Losers Quotes

Quotes tagged as "losers" Showing 31-60 of 94
Donald J. Trump
“Every time I speak of the haters and losers I do so with great love and affection. They cannot help the fact that they were born fucked up!”
Donald J. Trump

Shannon L. Alder
“Love may be blind but jealousy has 20-20 vision.”
Shannon L. Alder

Orrin Woodward
“Pressure will squeeze whining out of losers and winning out of achievers.”
Orrin Woodward

“I don’t ignore everyone because I have social anxiety. I ignore some people because I don’t need crawl backs that weren’t around when I was building myself, that are now currently building themselves”
Dean Mackin

Tamuna Tsertsvadze
“People often confuse weak will with modesty, and vanity with dignity.”
Tamuna Tsertsvadze

Bangambiki Habyarimana
“Nothing closes doors as quickly as constant bad humor, reclamation, whining. Nobody wants to associate themselves with losers.”
Bangambiki Habyarimana, Book of Wisdom

Betty  Smith
“Willie tried to enlist in the army and was turned down; whereupon he threw his job, came home, announced that he was a failure, and went to bed. (...) He said he was going to stay in bed and never get up as long as he lived.”
Betty Smith, A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
tags: losers, men

Michael Bassey Johnson
“The worst kind of losers are those who silently scavenge for your past mistakes and present them to the public as latest news.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, The Book of Maxims, Poems and Anecdotes

Jeffrey Fry
“Winners talk about the solutions. Losers talk about the problems.”
Jeffrey Fry, Distilled Thoughts

“Trump is to business what professional wrestling is to sports: part of it, certainly, but also a cartoonish parody of it.”
Maggie Haberman, Confidence Man: The Making of Donald Trump and the Breaking of America

Petra Hermans
“You have nothing to say in my world.”
Petra Hermans
tags: losers

Allene vanOirschot
“Fortitude creates winners and champions that aren't always perfect but perfectly persistent”

Romain Rolland
“[Jean-Christophe’s father] was not a bad man, but a half-good man, which is perhaps worse—weak, without spring, without moral strength, but for the rest, in his own opinion, a good father, a good son, a good husband, a good man—and perhaps he was good, if to be so it is enough to possess an easy kindness, which is quickly touched, and that animal affection by which a man loves his kin as a part of himself. It cannot even be said that he was very egoistic; he had not personality enough for that. He was nothing. They are a terrible thing in life, these people who are nothing. Like a dead weight thrown into the air, they fall, and must fall; and in their fall they drag with them everything that they have.”
Romain Rolland, Jean Christophe

“We live in the society of the capitalist spectacle, mate, the more spectacular the better. Build it and they will come, as that old baseball movie says. We worship the event, the occasion, the unmissable show. We want Super Sunday, the Thriller in Manila, the showdown of the century…the things that bring the highest profits for the capitalist organisers. If you’re not at the event, you’re nobody. Life has passed you by. That’s the tyranny of the spectacle. Yet, if you think about it, the spectacle is the biggest joke of all – because all the people at the event are desperate not to be losers. Who wants to be in a collection of people fleeing from fear of failure? Losers and the spectacle go together, the winners performing and the losers watching. The spectacle is how losers numb the pain, how they crave to be part of something, on the winning side for once. The LLN have decided to harness the society of the spectacle too, but not the capitalist version where small groups perform to large groups and get paid a fortune. Instead, the LLN offer the spectacle of life. And Revolution is the greatest spectacle of all.”
Mike Hockney, The Last Bling King

Michael Bassey Johnson
“You think you are a loser just because you haven’t yet won. When you start winning, you will realize that your insinuations were just a figment of your imagination.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions

Pushpa Rana
“Winning is irreplaceable winners are.”
Pushpa Rana, Just the Way I Feel

Kiese Laymon
“It was actually a museum. At least that's what the sign said. It read, "The Lerthon Coldson Civil Rights Museum." It made me kind of mad that the museum was named after a grimy drunk dude who called a girl "baby," but I figured lots of museums were named for part-time losers.”
Kiese Laymon, Long Division

