Kids Quotes

Quotes tagged as "kids" Showing 91-120 of 908
Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
“We're doomed to repeat the past no matter what. That's what it is to be alive. It's pretty dense kids who haven't figured that out by the time they're ten.... Most kids can't afford to go to Harvard and be misinformed.”
Kurt Vonnegut, Bluebeard

Eileen Kennedy-Moore
“The miracle of children is that we just don’t know how they will change or who they will become.”
Eileen Kennedy-Moore, Smart Parenting for Smart Kids: Nurturing Your Child's True Potential

Vera Nazarian
“The cactus thrives in the desert while the fern thrives in the wetland.

The fool will try to plant them in the same flowerbox.

The florist will sigh and add a wall divider and proper soil to both sides.

The grandparent will move the flowerbox halfway out of the sun.

The child will turn it around properly so that the fern is in the shade, and not the cactus.

The moral of the story?

Kids are smart.”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Kurt Chambers
“The innocence of children is what makes them stand out as a shining example to the rest of Mankind.”
Kurt Chambers

Tim Wise
“So, in "Melting Pot" the children (about a third of whom were kids of color) sang the line, "America was the new world and Europe was the old," in one stroke eradicating the narratives of indigenous persons for whom America was hardly new, and any nonwhite kids whose old worlds had been in Africa or Asia, not Europe.”
Tim Wise, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son

Lin Pardey
“Thing about boats is, you can always sell them if you don't like them. Can't sell kids.”
Lin Pardey, Bull Canyon: A Boatbuilder, a Writer and Other Wildlife

Mike A. Lancaster
“Adults are just making things up as they go along. And when they’re scared, adults have no more answers than us kids”
Mike A. Lancaster, Human.4

Solange nicole
“Encourage don't belittle, embrace their individuality. And show them that no matter what they will always have value if they stay true to themselves.”
Solange nicole

Ursula K. Le Guin
“Sure, it's simple writing for kids…just as simple as bringing them up.”
Ursula K. LeGuin

Anthony Kiedis
“She was probably the girl I loved the most of all my girlfriends, but also the toughest one to make things work out with. If I had put that much effort into any of my other relationships, I'd be married with five kids now.”
Anthony Kiedis, Scar Tissue

C.J. Milbrandt
“Let your boys test their wings. They may not be eagles, but that doesn't mean they shouldn't soar free.”
C.J. Milbrandt, On Your Marks: The Adventure Begins

Lorrie Moore
“My new apartment might be a place where there are lots of children. They might gather on my porch to play, and when I step out for groceries, they will ask me, "Hi, do you have any kids?" and then, "Why not, don't you like kids?"

"I like kids," I will explain. "I like kids very much." And when I almost run over them with my car, in my driveway, I will feel many different things.”
Lorrie Moore, Anagrams

Tim Wise
“And in "Elbow Room" the cast sings the glories of westward expansion in the United States, which involved the murder of native peoples and the violent conquest of half of Mexico. Among the lines in the song is one that intones, "There were plenty of fights / To win land right / But the West was meant to be / It was our Manifest Destiny?" Let it suffice to say that happily belting out a tune in which one merrily praises genocide is always easier for those whose ancestors weren't on the receiving end of the deal.”
Tim Wise, White Like Me: Reflections on Race from a Privileged Son

Kristin Hannah
“Fifteen minutes later, Betsy came thundering down the stairs. "I'm going to the mall with Sierra to see a movie."
Michael leaned forward, switched off the television. "Can you please rephrase that in the form of a question?"
"Sure. Can I have some money?”
Kristin Hannah, Home Front

Herbert Hoover
“Thank God she doesn't have to be confirmed by the Senate.

(on the birth of his granddaughter)”
Herbert Hoover

Jamie Lee Curtis
“My mom said I was a handful. Now I'm helpful.”
Jamie Lee Curtis, When I Was Little: A Four-Year-Old's Memoir of Her Youth

Jodi Picoult
“When I first met Cara, she was twelve and angry at the world. Her parents had split up, her brother was gone, and her mom was infatuated with some guy who was missing vowels in his unpronounceable last name. So I did what any other man in that situation would do: I came armed with gifts. I bought her things that I thought a twelve-year-old would love: a poster of Taylor Lautner, a Miley Cyrus CD, nail polish that glowed in the dark. "I can't wait for the next Twilight movie," I babbled, when I presented her with the gifts in front of Georgie. "My favorite song on the CD is 'If We Were a Movie.' And I almost went with glitter nail polish, but the salesperson said this is much cooler, especially with Halloween coming up."

