Patterns Quotes

Quotes tagged as "patterns" Showing 121-150 of 172
Jorge Luis Borges
“The library will endure; it is the universe. As for us, everything has not been written; we are not turning into phantoms. We walk the corridors, searching the shelves and rearranging them, looking for lines of meaning amid leagues of cacophony and incoherence, reading the history of the past and our future, collecting our thoughts and collecting the thoughts of others, and every so often glimpsing mirrors, in which we may recognize creatures of the information.”
Jorge Luis Borges, The Library of Babel

Ken Liu
“At this moment, in this place, the shifting action potential in my neurons cascade into certain arrangements, patterns, thoughts; they flow down my spine, branch into my arms, my fingers, until muscles twitch and thought is translated into motion; mechanical levers are pressed; electrons are rearranged; marks are made on paper.

At another time, in another place, light strikes the marks, reflects into a pair of high-precision optical instruments sculpted by nature after billions of years of random mutations; upside-down images are formed against two screens made up of millions of light-sensitive cells, which translate light into electrical pulses that go up the optic nerves, cross the chiasm, down the optic tracts, and into the visual cortex, where the pulses are reassembled into letters, punctuation marks, words, sentences, vehicles, tenors, thoughts.

The entire system seems fragile, preposterous, science fictional.”
Ken Liu, The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories

Munia Khan
“I wonder at the starry pattern in the sky
Are they little pieces of moon which want to fly..?”
Munia Khan

Sebastian Marincolo
“A marijuana high can enhance core human mental abilities. It can help you to focus, to remember, to see new patterns, to imagine, to be creative, to introspect, to empathically understand others, and to come to deep insights. If you don’t find this amazing you have lost your sense of wonder. Which, by the way, is something a high can bring back, too.”
Sebastian Marincolo

Dean Koontz
“Patterns exist in our seemingly patternless lives, and the most common pattern is the circle.”
Dean Koontz, Deeply Odd

Rollo May
“Whereas moral courage is the righting of wrongs, creative courage, in contrast, is the discovering of new forms, new symbols, new patterns on which a new society can be built.”
Rollo May, The Courage to Create

Dean Koontz
“If patterns exist in our seemingly patternless lives — and they do — then the law of harmony insists that the most harmonious of all patterns, circles within circles, will most often assert itself.”
Dean Koontz, Deeply Odd

Kemi Sogunle
“Until you are willing to learn the lessons, pay attention to details, and become patient with yourself, you will keep repeating the same patterns over and over again.”
Kemi Sogunle

Vironika Tugaleva
“When someone is cruel, harsh, mean, to not take their words personally is one thing, but to hear the silent cry within those words is another. This sort of perspective can not only liberate us from crippling self-doubt in the face of criticism, it can also liberate us from automatically becoming blind participants in the interaction patterns that the cruel person has become accustomed to—a favour we do for the other person as much as for ourselves.”
Vironika Tugaleva

Julian Barnes
“Perhaps grief, which destroys all patterns, destroys even more: the belief that any patterns exist. But we cannot, I think, survive without such belief. So each of us must pretend to find, or re-erect, a pattern.”
Julian Barnes

Emily St. John Mandel
“He placed a pinch of snow on his tongue and thought of making snow ice cream with Frank and their mother when they were small boys - 'First you stir in the vanilla' - Frank standing on a stool on his wondrously functional pre-Libya legs, the bullet that would sever his spinal cord still twenty-five years away but already approaching: a woman giving birth to a child who will someday pull the trigger on a gun, a designer sketching the weapon or its precursor, a dictator making a decision that will spark in the fullness of time into the conflagration that Frank will go overseas to cover for Reuters, the pieces of a pattern drifting closer together.”
Emily St. John Mandel, Station Eleven

David Mitchell
“The truth of a myth, your Honor, is not its words but its patterns.”
David Mitchell, The Thousand Autumns of Jacob de Zoet

Catherynne M. Valente
“Listen, everything is possible in here. You can burn every spinning wheel in the kingdom. You can cut your hair before he ever gets the chance to climb up. It is possible to decline the beanstalk. You can let the old witch dance at your wedding, hand out the kind of forgiveness that would wake the dead and sleeping. You can just walk away, get on a horse, and go wake some other maiden from her narrative coffin, if you’re brave, if you’re strong. What do you want? Do you want to escape? Or were you looking for that candy house?”
Catherynne M. Valente, The Bread We Eat in Dreams

