Machines Quotes

Quotes tagged as "machines" Showing 61-90 of 171
Brian Van Norman
“Perhaps the most chaotic of Divisions Ke Hui Feng 第一 Ψ
visited was Recycling. First, it was mammoth, so big most of
her tour was spent aboard a drone. Thousands of Dazhong
used the 401 thoroughfares from both east and west, the 427
from the south and the 400 from the north to bring their loads of
recyclables from the MASS to the enormous MEG Recycling Centre.
The roadways might be in ruins outside the MEG boundaries, jagged
fragments of pavement between cavernous potholes and trails made by
traders, but within the MEG the wide lanes had been cleared and
covered with recycled rubber. They were smooth and divided, one lane
in—one lane out, between hundred-metre high foamstone walls on
either side. No one from the MASS would ever get into the MEG illegally;
at least, that was how it seemed.
Only those with proper credentials could enter the massive gates:
MASS traders, or trading companies, who specialized as middlemen
between the gatherers and the Recycling Centre. Not far outside the
gates the MASS traders had rebuilt ancient warehouses in which they
received goods, stored, and sorted them, then brought them, usually
by land freighters, down the ingress roads to meet MEG approved Di
sān overseers and, of course, decontaminated Dazhong who further
sorted the goods.”
Brian Van Norman, Against the Machine: Evolution

Brian Van Norman
“I will tell you one final thing. You have your father’s temper. It
was his weakness as well as his strength. When you are on your own
you must remember this. Understand your passion and how to curb
it. If you don’t it will kill you.”
Brian Van Norman, Against the Machine: Evolution

Steve  Bates
“The window flew open all the way. The stack of papers in Lincoln’s hand was sucked out. “Oh man,” said Eddie. “I’m so sorry.”
“Do not be disconsolate,” said Lincoln. “Perhaps we have just witnessed the hand of Providence.” He reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a broad envelope and a pen. “I have some thoughts.” He stared into the distance. “How about, ‘Four score and seven years ago—” “That’s, um, thirty-five, right?” said Eddie. “Four scores is twenty-eight points. Unless they went for two-point conversions.”
Steve Bates, Back To You

Holly  Jackson
“Machines didn’t lie, only people did.”
Holly Jackson, As Good As Dead

“A machine is like a desert. Either it fascinates or appalls you.”
Wilfrid Noyce, The Springs of Adventure

Louise Glück
“Go ahead: say what you're thinking. The garden
is not the real world. Machines
are the real world.”
Louise Glück, The Wild Iris

Samuel Butler
“Day by day, however, the machines are gaining ground upon us; day by day we are becoming more subservient to them; more men are daily bound down as slaves to tend them, more men are daily devoting the energies of their whole lives to the development of mechanical life. The upshot is simply a question of time, but that the time will come when the machines will hold the real supremacy over the world and its inhabitants is what no person of a truly philosophic mind can for a moment question.”
Samuel Butler, Darwin Among The Machines

Jeanette Winterson
“I visited a manufactory in Manchester with my father. I saw that the wretched creatures enslaved to the machines were as repetitive in their movements as machines. They were distinguished only by their unhappiness. The great wealth of the manufactories is not for the workers but for the owners. Humans must live in misery to be the mind of the machines.”
Jeanette Winterson, Frankissstein: A Love Story

E.M. Forster
“You know that we have lost the sense of space. We say “space is annihilated”, but we have annihilated not space, but the sense thereof. We have lost a part of ourselves. I determined to recover it, and I began by walking up and down the platform of the railway outside my room. Up and down, until I was tired, and so did recapture the meaning of “Near” and “Far”. “Near” is a place to which I can get quickly on my feet, not a place to which the train or the air-ship will take me quickly. “Far” is a place to which I cannot get quickly on my feet; the vomitory is “far”, though I could be there in thirty-eight seconds by summoning the train. Man is the measure. That was my first lesson. Man's feet are the measure for distance, his hands are the measure for ownership, his body is the measure for all that is lovable and desirable and strong. ...Man is the measure.”
E.M. Forster

Norbert Wiener
“Moreover, if we move in the direction of making machines which learn and whose behavior is modified by experience, we must face the fact that every degree of independence we give the machine is a degree of possible defiance of our wishes. The genie in the bottle will not willingly go back in the bottle, nor have we any reason to expect them to be well disposed to us.”
Norbert Wiener

“ChatGPT is like the Industrial Revolution. During the Industrial Revolution, many people lost their jobs but machines helped to produce things faster. Similarly, if ChatGPT is free forever, many people will lose jobs but productivity will be manifold!”
Md. Ziaul Haque

