Night Quotes

Quotes tagged as "night" Showing 1,561-1,590 of 1,591
H. Rider Haggard
“The moon went slowly down in loveliness; she departed into the depth of the horizon, and long veil-like shadows crept up the sky through which the stars appeared. Soon, however, they too began to pale before a splendour in the east, and the advent of the dawn declared itself in the newborn blue of heaven. Quieter and yet more quiet grew the sea, quiet as the soft mist that brooded on her bosom, and covered up her troubling, as in our tempestuous life the transitory wreaths of sleep brook upon a pain-racked soul, causing it to forget its sorrow. From the east to the west sped those angels of the Dawn, from sea to sea, from mountain-top to mountain-top, scattering light from breast and wing. On they sped out of the darkness, perfect, glorious; on, over the quiet sea, over the low coast-line, and the swamps beyond, and the mountains above them; over those who slept in peace and those who woke in sorrow; over the evil and the good; over the living and the dead; over the wide world and all that breathes or as breathed thereon.”
H. Rider Haggard, She: A History of Adventure

Stephen         King
“Black as night and as beautiful as forever.”
Stephen King, Everything's Eventual

Roman Payne
“We look up to see if it is day or night. If stars burn cool and moon does shine, we take to smoke divine and wine.
If breath of sun does belch its heat,
we boil coffee and prepare to eat.”
Roman Payne

James Patterson
“He rolled his eyes and took my hand. His hand was hard and calloused, tough with muscle and old scars.
The night settled around us like a blanket. I could hear the water lapping against the dock. We were totally alone.
“You’re . . . ,” he began, and I waited, heart throbbing in my throat. “Such a pain,” he concluded.
“What?” I asked, just as his head swooped in and his mouth touched mine. I tried to speak, but one of
Fang’s hands held the back of my head, and he kept his lips pressed against me, kissing me softly but with a Fanglike determination.
Oh, jeez, I thought distractedly. Jeez, this is Fang, and me, and . . . Fang tilted his head to kiss me more deeply, and I felt totally lightheaded. Then I remembered to breathe through my nose, and the fog cleared a tiny bit. Somehow we were pressed together, Fang’s arms around me now, sliding under my
wings, his hands flat against my back.
It was incredible. I loved it. I loved him.
It was a total disaster.
Gasping, I pulled back. “I, uh—,” I began oh so coherently, and then I jumped up, almost knocking him
over, and raced down the dock. I took off, flying fast, like a rocket.”
James Patterson, The Final Warning

Enid Blyton
“They lay on their heathery beds and listened to all the sounds of the night. They heard the little grunt of a hedgehog going by. They saw the flicker of bats overhead. They smelt the drifting scent of honeysuckle, and the delicious smell of wild thyme crushed under their bodies. A reed-warbler sang a beautiful little song in the reeds below, and then another answered.”
Enid Blyton, The Secret Island

“I can see lights in the distance trembling in the dark cloak of night
Candles and lanterns are dancing, dancing a waltz on All Souls Night.”
Loreena McKennitt

Michael  Grant
“They said a lot of things to each other that night, but nothing that involved words.”
Michael Grant Fear

Elie Wiesel
“War is like night, she said. It covers everything.”
Elie Wiesel, Dawn

Solange nicole
“I am the eye that beholds... And I am the dreamer that paints the stars in the night sky... For I am the one they call artist, and you call Love.”
Solange nicole

Roman Payne
“I sat up in the strange bed fearing it had been a dream, afraid I would never see her again. Not because I wanted anything from her, only her presence. The disappearance of the presence of beauty is the most despairing of events on this time-wheel of ours that rolls onward towards death.”
Roman Payne, The Basement Trains: A 21st Century Poem

Julia Quinn
“Darling," he said distractedly,"about the moon..."
"I don't think it matters whether you want it or not."
"What are you talking about?"
"The moon. I think it's yours."
Victoria yawned, not bothering to open her eyes. "Fine. i'm glad to have it."
"But--" Robert shook his head. He was growing fanciful. the moon didn't belong to his wife. It didn't follow her, protect her. It certainly didn't wink at anybody.
But he stared out the window the rest of the way home, just in case”
Julia Quinn, Everything and the Moon

Stephen         King
“The sun had burned through and the day had gone from dull to dazzling, yet in the west blask-satin thunderheads continued to stack up. It was as if night has burst a blood-vessel in the sky over there.”
Stephen King, Bag of Bones

Raymond E. Feist
“- Няма друго място като морето, господа. Тези, които цял живот изкарват на сушата, никога няма да го разберат. Морето е първично, понякога е жестоко, друг път - нежно, и никога - предсказуемо.”
Raymond E. Feist, Magician: Master

John Green
“going out late at night and laying in the dewy field and reading a Kurt Vonnegut book by moonlight.”
John Green, Looking for Alaska

Darnell Lamont Walker
“Anyone and anything can survive the daylight. It's night that's the hardest to live.”
Darnell Lamont Walker

