Risk Quotes

Quotes tagged as "risk" Showing 181-210 of 1,126
Patricia D'Arcy Laughlin
“Spouses and lovers may come and go, but our children are our children forever.”
Patricia D'Arcy Laughlin, Sacrifices Beyond Kingdoms: A Provocative Romance Torn Between Continents and Cultures

“While innovation is essential, it often comes
with inherent risks. The board should carefully assess the risks associated
with different innovation initiatives and ensure that the company's risk tolerance is aligned with its innovation goals.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

“Fortifying the company involves managing supply chain risks to ensure continuity of operations and avoid disruptions.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

“Risk management and cybersecurity have transcended their traditional roles as mere compliance functions and have become fundamental pillars of good corporate governance.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

“Just as a football coach carefully evaluates the situation before calling a blitz, corporate leaders must thoroughly assess potential risks and rewards before embarking on risky ventures.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

“In today's volatile business landscape, characterized by rapid technological advancements, geopolitical uncertainties, and evolving regulatory frameworks, companies must adopt a proactive and holistic approach to risk management and cybersecurity.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

“Without good strategic thinking, one event could be the end for the company. One mistake could invite demise. One unexpected situation in global supply chains, and next thing you know the company is filing for bankruptcy. Before these things ever happen, board members in the boardroom ought to be discussing and planning for how the company would respond if it were to happen.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

“By casting a wide net, board members can gain a more comprehensive understanding of the risk landscape facing their company.”
Hendrith Vanlon Smith Jr., Board Room Blitz: Mastering the Art of Corporate Governance

William Kent Krueger
“Finally, she wrote: The most frightening thing we do in our lives is to love.”
William Kent Krueger, The River We Remember
tags: life, love, risk

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Taking something at face value is assuming that the ‘face’ is not a mask.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

James Joyce
“The important thing is not what we write but how we write, and in my opinion the modern writer must be an adventurer above all, willing to take every risk, and be prepared to founder in his effort if need be. In other words we must write dangerously.

They lived and laughed and loved and left.”
James Joyce

Penelope Douglas
“Avoiding the bad means you risk avoiding the good, too, and I’d rather be hurt than never feel this.”
Penelope Douglas, Credence

Kunal Sen
“ঝুঁকি নাও, পড়ে যাও, উঠে দাঁড়াও, তার পর আবার দে ছুট!
(—মৃণাল সেন)”
Kunal Sen, Bondhu: My Father, My Friend

Frances  Wren
“It's not about doing the right thing. It's about doing the smart thing at the right time.”
Frances Wren, Earthflown

“There is a moment in conversation - and I wish it came more often - when we change gear; it is usually getting late, and somebody takes a risk. Gradually, intimate trust and relaxation have met; perhaps we have had a few glasses of wine ... We lean forward: ‘Here's how I *really* see life’; ‘To be completely honest, this is what I think.’ We have cut loose from complaint , from defence, from the clever display of information. Now it's what we love, what we hold dear; what it is like to be you. In pursuit of romance, this would be the moment when flirtation has succeeded: it is no longer a question of teasing and probing while keeping one eye on the exit. We know we do not need the getaway car any more. One life opens to another life.”
John Armstrong, In Search of Civilization

Laurence Overmire
“Make no mistake. To be compassionate requires great strength of character. It is never weakness. The people who stand for compassion and love often do so at the risk of their own lives. They are the people we admire most who remain true to themselves at all costs and true to the highest principles of human decency in the face of unspeakable cruelty.”
Laurence Overmire, The One Idea That Saves The World: A Call to Conscience and A Call to Action

Robin S. Baker
“In order to win at life, you have to have more audacity.”
Robin S. Baker

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“Mom taught me that the real outcome rested in the fact that we were daring enough to attempt an outcome.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“No real dream is safe.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Tess Sharpe
“Life's all about risk. And I don't like to gamble, but I have to.
This time, I win.”
Tess Sharpe, The Girl in Question

Jennifer L. Armentrout
“Love is an unnecessary and dangerous risk.”
Jennifer L. Armentrout, A Shadow in the Ember

Duncan Ralston
“Only the monsters down here were most definitely not nice, and trying to cuddle one would be dangerous, like kissing a piranha”
Duncan Ralston, Where the Monsters Live

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“The biggest messes that we make in life often arise out of the refusal to make one.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I would have sworn that the leap was going to end in disaster. Yet, the squirrel made it look effortless. And I thought, “How many times have I overestimated the leap and have therefore chosen to exist in a forest of one tree?”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

Donna Goddard
“Everything beautiful and powerful is high risk. Along the way, we gain patience and perseverance by accepting life's ebb and flow, ups and downs.”
Donna Goddard, Dance: A Spiritual Affair

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I would have sworn that the leap was going to end in disaster. I had applied the rubrics of fear and tediously calculated the nature of the risk, thereby adamantly determining it to be impossible. Yet, high in the lofty branches of the towering maple tree the squirrel leapt, and in doing so made it look effortless. And I thought, “How many times have I applied the rubrics of fear, overestimated the leap, and have therefore chosen to exist in a forest of one tree?” Therefore, my commitment in the coming year is to live in a forest of many trees.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough

“Revolutions begin with what is most intimate, with the things that lay against our skin. Clothing-creators world and time over have taken the greatest risks expressing themselves through what is hidden—reimagining movement, finding breath.
The alterations reverberate through each successive layer.”
Robin Brown, Glitter Saints: The Cosmic Art of Forgiveness, a Memoir

Kennedy Ryan
“That is the risk of love, what makes it a radical act. You pour everything into another person who is bound by fragile humanity. You could lose them at any time, but you can’t reason with your heart.”
Kennedy Ryan, Reel

Valentine Glass
“I would meet someone, and the risk of hesitation would outweigh what it would take to try to love her.”
Valentine Glass, Jarring Sex

Lauren Wesley Wilson
“The truth is, taking a risk - and by risk I mean making a calculated, thought out decision to try something new or different, I'm not talking about throwing caution to the wind and doing something stupid on a whim - is about taking the pieces of yourself you value most and asking, "How can I grow this a little more, in a new way?" That might mean, as it did for me, going after an award so you are recognized in a secific industry and thus get more opportunity.”
Lauren Wesley Wilson, What Do You Need?: How Women of Color Can Take Ownership of Their Careers to Accelerate Their Path to Success