Kindness Quotes

Quotes tagged as "kindness" Showing 2,821-2,850 of 4,434
Germany Kent
“Be the girl you want your daughter to be. Be the girl you want your son to date. Be classy, be smart, be real, but most importantly be nice.”
Germany Kent
tags: advice-for-daily-living, advice-for-teens, advice-for-women, advice-quotes, advice-to-daughter, advice-to-live-by, advice-to-my-younger-self, be-an-advocate-of-love, be-an-example, be-an-example-for-others, be-an-example-of-goodness, be-nice, be-nice-be-nicer, be-nice-to-people, be-nice-to-your-friends, be-real, be-smart, be-the-change, be-the-change-you-wish-to-see, be-the-difference, be-the-hero-you-can-t-find, be-the-joy-of-others, be-the-light, future-generations, future-present, germany-kent, germany-kent-quote, germany-kent-quotes, hope-guru, humanity, humanity-advice, humanity-and-love, humanity-and-reality, humanity-and-society, humanity-quotes, important, important-concept, important-issues, important-quotes, important-things, important-things-in-life, keep-calm, keep-it-classy, keep-it-up, keep-learning, kindness, kindness-and-love, kindness-compassion, kindness-quotations, kindness-quotes, kindness-to-others, life, life-advice, life-lessons, life-quotes, life-quotes-inspirational-quotes, live-an-extraordinary-life, live-and-learn, live-life-well, live-your-best-life, nice-girl, nice-girls, nice-people, personal-development-goals, personal-development-today, personal-growth, personal-responsibility, personal-skills-development, personal-transformation, personality, real-life, real-life-facts, real-life-quote, real-life-situations, real-talk, reality-of-life, reality-of-life-fact, social-media, social-media-audiences, social-media-behavior, social-media-for-authors, the-hope-guru, traits-development, treat-others, treat-others-with-kindness, treating-others, treatment-of-others

Kamand Kojouri
“Polish the mirror of your heart
until it reflects every person's light.”
Kamand Kojouri

C.S. Lewis
“Why have your followers all drawn their swords, may I ask?" said Aslan.
"May it please Your High Majesty," said the second Mouse, whose name was Peepiceek, "we are all waiting to cut off our own tails if our Chief must go without his. We will not bear the shame of wearing an honor which is denied to the High Mouse."
"Ah!" roared Aslan. "You have conquered me. You have great hearts. Not for the sake of your dignity, Reepicheep, but for the love that is between you and your people, and still more for the kindness your people showed me long ago when you ate away the cords that bound me on the Stone Table (and it was then, though you have long forgotten it, that you began to be Talking Mice), you shall have your tail again.”
C.S. Lewis, Prince Caspian

Scott Stabile
“How can we expect the world to change if we are unwilling to change ourselves? We hate the haters, judge the judgers, and refuse to forgive the supposed unforgivable. We are hypocrites, most of us, comfortable condemning others for the same things we do. Like sheep we follow, like wolves we attack, like fools we listen to the loudest voices, even when they scream nothing but hate. We are lost in our desire to be like everyone else, and paralyzed in our fear to be ourselves. We are desperate to feel safe amidst our cries for retaliation and more wars. Where is the common sense? If we want to end war, then be peaceful. If we want to know love, then stop hating. if we want to find happiness, then let go of negativity, and befriend gratitude. real change isn’t born from making the same choices over and over, especially choices muddied with insecurity and fear. we can’t wrest ourselves from darkness by turning out our light. everything just gets darker then. Let's worry less about changing the world and more about changing ourselves. That, we can do, each one of us. With commitment and work. And a single candle does wonders in even the darkest of nights.”
Scott Stabile

“If you’re in a position to lift someone off the ground;

i. Say nothing about what it cost you to

ii. Don’t remind them that they were once on the ground

iii. Don’t be the one to take them back to the ground”
Chinonye J. Chidolue

James Rhodes
“Do not confuse kindness with weakness. Kindness is a dying art. It is the single most important quality in this world and one which is sorely lacking.”
James Rhodes, Instrumental: A Memoir of Madness, Medication, and Music

