Mind Quotes

Quotes tagged as "mind" Showing 2,971-3,000 of 5,665
Amit Ray
“Inside mind there are two parts: the controlling mind (ego), and the relaxed but aware mind (self). The controlling mind is the overthinking mind. It is the ego. It tries too much and has many doubts and conflicts. It overthinks and overdoes. It is full with excessive possessiveness and attachments. On the other-hand, the relaxed but aware mind has the natural ability to face and overcome the problems of life with awareness and efficiency.”
Amit Ray, Mindfulness Meditation for Corporate Leadership and Management

Denis Johnson
“The lid, however, wouldn't shut. The mind held back the whole sky.”
Denis Johnson, The Largesse of the Sea Maiden

Mehmet Murat ildan
“When you wander in an empty silent street, you wander within the mind of wisdom!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“As long as the sun does not set in your mind, darkness will be nothing but a weak shadow in your life!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Rachel Kadish
“Men, perhaps, might nourish both heart and mind, but for a woman there could be no such luxury... How readily the rules of female behavior--gentleness, acquiescence, ever-mindfulness--turn to shackles.

So, she thought, there must be declared a new kind of virtue: one that made the throwing off of such rules, and even such deceit as this required, praiseworthy.”
Rachel Kadish, The Weight of Ink

Rachel Hartman
“When the rest of the mind has fled, sometimes there’s music left.”
Rachel Hartman, Tess of the Road

Mehmet Murat ildan
“Your mind is your light. If your mind is cloudy, how can you illuminate your life?”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Ron Baratono
“Staying on the kinder side of a situation even in our minds is a much calmer place.”
Ron Baratono

Pragya Tiwari
“All this accumulation makes our life complicated. Life is simple. Loving is even simpler. We create definitions. We create worlds in our fickle mind.
Just drop it. Just Forgo. Let go.
Without any effort, life will be simple and loving even simpler.”
Pragya Tiwari, Outlet from Loneliness

Mokokoma Mokhonoana
“Most people use their minds to solve problems way less often than they use their minds to create problems.”
Mokokoma Mokhonoana

“The world we are trying to transcend is not the physical world of air, sunlight, and ocean. After all, that world, even with all of its problems, is an amazingly beautiful world. Our problem is with the world that mind has constructed. Can we see that there is a mental world that we have created somewhere in our consciousness? It is a mind-created world that we have been living in forever. When we open our eyes, we see the outer world. We can walk outside near the ocean for just ten or twenty minutes and we see a beautiful world with sand, rocks, waves; the ocean is singing a song. It is a beautiful world. There is nothing wrong with that world. It is perfect, sacred in itself.

The world that we must transcend is the world that mind has constructed. That world has lots of problems, lots of drama, lots of stories, and lots of suffering. It's a forever spinning wheel of painfulness, agony, and so forth.”
Anam Thubten, The Magic of Awareness

Elmar Hussein
“Given the scientific investigation, the only causal machine in human existence, in the ultimate end, is the brain, which seems to be mainly out of control: The sensation, perception and imagination of the external world are automatically determined by the interpretation of input signals receiving through sense organs; making a choice and decision are automatically realized on the base of this interpretation, which, In later period, regulate the behavior patterns in a social environment. The only causal and interpretation machine, as described above, the brain is thought to be automatically shaped by various external factors, such as genetic programming that determines the design of a brain – various proportions among the various circuits in such a way that if your brain devotes more space for aggression and anxiety centre, for example, then it is very high probability that you are a ‘wild beast’ inside. As you cannot pick out your brain when you are born, because at least the genetic inheritance is out of your control, it is nearly impossible for you to avoid the very fact that your internal world is so. Maybe, your inner wildness doesn’t reveal itself in the everyday world, but it doesn’t necessarily mean that you have conscious control over it. Because of being hidden mainly in your unconsciousness, even your conscious mind can be unaware of the very fact of its existence. From scientific perspective, it can be stated, in this case, that the censor system of your brain is quite active to make sufficiently well-considered selection among desires that unintentionally emerge in aggression and anxiety circuits, and to hide most of them, which involve an extreme violence and destruction, in hidden consciousness in order to protect the ‘perfect’ image of your personality in social system, or simply to avoid to be punished on the grounds of these implausible, unfavorable desires in that system. If this is so, where is your freedom – free choice? Doesn’t it seem that the naked truth is that your brain, instead of you, makes a choice, decides, controls, regulates of almost everything in your life, leaving for you a room for being just a ‘perfect’ bio-social robot that lives in his or her illusion of free will?”
Elmar Hussein