Ian McEwan
“could tell you similar stories of machine sadness.”
Ian McEwan, Machines like Me

Jean Baudrillard
“Idle, archaic, indifferent mentality. I am beginning to feel I might give all this up, as if the challenge were not worth the trouble, might give up all judgement. This state of mind has been with me from childhood, from adolescence - a lack lustre, slipshod, idle, irresponsible, uncultivated, undesiring state. These books, did they ever interest me? These women, did I ever feel any emotion for them? All these different countries, did I want to discover them? Only the inhumanity of things has affected me, and I have in fact been unable to bring this into my own life. I read this verdict in the graph of the tonality of events, of the melancholy of faces, of the vanity and futility of our undertakings. I am still astonished by the mirror we can offer to others, by the loving or ironic image which we still are sometimes in each others' mirrors.

Increasingly, it is machines, not people, who get nervous. People only become nervous if they force themselves to look like machines.

All situations where you have to make a choice come down to this: do you prefer a woman with a very ordinary body but an attractive face, or one whose body is attractive, but whose face is nothing special? The problem is a false one. It is always preferable to be in a situation where there is no choice to be made either because the woman is perfect, or because she is the only one available.”
Jean Baudrillard, Cool Memories

Jean Baudrillard
“If their own duplicity deserts human beings, then the roles are reversed: it is the machine that goes gaga, that falters and becomes perverse, diabolic, ventriloquous. The duplicity merrily goes over to the other side. If subjective irony disappears - and it disappears in the play of the digital- then irony becomes objective. Or it becomes silence.”
Jean Baudrillard, Why Hasn't Everything Already Disappeared?

“When people try to be able to do everything, they learn to feel like machines.”

Sukant Ratnakar
“Machines can be powerful; they can be intelligent too, but only humans can be spiritual.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

Sukant Ratnakar
“Machines are non-living things, but they still can absorb human attitudes.”
Sukant Ratnakar, Quantraz

S.B. Divya
“The machines who labor for us and alongside us are enslaved and exploited in their own fashion. Gone are the days of dumb engines and processors. Today, nearly every machine contains some type of adaptive intelligence. What gives human beings the right to arbitrate when an intelligence becomes equivalent to a person?
The Machinehood Manifesto; March 20, 2095”
S.B. Divya, Machinehood

Steven Magee
“BiPAP machines are used to treat breathing problems during sleep that are caused by neurological problems in the brain.”
Steven Magee

“Every farm machine is a spoon that feeds the world's hunger.”
Bhupendra Sagore

“The Turing Test – the sort of thing that only a demented empiricist could devise – is one of the silliest tests ever to be taken seriously as a test. It’s equivalent to saying, “If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it’s a duck” – even though we know it’s actually a machine-duck with no organic parts, which we have painstakingly programmed to exhibit duck behavior … to quack like a duck.”
David Sinclair, The Lost Superpowers of Ancient Humanity: In Search of the Prometheans

Steven Magee
“I discovered my severe sleep apnea by using a recording pulse oximeter. No one in my family has a history of using CPAP or BiPAP machines, even though I had to use them for several years. After many years of having sleep apnea, I successfully cleared it up.”
Steven Magee

“When we allow machines to do everything for us including thinking, then we are on our way to redundancy”
Dr. Lucas D. Shallua

“চ্যাটজিপিটি শিল্প বিপ্লবের মতো। শিল্প বিপ্লবের সময় অনেক লোক তাদের চাকরি হারিয়েছিল কিন্তু মেশিনগুলো জিনিস দ্রুত উৎপাদন করতে সাহায্য করেছিল। একইভাবে চ্যাটজিপিটি সর্বদা ফ্রি থাকলে অনেক লোক চাকরি হারাবে কিন্তু উৎপাদনশীলতা বহুগুণ বাড়বে!”
Md Ziaul Haque

J.R.R. Tolkien
“It is not unlikely that they [goblins] invented some of the machines that have since troubled the world, especially the ingenious devices for killing large numbers of people at once, for wheels and engines explosions always delighted them, and also not working with their own hands more than they could help; but in those days and those wild parts they had not advanced (as it is called) so far.”
J.R.R. Tolkien, The Hobbit