“Some women think being arrogant, selfish, bitter and looking down on others are qualities of being an Independent, strong, powerful and successful business women. No matter how high you are in life. Never look down on others and never forget humanity.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

J. Wesley Porter
“Be kind to all pets and animals because they will be kind back to you.”
J. Wesley Porter, A Spiritual Dog: "Bear"

Scott Stabile
“If you can’t see some part of yourself in every single person you encounter, then you’re not looking closely enough, at the person or at yourself.”
Scott Stabile

Scott Stabile
“Being right is massively overrated, especially when it comes at the expense of being compassionate and kind.”
Scott Stabile

Scott Stabile
“my beautiful friend,
even on your darkest day i have benefited from the warmth of your light. and i know i’m not the only one. even when you are not consciously giving, you are still giving so much. with your openness, your kindness, your understanding. see yourself through my eyes, for just a moment. feel yourself through my heart.Allow me the honor of reflecting back to you the love you have shown me, time and again, when it was only real love, and real friendship that could have pulled me from the pain. let me take some of your pain now. I am here. I am yours. You are mine, my friend. I am grateful.”
Scott Stabile

Scott Stabile
“We can't act cruelly toward others without also being negatively affected by our actions. We really are all connected, deeper than we know. If we can't be kinder to each other simply because it's the compassionate and loving way to be, the less remember that when we hurt others, we hurt ourselves, too. Every single time. Just one more reason to treat each other well.”
Scott Stabile

Scott Stabile
“She felt likee doing her part to change the world, so she started by giving thanks for all the blessings of her life, rather than bemoaning all that was missing from it. Then she complimented her reflection in the mirror, instead of criticizing it as she usually did. Next she walked into her neighborhood and offered her smile to everyone she passed, whether or not they offered theirs to her. Each day she did these things, and soon they became habit. Each day she lived with more gratitude, more acceptance, more kindnesss. And sure enough, the world around her began to change. Because she had decided so, she was single-handedly doing her part to change it”
Scott Stabile

Scott Stabile
“Kindness danced through the streets,
leaving warmer hearts and smiles everywhere it dared to show itself.”
Scott Stabile

Scott Stabile
“You change our world for the better by changing our world for the better.”
Scott Stabile

“If you find a need, fulfill the gap.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Scott Stabile
“I'm a sucker for sweetness. Intelligence, creativity and a sense of humor mean little to me if a person isn't also kind.”
Scott Stabile

“It is better to be gentle than rude.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Lynda Cheldelin Fell
“I carry your kindness wherever I go. That way your love touches far more than just me.”
Lynda Cheldelin Fell

“The emotional ingredients that sustain long-term relationships are kindness, thoughtfulness, and compassion.”
Kilroy J. Oldster, Dead Toad Scrolls

“Without grace, how can we do the good, we ought to do?”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Faith is the force of action.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Alexander McCall Smith
“. . . there was something that Isabel had said that always stuck in his mind. Remember what you have and the other person doesn't. It was simple--almost too simple--advice and yet, like all such home advice, it expressed a profound truth.”
Alexander McCall Smith, A Distant View of Everything

Scott Stabile
“You know the doubts. You are good enough. You are important. You are worthy. You are kind. You are all you need to be. You are love.”
Scott Stabile

“For every seed of godliness, kindness and justice sowed, there will be surely be a harvest of goodness, significance and greatness.”
Sunday Adelaja, The Mountain of Ignorance

William Faulkner
“People. They're really innately, inherently gentle and compassionate and kind. That's what wrings, wrenches...something. Your entrails, maybe. The member of the mob who holds up the whole ceremony for seconds or even minutes while he dislodges a family of bugs or lizards from the log he is about to put on the fire.”
William Faulkner, Requiem for a Nun