Jane Gardam
“For years of our lives the days pass waywardly, featureless, without meaning, without particular happiness or unhappiness. Then, like turning over a tapestry when you have only known the back of it, there is spread the pattern.”
Jane Gardam, Crusoe's Daughter

James Sallis
“Perhaps after all, for all our talk of change, redemption or personal growth, for all our dependence on therapists, religious faith or mood-altering drugs both legal and non, we're doomed simply to go on repeating the same patterns over and over in our lives, dressing them up in different clothes like children at play so we can pretend we don't recognize them when we look into mirrors.”
James Sallis, Moth

Kat Lahr
“Sometimes we get stuck in patterns or reoccurring themes in our lives that require a shocking epiphany to give us the opportunity to see new possibilities and notice the obstacles that keep us from moving on.”
Kat Lahr, Anatomy Of Illumination

Emma Richler
“Everything is connected,' stated Rachel. 'Patterns everywhere.”
Emma Richler, Be My Wolff

Marvela Dawnay
“Never write a book and let it sit on a shelf”
Marvela Dawnay

Deyth Banger
“Killers have Patterns.”
Deyth Banger

Dean Koontz
“ age-old patter that seemed like chaos but was not...”
Dean Koontz, Deeply Odd

Steven Magee
“I have noticed that the solar radiation reflections from rippled privacy windows cause greatly accelerated growth patterns in plants”
Steven Magee, Light Forensics

Philip Zaleski
“Facts seemed to run around and rattle in his head like dried peas, and then suddenly to form a convincing pattern.”
Philip Zaleski, The Fellowship: The Literary Lives of the Inklings: J.R.R. Tolkien, C.S. Lewis, Owen Barfield, Charles Williams

Italo Calvino
“If I love order, it's not the mark of a character subjected to an inner discipline, a repression of the instincts. In me the idea of an absolutely regular world, symmetrical and methodical, is associated with that first impulse and burgeoning of nature.
The rest of your images that associate passion with disorder, love with intemperate overflow - river fire whirlpool volcano - are for me memories of nothingness and listlessness and boredom.”
Italo Calvino, The Complete Cosmicomics

Roger Scruton
“Civilization is always threatened from below, by patterns of belief and emotion that may once have been useful to our ancestors, but that are useful no longer.”
Roger Scruton, The Uses of Pessimism: And the Danger of False Hope

Paul  Lockhart
“So [in mathematics] we get to play and imagine whatever we want and make patterns and ask questions about them. But how do we answer these questions? It’s not at all like science. There’s no experiment I can do ... The only way to get at the truth about our imaginations is to use our imaginations, and that is hard work.”
Paul Lockhart, A Mathematician's Lament: How School Cheats Us Out of Our Most Fascinating and Imaginative Art Form

Roshan Sharma
“Life knows what you want, and gives you exactly the same thing, at the moment. You attract exactly what you want in the moment. You have to remain present in the moment. If you are already lost in yourself, you can never understand the ways of life.”
Roshan Sharma

“New Year’s cards from friends —
colored patterns
of my life”
Mitsu Suzuki, A White Tea Bowl: 100 Haiku from 100 Years of Life

David Vann
“As if each of us might somehow have a blueprint. As if somewhere there's the shape of my life, and I had the chance to choose a few variations, but not far from the pattern.”
David Vann, Aquarium

Christine Feehan
“You said you see patterns,” Lexi said. “What did you mean by that?”
“The day my mother died, I felt the wind on my face and I looked up at the clouds. I could see this amazing pattern forming, always moving, but immediately I knew something was very wrong. It was there, right in front of me. Who sees forecasts of danger or death in clouds?” Airiana pressed her fingers to her eyes. She had the beginnings of a wicked headache.
“You do, obviously,” Lissa said.

-Lexi, Airiana, & Lissa”
Christine Feehan, Air Bound

Emma Richler
“Rachel believes in it, the laws of of pattern formation and how they are universal: whatever she sees, crystallizing, a landscape of fractals, of emergence and symmetry, her world falling happily into shape where he must forge it, a pioneer of industry, sooty and scarred. For Rachel Wolff, quite simply, there are patterns everywhere, she can't help it; she is an illustrator, naturalist, cartographer—and her eye, a kaleidoscope.”
Emma Richler, Be My Wolff