Laughter Quotes

Quotes tagged as "laughter" Showing 151-180 of 1,040
John Steinbeck
“He had an idea that even when beaten he could steal a little victory by laughing at defeat.”
John Steinbeck , East of Eden

John Green
“I’m not up for laughing, but their laughter makes the room feel safer, so we begin to explore.”
John Green, Paper Towns

V.S. Ramachandran
“The common denominator of all jokes is a path of expectation that is diverted by an unexpected twist necessitating a complete reinterpretation of all the previous facts — the punch-line…Reinterpretation alone is insufficient. The new model must be inconsequential. For example, a portly gentleman walking toward his car slips on a banana peel and falls. If he breaks his head and blood spills out, obviously you are not going to laugh. You are going to rush to the telephone and call an ambulance. But if he simply wipes off the goo from his face, looks around him, and then gets up, you start laughing. The reason is, I suggest, because now you know it’s inconsequential, no real harm has been done. I would argue that laughter is nature’s way of signaling that "it’s a false alarm." Why is this useful from an evolutionary standpoint? I suggest that the rhythmic staccato sound of laughter evolved to inform our kin who share our genes; don’t waste your precious resources on this situation; it’s a false alarm. Laughter is nature’s OK signal.”
V.S. Ramachandran, A Brief Tour of Human Consciousness: From Impostor Poodles to Purple Numbers

Markus Zusak
“She was like a lone angel floating above the surface of the earth, laughing with delight because she could fly but crying out of loneliness.”
Markus Zusak, The Book Thief

Georgette Heyer
“Do you know, I think that of all your idiosyncrasies that choke you give, when you are determined not to laugh, is the one that most enchants me.”
Georgette Heyer, The Nonesuch

Bob Newhart
“There are a lot of questions I keep asking myself about why I do comedy. I guess I laugh to keep from crying. And I guess if you ever get me crying, I might not stop. This is the way I look at tragedy or else I'll cry.”
Bob Newhart

Osayi Emokpae Lasisi
“When was the last time you had a good belly-shaking-tear-jerking-snot-producing laugh?
That long?”
Osayi Osar-Emokpae, Impossible Is Stupid

Patrick Rothfuss
“But laugh?" He pressed the flat of his hand against my stomach. "Here lives laugh." He ran his finger straight up to my mouth and spread his fingers. "Push back laugh is not good. Not healthy."

"Also cry?" I asked. I traced an imaginary tear down my cheek with one finger.

"Also cry." He put his hand on his own belly. "Ha ha ha," he said, pressing his hand to show me the motion of his stomach. Then his expression changed to sad. "Huh huh huh," he heaved with exaggerated sobs, pressing his stomach again. "Same place. Not healthy to push down.”
Patrick Rothfuss, The Wise Man’s Fear

L.M. Montgomery
“She suddenly found herself laughing without bitterness.”
L.M. Montgomery, Anne of Windy Poplars

Robert McKee
“In comedy laughter settles all arguments.”
Robert McKee, Story: Substance, Structure, Style, and the Principles of Screenwriting

Criss Jami
“The ones who constantly make us laugh are the hardest of friends to know - for comedians are the caricatures among us.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

David Levithan
“It was a laugh that came from the tip of his toes, gaining force and soul as it traveled through his body and out into the world in mirthful bursts. There wasn't anything fake about it; it was an amusement park of a laugh, and when it appeared, you wanted to jump on board.”
David Levithan, Marly's Ghost

Lisa Mantchev
“Ariel laughed and now her goose bumps had goose bumps.”
Lisa Mantchev, Eyes Like Stars

James Carlos Blake
“A man who can laugh at himself is truly blessed, for he will never lack for amusement.”
James Carlos Blake, Handsome Harry

Mimi Novic
“Laughter with those that understand us is music for the soul.
A hug at the right moment and a kind shoulder to lean on,
Is the sprinkle of magic that keeps us walking towards hope.”
Mimi Novic

“There was so much to learn and it was all fun. But the best part was getting a laugh from an audience. That was like drowning in candy.”
Hal Holbrook, Harold: The Boy Who Became Mark Twain

Franny Billingsley
“We laughed a lot and I grew warmer still, lovely and warm. I do realize that some of that warmth was due to the wine, but there was much more to it than that. There are two distinct aspects to Communion wine: one aspect is the wine itself, the other is the idea of communion. Wine is certainly warming, but communion is a great deal more so.”
Franny Billingsley, Chime

Charles Dickens
“It is a fair, even-handed, noble adjustment of things, that while there is infection in disease and sorrow, there is nothing in the world so irresistibly contagious as laughter and good-humour.”
Charles Dickens, A Christmas Carol

“In the darkest of times, laughter helps revolutionize our perspective.”
Phil Callaway, Making Life Rich Without Any Money

“At the height of laughter, the universe is flung into a kaleidoscope of new possibilities.”
Jean Huston

Bram Stoker
“(La risa) es una reina que viene y va. No le pregunta a nadie, no elige los momentos adecuados (...), la Reina Risa viene a mi y me grita al oído: ¡Aquí estoy! ¡Aquí estoy!, hasta que la sangre regresa y trae a mis mejillas un poco de la luz del sol que siempre lleva consigo.”
Bram Stoker

Miriam Toews
“Her faith in a loving and forgiving God is strong, but she worships laughter.”
Miriam Toews, Swing Low

Jack Kerouac
“And though Remi was having worklife problems and bad lovelife with a sharp-tongued woman, he at least had learned to laugh almost better than anyone in the world, and I saw all the fun we were going to have in Frisco. ”
Jack Kerouac, On the Road

Sharon E. Rainey
“Most of all, I remember her laughing. It filled my ears. Her smile, her sparkling eyes, and her infectious laughter, along with the vistas, were limitless and unending and powerful.”
Sharon E. Rainey, Making a Pearl from the Grit of Life

Bryan R. Dennis
“Kid, don't miss an opportunity to laugh, because laughter is what makes the boot heels of life palatable.”
Bryan R. Dennis, Isle of Stumps

Kiki Archer
“I love everything. The way she strokes her earlobe when she's thinking. The way she chews her pen when she's writing. The way she laughs. The way she smiles. The way she's kind. The way she cares. The way she listens. Just everything. She's just incredible. I've never met anyone quite like her before.”
Kiki Archer, But She Is My Student

Craig Ferguson
“I don’t think being a comedian gives you any fucking insight into what makes people laugh.”
craig ferguson

Richard Van Camp
“May your home be so holy with laughter that wounded birds lean against your door to listen and heal.
– Richard Van Camp's Twitter and Facebook Posts, July 22, 2017
(Ma traduction en français : Que votre maison soit si bénie par le rire que les oiseaux blessés s’appuient contre votre porte pour écouter et guérir.)”
Richard Van Camp, Gather: Richard Van Camp on the Joy of Storytelling

Deon Meyer
“Ik wilde haar weer horen lachen. Sterker nog: ik wilde de lach uit haar tevoorschijn toveren, ik wilde de reden zijn waarom die melodie gespeeld werd, want het was de klank van geluk, van tevredenheid, van alles wat goed en mooi was in de wereld.”
Deon Meyer, Onsigbaar

Ken Kesey
“Maybe he couldn’t understand why we weren’t able to laugh yet, but he knew you can’t really be strong until you can see a funny side to things.”
Ken Kesey, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest