Plot Quotes

Quotes tagged as "plot" Showing 61-90 of 174
S.G. Blaise
“Any other man would have done either of two things by now: they would have tried to run, or they would have begged for mercy. But Loch isn’t just any man.”
S.G. Blaise, The Last Lumenian

E.M. Forster
“What the story does do, all it can do, is to transform us from readers into listeners, to whom 'a' voice speaks, the voice of the tribal narrator, squatting in the middle of the cave, and saying one thing after another until the audience falls asleep among their offal and bones. The story is primitive, it reaches back to the origins of literature, before reading was discovered, and it appeals to what is primitive in us. That is why we are so unreasonable over the stories we like, and so ready to bully those who like something else. Intolerance is the atmosphere stories generate.”
E.M. Forster, Aspects of the Novel

Maria Karvouni
“The greatest monster that there is: fake news media: torture with bullying, psychological warfare, spying and then using truthful misleading to complete their plot. The cheapest job ever.”
Maria Karvouni

Hari Kunzru
“Plot is the artificial reduction of life’s complexity and randomness. It is a way to give aesthetic form to reality.”
Hari Kunzru, Red Pill

Julian Barnes
“Of course, opera has plot – and I was already anticipating all those unknown stories I was about to discover – but its main function is to deliver the characters as swiftly as possible to the point where thet can sing of their deepest emotions. Opera cuts to the chase – as death does. So now, contented indifference before Middlesbrough against Slovan Bratislava coexisted with a craving for an art in which violent, overwhelming, hysterical and destructive emotion was the norme; an art which seeks, more obviously than any other form, to break your heart.”
Julian Barnes, Levels of Life

Iris Murdoch
“I struggled with a nebulous work which seemed now a nouvelle, now a vast novel, wherein a hero not unlike myself pursued, amid ghostly incidents, a series of reflections about life and art.”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

Maria Karvouni
“Yellow journalism should be illegal. They invade the lives of innocent people and evoke inexistent situations with the aim to preserve evil for profit. They can’t find anything and they construct.”
Maria Karvouni

Amit Kalantri
“A great real estate agent don't sells, he helps.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“A good real estate agent sells himself before he sells his services.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“The most profitable investment on the land is land.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“One common factor among all rich people on earth is that they all invest in earth.”
Amit Kalantri

Iris Murdoch
“It was a voyage into the absurd.”
Iris Murdoch, The Black Prince

Brassie Kinson
“A goddess is born and discontentment dies in this relatable tale of self-discovery. Christine Roberts is quickly approaching the “midlife” age bracket and experiencing all the typical rewards and regrets associated with it. Her adult life has followed a traditional path-marriage, career and starting a family. But when the pillars of her identity as a mother and wife begin to crumble, she decides to reinvent herself. This awakening exposes her to new temptations but also reveals new potential. Christine soon encounters an irresistible and married man from her past and together they discover a new realm of sensual pleasure. The thrill of their forbidden relationship becomes erotically addictive and their reckless behavior quickly leads to danger.”
Brassie Kinson

Andrew Sean Greer
“When I was young, all I wanted to read were pretentious little books. Camus and Tournier and Calvino. If it had a plot, I hated it.”
Andrew Sean Greer, Less

Amit Kalantri
“Real estate agents who lies, eventually lose business to real estate agents who tell the truth.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“A great realtor is always in relationship with real estate.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“Real estate is too important, all the battles and wars essentially happened and happens for real estate.”
Amit Kalantri

Amit Kalantri
“A customer oriented realtor not only finds you a good home, he also finds you a good neighborhood.”
Amit Kalantri

“Plot happens outside but story happens inside. Readers won't get the true story, though, unless you put it on the page--both the big meaning in small events, and the overlooked implications of large plot turns.”
Donald Maass, The Emotional Craft of Fiction: How to Write the Story Beneath the Surface

Vincent H. O'Neil
“Here's some advice: If you ever have to kill someone, do it alone. No buddy watching your back, no friend with the getaway car, no one swearing you were with them.”
Vincent H. O'Neil, Crime Capsules: Tales of Death, Desire, and Deception

Duane Hewitt
“Lives are like novels. Plot, character, and tone are all part of the devices we employ: Aim to be a contributor and not a detractor to the story.”
Duane Hewitt

Nancy Thayer
“Real life was like a plot by Dickens . . .”
Nancy Thayer, Surfside Sisters

“The plot twist: us”

Ken Goudsward
“Rule 1: Each scene must advance the plot and the characters, but more importantly, the plot and characters must advance the theme.
Rule 2: Do not be obvious about rule 1.”
Ken Goudsward

Meg McKinlay
“People are always asking that about books: What’s it about? It sounds like a simple question, but it isn’t. You could take all day to answer it if you really wanted to. And if the person asking the question really wanted to hear it.”
Meg McKinlay, Catch a Falling Star

Clarice Lispector
“Do I not have a plot to my life? for I am unexpectedly fragmentary.”
Clarice Lispector

“Abantu abathanda indaba zabantu. Abazithandi bona. Ngoba indaba zabantu soze zikusize ngalutho, futhi soze zilungise impilo yakho.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

Swaraj Bhatia
“Everything in this world is a plot. Even the concept of weekend holidays was created by Ford so that people would have more time to drive cars, resulting in higher sales. Deception disguised as freedom.”
Swaraj Bhatia, Our Days :A Survival Odyssey

Gail Godwin
“There were only a few stories worth telling, which is why they needed to be told over and over again, until everyone recognized them as his own experience.”
Gail Godwin, The Good Husband
tags: plot

Elliot Connor
“A good raconteur never gives away a story's plot at the beginning.”
Elliot Connor, Human Nature: How to be a Better Animal