Mohsin Hamid
“I push against the tree and run away, stumbling, the unreal night playing with me, gravity pulling from below, behind, above, making me fall. And I run through a world that is rotating, conscious of the earth's spin, of our planet twirling as it careens through nothingness, of the stars spiraling above, of the uncertainty of everything, even ground, even sky. Mumtaz never calls out, although a thousand and one voices scream in my mind, sing, whisper, taunt me with madness.”
Mohsin Hamid, Moth Smoke

Jack Kerouac
“And at night the river flows, it bears pale stars on the holy water, some sink like veils, some show like fish, the great moon that once was rose now high like a blazing milk flails its white reflection vertical and deep in the dark surgey mass wall river's grinding bed push. As in a sad dream, under the streetlamp, by pocky unpaved holes in dirt, the father James Cassidy comes home with lunchpail and lantern, limping, redfaced, and turns in for supper and sleep.

Now a door slams. The kids have rushed out for the last play, the mothers are planning and slamming in kitchens, you can hear it out in swish leaf orchards, on popcorn swings, in the million-foliaged sweet wafted night of sighs, songs, shushes. A thousand things up and down the street, deep, lovely, dangerous, aureating, breathing, throbbing like stars; a whistle, a faint yell; the flow of Lowell over rooftops beyond; the bark on the river, the wild goose of the night yakking, ducking in the sand and sparkle; the ululating lap and purl and lovely mystery on the shore, dark, always dark the river's cunning unseen lips, murmuring kisses, eating night, stealing sand, sneaky.

'Mag-gie!' the kids are calling under the railroad bridge where they've been swimming. The freight train still rumbles over a hundred cars long, the engine threw the flare on little white bathers, little Picasso horses of the night as dense and tragic in the gloom comes my soul looking for what was there that disappeared and left, lost, down a path--the gloom of love. Maggie, the girl I loved.”
Jack Kerouac, Maggie Cassidy

Paul Hoffman
“I have a message for your daughter,” said Cale. “I am bound to her with cables that not even God can break. One day, if there is a soft breeze on her cheek, it may be my breath; one night, if the cool wind plays with her hair, it may be my shadow passing by.”
And with this terrible threat he faced forward and the procession started once more. In less than a minute they were gone. In her shady room Arbell Swan-Neck stood white and cold as alabaster.”
Paul Hoffman, The Left Hand of God

Skip Coryell
“It’s not easy to kill; it’s not supposed to be. If it is, then there’s something wrong with you. But sometimes good people have to do unpleasant things just so we can come home at night to our kids.”
Skip Coryell, Stalking Natalie

Steven Herrick
“It was a good apple too. A good apple, picked by a madman on a full moon night.”
Steven Herrick, A Place Like This

J.M.G. Le Clézio
“La nuit, tout sent bon", disait Mondo.
"C'est parce qu'on ne voit pas", disait Thi Chin.
"on sent mieux, et on entend mieux quand on ne voit pas".”
J.M.G. Le Clézio, Mondo et autres histoires

Glenda Millard
“Through the night we drove in a tangle of waking and sleeping, nightmares from hell and holy white dreams.”
Glenda Millard, A Small Free Kiss in the Dark

“We think of those nights spent with one or more friends, nights when we merged with the shadows and could see the world with eyes that were not our own.”

Mariecor Ruediger
“Mystique saturates, gluts the air,
Adventure’s even more than rare,
Excitement’s everywhere to share,
And Novelty’s beyond compare.”
Mariecor Ruediger, HOT STUFF: Celebrating Summer's Simmer and Sizzle

Darnell Lamont Walker
“Because when the night gets here, I’ll be the youngest I’ll ever be again, so I will laugh and celebrate relative youth.”
Darnell Lamont Walker

Steven Herrick
“And I feel like a real Dad when I read to her at night. She won't sleep without one story, at least.”
Steven Herrick, A Place Like This

Richard Skelton
“A night of exhilaration, of boredom and terror, in which the merest of sounds took on other forms - grew large in the expanse of darkness. After several hours the sheep gradually stopped calling to each other from accross the river banks, and a brittle quiet descended. I desperately wanted to walk down to the water's edge. To see the black river in the moonlight. But a mixture of reason and fear kept me locked along the safe paths high above.”
richard skelton

Sara Quin
“I hope I never figure out who broke your heart and if I do, if I do. I'd spend all night losing sleep. I'd spend the night and I'd lose my mind. Well I'd spend the night and I'd lose my mind.”
Sara Quin

Scott Westerfeld
“You don't look very happy."
Tally tried to smile. David had shared his biggest secret with her; she should tell him hers. But she wasn't brave enough to say the words. "It's been a long night. That's all."
He smiled back. "Don't worry, it won't last forever.”
Scott Westerfeld

Claire Cross
“Stay home and the crooks win. They get the night, by default and concession, the night which should rightly belong to all of us.”
Claire Cross, Double Trouble