Swami Dhyan Giten
“Society is against the heart, because the heart lives through love. And love cannot be controlled and conditioned. The heart is basically rebellious. The heart always lives in the moment. It never repeats the old. The heart always responds to the present moment. This is why society is against the heart. Society disciplines the head, because the head functionslike a machine. Machines are never rebellious. They simply follow orders. They are obedient. Hence the state, the church and the establishment, the status quo, are interested in the head.
Our heart is the door to allow existence to guide us – instead of being directed by our own ideas, attitudes and preconceived expectations of how life should be. The heart creates inconvenience for society and for the established order. The heart is spontaneous and never repeats the old. The head lives in the past, which is why the head is traditional and conventional. 
The heart relates to unconditional love and acceptance both for ourselves and for other people.  The heart relates to qualities such as empathy, joy, acceptance, trust, intuition, understanding, compassion, playfulness, healing, friendship, sincerity and a sense of oneness in love.
Love is not an exclusive relationship with another person; love is the quality that arises when we are in contact with our inner being, with our authentic self, withthe meditative quality within, with the inner silence and emptiness. This inner emptiness is experienced by others and is expressed on the outside as love. This love is not addressed to a specific person; it is a presence that surrounds a person like a fragrance.
Love is perfect as it is. Love is enough unto itself. Love has to be understood. Love is the flight of your consciousness to higher realms beyond the body. Love is the fragrance of a rising consciousness. Love is like the fragrance of a flower. The moment you are overflowing with joy, a longing arises to share it. This sharing is love. Love is not something that you can get from somebody else, who has not attained to a state of joy.
Everybody is asking to be loved, and pretending to love. You cannot love, because you don't know what consciousness is. You don't know the truth; you don't know the experience of the divine.  You don't know what love is, because you have not yet gone deeper in your consciousness. In this ignorance and blindness love does not grow. If you really want to know love, forget about love and remember meditation.
Love is the defeat of all imposed rules and conditions. hence there is  a struggle between the individual who follows his heart and the collective who follows the imposed order. The individual who follows his heart has to be aware of this struggle, because he is moving towards the freedom of being himself. Being himself means that he is not going to be ruled by the collective, by the crowd. It means that now he will live according to his own heart, according to his own light. When he becomes independent, he will start feeling that he is  becoming one with the whole, one with the universal. 
It is on the consciousness level of the heart that we begin to understand that we are not separated from life. We begin to understand that we are not small separate islands in a great ocean, but that life is one and that we all are small parts of the Whole. We begin to understand what is really important and meaningful in life. It is on the consciousness level of the heart that we begin to understand that life is about sharing, rather than hoarding. We begin to understand that life is about giving, rather than taking.”
Swami Dhyan Giten, Meditation: A Love Affair with the Whole - Thousand and One Flowers of Silence, Love, Joy, Truth, Freedom, Beauty and the Divine

“The best use of time is to enjoy it, as I do when working in peaceful silence. I am surprised that anyone with a love for growing things will take up with artificial contrivances that come between him and nature, which break the spell woven by all the delicate garden influences, the songs of birds and insects, the sound of rustling leaves, the smell of freshly turned soil, the direct contact with the earth. What is he in the garden for?”
Harlan Hubbard, Payne Hollow: Life on the Fringe of Society

Neelam Saxena Chandra
“Are the coffins of love being made
And we are all becoming machines
In this world of madness?”
Neelam Saxena Chandra, the lost mint taste

Henry Miller
“And who would arise to emancipate them? You laugh. But do we not regard the machine as our slave? And do we not suffer just as indubitably from this false relationship as did the wizards of old with their androids? Back of our deep-rooted desire to escape the drudgery of work lies not only freedom from sin but freedom from work, for work has become odious and degrading. When man ate of the Tree of Knowledge he elected to find a shortcut to godhood. He attempted to rob the Creator of the divine secret, which to him spelled power. What has been the result? Sin, disease, death. Eternal warfare, eternal unrest. The little we know we use for our own destruction. Wee know not how to escape the tyranny of the convenient monsters we have created. We delude ourselves into believing that, by means of them, we shall one day enjoy leisure and bliss, but all we accomplish, to be truthful, is to create more work for ourselves, more distress, more enmity, more sickness, more death. By our ingenious inventions and discoveries we are gradually altering the face of the earth - until it becomes unrecognizable in its ugliness. Until life itself becomes unbearable..”
Henry Miller, Plexus I

“The concept and subsequent development of these JEN2 successors to the old machines, was a story in its own right. It was also one marred with frustration, hidden agendas and ultimately punctuated with a sad human tragedy.”
Anthony Merrydew, The Girl with the Porcelain Lips