Nils Christie
“We have torn down the worst slums. The natural meeting-points for the lumpenproletariat have been eliminated, converted into pleasant, dull, clean blocks for dull, clean, adapted families. In the absence of ghettos for the losers, they gather around the centres of pride. If Harlem and its equivalents did not exist, they would gather outside the Rockefeller Center.”
Nils Christie, Limits to Pain: The Role of Punishment in Penal Policy

Awdhesh Singh
“We talk against corruption when we are powerless since we are the losers in the deal but we quickly change colour when we have power.”
Awdhesh Singh, Myths are Real, Reality is a Myth

Peter Høeg
“I like him. I have a weakness for losers. Invalids, foreigners, the fat boy of the class, the ones nobody ever wants to dance with. My heart beats for them. Maybe because I've always known that in some way I will forever be one of them.”
Peter Hoeg
tags: losers

Claudio Magris
“The honeyed sweetness of Mengele, of his words and of his smile, which he hoped would endow him with some resemblance to the Angel of Death, is the genuine, imbecile expression of every kind of fascination with evil; it is the expression featured in every demi-culture that expects the shoddy junk of the shadows to make amends for its own paltriness. The prohibited act, often as trite as throwing rubbish out of the window, is no less obtuse just because it torments or tortures. The Gorgon, said Joseph Roth about Nazism, is banal. Mengele's victims are characters in a tragedy, but Mengele himself is a figure in a farrago of gibberish.”
Claudio Magris, Danube: A Sentimental Journey from the Source to the Black Sea

“Beggars can't be choosers but they can't be loosers either....”
Ankala Subbarao

“Losers believe in imagining success with an excuse of perfectionism but the elite performers believe in taking action and experiencing failure because the core foundation to achieve massive success is action.”
Dhiraj Kumar Raj, Attracting A Specific Person: How to Use the Law of Attraction to Manifest a Specific Person, Get Back Your Ex and Manifest a Vibrant Relationship.

“I took her to a place called Malone's, which was a hole in the wall that served beer, a few kinds of pub food, and not much else. It sucked, but it was on the outskirts of town and it was frequented by losers. I knew we wouldn't see anyone we knew. I also knew that it would be open, because just like me, the losers would have nowhere else to go.”
Julie Kriss, Make Me Beg

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Except the folk of losers mock God’s saints, those who lost themselves and they don't feel.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Michael Bassey Johnson
“A majority of students who scored an A in CLASS are now struggling to score a D in LIFE.”
Michael Bassey Johnson, Before You Doubt Yourself: Pep Talks and other Crucial Discussions

“I know that history is supposed to be written by the winners, but it seems to me that is not a good approach. Take the Bible. It’s the first history, but it’s actually told by the losers, since in the end the Israelites are expelled from their own land and they have to go to Babylon, as in, by the rivers of Babylon we sat down and wept (psalm whatever), and I think it’s because they’re so weepy that the writing is so good. Take the story of David. The way poor King Saul gets written about, it’s like he’s an idiot and a maniac, because you think, well, it was written by David’s guys. But by the end, David looks more like the idiot and maniac, even though he’s supposed to be the hero. Point: there comes a time in everyone’s life when only the truth will do, and you have to look reality square in the eyes. This is one of those times. Also, when you look into the past, you see the future. This is physics.”
Michael Lavigne, The Wanting

“Maybe we just need to accept our mortality...or die.”
The Cult Of Bobism, Love Of The Nonwinners


Hindi translation - हारने वाले वह होते हैं जो हार मान लेते हैं और जो हार नहीं मानते वह कभी हारते नहीं।”

“Emotional intelligence understands the art and skill of authoritative argument before a judicial expert; as courtroom sessions communicate and operate with this case argument winner and loser method where the losers usually pay in a painful $ way!”
Dr. Tracey Bond