Manifestation Quotes

Quotes tagged as "manifestation" Showing 511-540 of 570
SupaNova Slom
“Don't let sickness, depression, and disease THUG YOU OUT. Eat healthier, think healthier, speak healthier, and more positively over your life. When you do so, you will soon begin to conquer your life and your health through new found empowerment- mind, body, and spirit.”
SupaNova Slom

Hope Bradford
“The universe will bring people whatever they want…Let the magic happen. It’s always there. Abundance and love are always there. Believe in the highest good. There is a higher essence to everything. The realm you’re in has a heaviness that mutes energy. You can penetrate through it, no matter how dark and heavy. Sometimes it has nothing to do with karma. Just don’t forget to keep it open. Don’t get too bogged down…Prosperity can happen at any time. I want to give you everything that you need.-Kuan Yin”
Hope Bradford, Beneficial Law of Attraction: the Manifestation Teachings

T.F. Hodge
“Keep at it. Persistence does pay dividends. But there is a catch; you gotta believe it before manifestation will validate conviction as [your] truth. And sacrifice is a required path to fulfillment.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

David Spangler
“Manifestation is an act of trust. It is the soul pouring itself out into its world, like a fisherman casting a net to gather in the fish he seeks; with each cast properly made, we will bring what we need to us, but first we must hurl ourselves into the depths without knowing just what lies beneath us.”
David Spangler

Thomas Vazhakunnathu
“Spirit does not belong to any particular religion because It has nothing to do with any religion and humanity cannot claim any exclusivity to It because we and our planet is nothing but a drop in the ocean of this endless Universe.”
Thomas Vazhakunnathu, God Does Not Roll Dice

Gabriel Brunsdon
“Symbology and ritual, at best, can only mimic the Truth ... and cannot, and never has had, any mastery over the manifestations of Divinity.”
Gabriel Brunsdon

Thomas Henry Huxley
“Very few, even among those who have taken the keenest interest in the progress of the revolution in natural knowledge set afoot by the publication of the 'Origin of Species'; and who have watched, not without astonishment, the rapid and complete change which has been effected both inside and outside the boundaries of the scientific world in the attitude of men's minds towards the doctrines which are expounded in that great work, can have been prepared for the extraordinary manifestation of affectionate regard for the man, and of profound reverence for the philosopher, which followed the announcement, on Thursday last, of the death of Mr Darwin.”
Thomas Henry Huxley, Collected Essays of Thomas Henry Huxley

Franco Santoro
“The best time to finally be and do what you want could be the worst time to be and do what you want. So if now is the worst time for you, this may be your best chance.”
Franco Santoro

T.F. Hodge
“Being thankful for and celebrating what is attracts more of what can and will be.”
T.F. Hodge, From Within I Rise: Spiritual Triumph over Death and Conscious Encounters With the Divine Presence

Stephen Richards
“Reality is a projection of your thoughts or the things you habitually think about. Your entire life and everything in it is a result of your belief system coupled with your thoughts. The feelings and emotions you have cement this in your mind, and the illusion of all of this combined is what you see as your reality on a moment-to-moment and day-to-day basis.”
Stephen Richards, How to Get Everything You Can Imagine: Volume 1: How Mind Power Works

Bryant McGill
“The life you want is a manifestation of self-realization.”
Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life

Orna Ross
“How you do money is how you do life.”
Orna Ross

Hope Bradford
“Kuan Yin speaks on The Law of Prosperity and Abundance: “Continue down the path that makes you feel fulfilled. Those who continue on an unrewarding path for the sake of only monetary gain are displaying a lack of trust in life. Continuing in such a mistrustful way will only bring impoverishment. Following one’s heart, continuing on one’s divine path can bring abundance.”
Hope Bradford, Beneficial Law of Attraction: the Manifestation Teachings

Sereda Aleta Dailey
“Getting unstuck is a matter of choice. If you want flourish in life make a choice today to move into that reality. You can do it.”
Sereda Aleta Dailey, Stress Relief for Your Body & Mind

