Love Auction: Too Risky to Love Again

Donna Goddard
“Don’t feel bad about feeling bad. Don’t be frightened of feeling afraid. Don’t be angry about getting angry. There is no need to give up when we are feeling depressed. Nor should we be dismayed at the grief which often accompanies the outgrowing of anything which needs outgrowing. We can be glad that our soul is speaking to us and pushing us onwards. We frequently need to persevere with a period of inner turmoil before the dust can settle and be swept out the door.”
Donna Goddard, The Love of Devotion

Theodore Roosevelt
“Although not a very old man, I have yet lived a great deal in my life, and I have known sorrow too bitter and joy too keen to allow me to become either cast down or elated for more than a very brief period over any success or defeat.”
Theodore Roosevelt

Marie Lu
“I laugh at him, and behind us, several Inquisitors stir in surprise at the sound. Only Magiano can coax joy out of me so easily.”
Marie Lu, The Midnight Star

C. Toni Graham
“We have one life, THIS life. It is this limited lifetime that you have to make the most of. Live it! Embrace it, don’t waste it. Listen with intention to what that inner voice has been telling you. Draw, write, travel, build, teach, inspire, learn and create because THAT’s living. Feel your life with joy and passion for what you bring to it. Your talents are meant to be embraced and shared. It makes us better.”
C. Toni Graham

Amaka Imani Nkosazana
“If someone doesn't care to accept you, respect you, believe in you, don't hesitate to move on and let them go. There are many who love and appreciate you just the way you are.”
Amaka Imani Nkosazana, Sweet Destiny

Kahlil Gibran
“Your joy is your sorrow unmasked. And the selfsame well from which your laughter rises was oftentimes filled with your tears. And how else can it be?
The deeper that sorrow carves into your being, the more joy you can contain.
When you are joyous, look deep into your heart and you shall find it is only that which has given you sorrow that is giving you joy.
When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.”
Kahlil Gibran, The Prophet

Amaka Imani Nkosazana
“Stop entertaining two faced people. You know the ones who have split personalities and untrustworthy habits. Nine times out of ten if they telling you stuff about another person, they're going to tell your business to other people. If they say, "You know I heard........." More than likely it's in their character to share false information. Beware of your box, circle, square! Whatever you want to call it.”
Amaka Imani Nkosazana, Sweet Destiny

D.T. Suzuki
“The idea of Zen is to catch life as it flows. There is nothing extraordinary or mysterious about Zen. I raise my hand ; I take a book from the other side of the desk ; I hear the boys playing ball outside my window; I see the clouds blown away beyond the neighbouring wood: — in all these I am practising Zen, I am living Zen. No wordy discussions is necessary, nor any explanation. I do not know why — and there is no need of explaining, but when the sun rises the whole world dances with joy and everybody’s heart is filled with bliss. If Zen is at all conceivable, it must be taken hold of here.”
D.T. Suzuki, An Introduction to Zen Buddhism

Tamora Pierce
Tamora Pierce, The Realms of the Gods
tags: humor, joy

Shannon L. Alder
“I will never accept life for what it is. I don't need an easy life. My road was meant to be hard because anything worth having in this world will take me to the very edge of myself. I will overcome everything I have ever gone through and will make my future the one God intended me to have. I will pick up the pieces of this pain and sculpt it into art. I am not ordinary and never was. I walk into my birthright as a queen with her head held high. I was born to do this!”
Shannon L. Alder