Rita Levi-Montalcini
“The body does whatever it wants. I am not my body; I am my mind.”
Rita Levi-Montalcini
tags: body, mind

Iris Murdoch
“I tried to think these thoughts but they remained intolerably abstract, while a pain in my body told me what was real.”
Iris Murdoch, A Severed Head

Munia Khan
“Sorry for being stuck in the traffic
of my mind's stressful road
The world seems very pornographic
I can’t carry the load”
Munia Khan

“My only enemy, was my own mind.”
Greg Dutilly, Many Roads

Nitya Prakash
“Mind forgets but the heart remembers the things you are trying to forget.”
Nitya Prakash

“We blame heart for the misdeeds our mind plotted”
Mustafa Khan

Munia Khan
“Cancer is never a lethal disease
If your strength of mind wants it to freeze
Death will arrive, but it loves to wait
When living in hope is never too late”
Munia Khan

Rachel Kadish
“The mind was only an apparatus within the mechanism of the body--and it took little more than a fever to jostle a cog, so that the gear of thought could no longer turn. Philosophy could be severed from life. Blood overmastered ink. And every thin breath she drew told her which ruled her.”
Rachel Kadish, The Weight of Ink

Ron Baratono
“Buried deep within each of us is a question we’ve come to understand. The truth is we’re just not strong enough to act on it right now, but understanding what the question is that’s half the battle. Living without denial allows for freedom of the heart and mind.”
Ron Baratono

Claudia Pavel
“In the back of your hypnotic mind
Hidden behind your fears
Lost between your dreams

Bewitched by the scent of your soul
Lured in the ash of your fate

Hanged in the delirium of your whispers
Graced by your immortal beauty within

Agonized in your chaotic universe
Vanished in your far away sights

Deceived in your fanatical passion
Injured by the perfection of your brain

Denuded of fears in front of your judging
Kidnapped by your timeless appearance...to the end of love

(fragments from I'll be there, chapter Passion)”
Claudia Pavel, The odyssey of my lost thoughts

Mehmet Murat ildan
“According to your mind you may consider yourself as real but may be you are just an unreachable dream in someone else’s mind!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Mehmet Murat ildan
“If the reflection is beautiful, we can be sure that the reflected is beautiful! If someone’s character is beautiful, we can be sure that his mind is beautiful!”
Mehmet Murat ildan

Jacqueline Edgington
“He felt your eyes reading these words on this page, trying to fathom out his story. He knew deep down that only he could live his story, not you. Your eyes looking into his dream have their own story. Your story that only you can truly experience because it’s seen with your eyes and told with your voice.”
Jacqueline Edgington, Happy Jack

Elmar Hussein
“The most dangerous mind is always hidden under a sincere smile.”
Elmar Hussein

Munia Khan
“I conquer my existence to find you
By defeating my mind to remind you
That my lonely life’s pledge is to bind you
With my blue heart tightly tied behind you
To follow, to embrace and to give you
All my love, pain, desire just to heave you

From the poem: Pledge”
Munia Khan, To Evince the Blue

Munia Khan
“Incomparable wound weeps through a parable
Barrenness I bear into the unbearable
I read the pale sadness from the unreadable
My mind starts breeding from the bare unbreedable”
Munia Khan, To Evince the Blue

Joel Annesley
“Chaos of the mind is inevitable but control is possible.”
JOEL ANNESLEY, Quiet Confidence: Breaking Up With Shyness

Nitya Prakash
“People get irritated when you worry and care too much, but the minute you stop caring they change their minds.”
Nitya Prakash, Letters to Mira!

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