Ashim Shanker
“Naturally there was the notion of private property as a pragmatic concept, for individuals or groups have a proclivity to tend to their own possessions with greater care and reverence than they would to common such cases, the notion of ownership would underscore a relationship existing between distinct people, rather than a legal association between a person and that which is said to be possessed, which is to say that ownership was, in its strictest definition, the societal distinction between the owner and the non-owner with respect to the property in question. Beyond this, the concept of ownership varied further from society-to-society according to their respective derivations of natural law, legal positivism and legal realism. Some societies—the indigenous Itako tribes...for example—railed against their governments’ initiatives for private ownership in favor of maintaining equal access to available resources (in the case of the Itako, this was due primarily to the fact that theirs were kin-based tribes whose membership sought to live communally). All the same, even this notion of common possession seemed to me rather arrogant, for the necessitated existence of a public domain was rooted in the shared human dominance over the objects or organisms in question. And so, in my dizzying contemplation, I began to yearn for a greater law that stretched to vast limits beyond that which governed humanity alone. The voice in my mind spoke earnestly of the need for a unifying jurisprudence which could preside over all of Nature’s manifestations in a manner either probabilistically fair or mathematically arbitrary. And perhaps, still, this would not be enough.”
Ashim Shanker, Only the Deplorable

“My thoughts fill the canvas in the sky with a spectrum of emotions. The landscape is painted through my vision. My heart warms the environment with love. The beauty lies in the depths of my soul. I am one with nature.”
Jason Micheal Ratliff

Stephen Richards
“There’s nothing mysterious about Cosmic Ordering, it’s simply a method used to transmute thought into reality.”
Stephen Richards

Kevin Michel
“The subconscious mind is actively maneuvering in the background to select the activities that will move you closest to the reality that is most consistent with your deeper self-concept. So to achieve wealth, power, fame, romance or peace, you must engage in the powerful task of shifting your subconscious.”
Kevin Michel, Subconscious Mind Power

Thomas Vazhakunnathu
“Our Universe is a multidimensional one; every individual life unit consciously functions in a particular vibratory level (dimension or density) but unconsciously/ subconsciously functions in and through all the other levels, and as the awareness increases it moves to the conscious existence of the next immediate level.”
Thomas Vazhakunnathu, God Does Not Roll Dice

Josh Stern
“Never be paralyzed by fear, just by falling off a cliff”
josh stern

Israelmore Ayivor
“Plan and plant your gifts. Pray and play your role. The harvest is assured when God manifests his anointing power in your passionate actions.”
Israelmore Ayivor, The Great Hand Book of Quotes

A.W. Tozer
“The Presence and the manifestation of the Presence are not the same. There can be the one without the other. God is here when we are wholly unaware of it. He is manifest only when and as we are aware of His Presence. On our part there must be surrender to the Spirit of God, for His work it is to show us the Father and the Son. If we co-operate with Him in loving obedience God will manifest Himself to us, and that manifestation will be the difference between a nominal Christian life and a life radiant with the light of His face.”
A.W. Tozer, The Pursuit of God: The Human Thirst for the Divine

Stephen Richards
“Some people believe they are lucky, and in their belief, become so. Others believe that when good things come to them, it was mere chance, but are grateful, just the same. Either way, it is the expectation of those good things that sets the process of mind power in motion.”
Stephen Richards, How to Get Everything You Can Imagine: Volume 1: How Mind Power Works

Stephen Richards
“Only through a steady mind and constant faith can your desires manifest.”
Stephen Richards

Stephen Richards
“There is one difference between mind power and prayer, however, in that subscription to a specific religion, if at all, is not required.”
Stephen Richards, How to Get Everything You Can Imagine: Volume 1: How Mind Power Works

Stephen Richards
“If you believe that that the one opportunity you missed is the last one you’ll ever get, then that is exactly what will happen: no more opportunities ever.”
Stephen Richards, How to Get Everything You Can Imagine: Volume 1: How Mind Power Works

Bryant McGill
“As a powerful creator, your potential success only awaits the genesis of thought.”
Bryant McGill, Simple Reminders: Inspiration for Living Your Best Life