Optimistic Quotes

Quotes tagged as "optimistic" Showing 211-240 of 493
Roy T. Bennett
“Goals are the road maps that guide you to your destination.
Cultivate the habit of setting clearly-defined written goals; they are the road maps that guide you to your destination.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Vera Nazarian
“People who are too optimistic seem annoying. This is an unfortunate misinterpretation of what an optimist really is.

An optimist is neither naive, nor blind to the facts, nor in denial of grim reality. An optimist believes in the optimal usage of all options available, no matter how limited. As such, an optimist always sees the big picture. How else to keep track of all that’s out there? An optimist is simply a proactive realist.

An idealist focuses only on the best aspects of all things (sometimes in detriment to reality); an optimist strives to find an effective solution. A pessimist sees limited or no choices in dark times; an optimist makes choices.

When bobbing for apples, an idealist endlessly reaches for the best apple, a pessimist settles for the first one within reach, while an optimist drains the barrel, fishes out all the apples and makes pie.

Annoying? Yes. But, oh-so tasty!”
Vera Nazarian, The Perpetual Calendar of Inspiration

Roy T. Bennett
“Maturity is when you stop complaining and making excuses in your life; you realize everything that happens in life is a result of the previous choice you’ve made and start making new choices to change your life.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Stop comparing yourself to others. Always strive to improve yourself to become better today than you were yesterday to serve those around you and the world.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“You need to have faith in yourself. Be brave and take risks. You don't have to have it all figured out to move forward.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Focus on making choices to lead your life that aligns with your core values in the most purposeful way possible.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“The comfort zone is a psychological state in which one feels familiar, safe, at ease, and secure.

If you always do what is easy and choose the path of least resistance, you never step outside your comfort zone. Great things don’t come from comfort zones.”
Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart

Roy T. Bennett
“Accepting personal responsibility for your life frees you from outside influences – increases your self-esteem – boosts confidence in your ability to decisions – and ultimately leads to achieve success in life.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“It is better to find your courage to make changes when you can choose to rather than being forced to. If you do not make change, change will make you.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“When you start giving, instead of getting, you make a difference. You can always give a warm smile, a sincere hello, a positive vibe… your attention, your time, your love, and kindness to those around you.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Be patient and open-minded in your interactions with others; find the positive attributes that they possess.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“The value of surrounding yourself with positive people is not what you get from them, but how good a person you have become because of them.”
Roy T. Bennett

Roy T. Bennett
“Discipline your mind to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event.
Discipline your mind to think positively; to see the good in every situation and look on the best side of every event.”
Roy T. Bennett

Richie Norton
“Every sunset is an opportunity to reset.”
Richie Norton

Heather Anastasiu
“I wanted color. I wanted to soar with happiness even if it meant dealing with the weight of fear and guilt, too. I wanted to live.”
Heather Anastasiu, Glitch

“There are five important things for living a successful and fulfilling life: never stop dreaming, never stop believing, never give up, never stop trying, and never stop learning.”
Roy Bennett

Paulo Coelho
“Who dares, win”
Paulo Coelho

Shubham Shukla
“Success is not just about what you achieve, but also about how you impact others. Be a leader, inspire those around you, and leave a lasting legacy.”
Shubham Shukla, Career's Quest: Proven Strategies for Mastering Success in Your Profession: Networking and Building Professional Relationships