Cara looked at her mother and said, without any judgment, "I think your boyfriend is gay.”
Jodi Picoult, Lone Wolf

Kristin Hannah
“I prefer to scare myself in the ordinary ways, Daddy. Like letting my children cross the country for college. Why bungee jump when you can put a kindergartener on a school bus? Now, that's real terror.”
Kristin Hannah, Distant Shores
tags: fear, kids

Hilary McKay
“Rose's work of art took her all day, including two playtimes, story time, and most of lunch.
At the end of school it was stolen from her by the wicked teacher who had pretended to be so interested.
"Beautiful- what-is-it?" she asked as she pinned it high on the wall, where Rose could not reach.
"They take your pictures," said Indigo,... when he finally made out what all the roaring and stamping was about. "They do take them.... Why do you want that picture so much?" he asked Rose.
"It was my best ever," said Rose furiously. "I hate school. I hate everyone in it. I will kill them all when I'm big enough."
"You can't just go round killing people," Indigo told her...”
Hilary McKay, Saffy's Angel

Sarah Ockler
“He turned the entire living room into an airport, complete with a four-foot-high LEGO traffic control tower and a fleet of paper planes, plastic army pilots taped safely into their cockpits. From deep beneath the couch, a large utility flashlight illuminates some sort of...landing strip? I crouch down for a better look.
Oh. My. God.
Stuck to the carpet in parallel, unbroken paths from one wall to the other are two lanes of brand-new maxi pads. Plastic dinosaurs stand guard at every fourth pad–triceratops and T rexes on one side, brontosauruses and pterodactyls on the other–protecting the airport from enemy aircraft and/or heavy flow.”
Sarah Ockler, Bittersweet
tags: humor, kids

Jessica Valenti
“The less obvious hurdle is that of preparing parents emotionally and putting forward realistic images of parenthood and motherhood. There also needs to be some sort of acknowledgement that not everyone should parent - when parenting is a given, it's not fully considered or thought out, and it gives way too easily to parental ambivalence and unhappiness.”
Jessica Valenti, Why Have Kids?: A New Mom Explores the Truth About Parenting and Happiness

“Some people discard their childhood like an old hat.
They forget about it like a phone number that's no longer valid.
They used to be kids, then they became adults - but what are they now?
Only those who grow up but continue to be children are humans.”
Erick Kästner

Magda M. Olchawska
“Julia heard from her mummy that fairies were gentle creatures with singing voices just like the mermaids.”
Magda M. Olchawska, Mikolay and Julia Meet the Fairies

Hilary McKay
“Darling Daddy,
Poor Saffy. She had a big fight in the boys toilets on Monday, did you know? A very big fight and Sarah helped and it was terrifying. Said a boy in my class who has a brother who was there.
Saffy washed her hands and said Never Ever Never Dare You Touch My Brother. (Indigo). And the plug holes were blocked with hair.
Love from Rose.
-Sarah's mother has given us soup. Soup soup soup and then it was all gone.
Hilary McKay, Indigo's Star

Kristin Hannah
“He'd learned in the past few months that telling a girl what to wear--even one the size of a golf club--was a bad idea. Histrionics often followed.”
Kristin Hannah, Home Front

“She who has the excellence of home virtues, and can expend within the means of her husband, is a help in the domestic state”
Thiruvalluvar, Thirukkural

Gianni Holmes
“It hurt to see my son turning into a stranger, a loner on a highway to self-destruction”
Gianni Holmes, Easy Does It Twice

Tana French
“I love messy homes, homes where a woman and kids have left their mark on every inch: sticky finger marks down the walls, trinkets and nests of pastel hair-gadgets on the mantelpiece, that smell of flowery things and ironing.”
Tana French, Faithful Place

Darnell Lamont Walker
“What you don't think about when you're planning for children is when you're going to teach them how not to be killed”
Darnell Lamont Walker

Madge Madigan
“This is why we can't have nice things...”
Madge Madigan, When Life Gives You Lemons... At Least You Won't Get Scurvy!