Scifi Adventure Quotes

Quotes tagged as "scifi-adventure" Showing 31-60 of 121
P.D. Alleva
“The Rose: A meditative practice used in alchemy, the ability to transform chemical structures. Also useful when battling alien vampires!”
P.D. Alleva, The Rose Vol. 1

S.G. Blaise
“I wish people would stop confusing the Magical Cleanse War with detox, as if it were a self-induced diarrhea and not a bloody battle. It is really not the same.”
S.G. Blaise, The Last Lumenian

“Don’t make deals with your food. It may come back to haunt you.”
PD Alleva

“There’s more under the moon tonight than just alien vampires…and they come with teeth.”
PD Alleva

“Vampires…always so overdramatic.”
PD Alleva

“When battling Alien Vampires one thing is certain…Get Ready To Bleed!”
PD Alleva

“They'd heard about her and about what she'd done. At least... what everyone else said. Wouldn't it shake them if they knew the truth?”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Awakening

“She lost my respect years ago." Spun around, and she rejoined the line.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Awakening

“Are you who they say you are?"
She rolled her eyes. "Depends what they say I am.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Awakening

“Of course, a distraction in prison was always going to be a brawl.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Awakening

“She swept a hand over the weapon lying on the table. "This belongs to someone who double-crossed me."
"Yours now. They deserve it.”
Leo Flynn

“No-one try anything. Sure ye know what happens if ye disobey.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Awakening

“Gasping, Mara backed up toward the far wall, raising her hands. "What are ye tryin' to pull?"
"Revenge." Her accent changed, becoming more polished, softer, and with a conniving edge.”
Leo Flynn

“Do you remember me, Mara? I remember you, and what you did.”
Leo Flynn

“The girl smiled. "I want to see you suffer.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Awakening

“Mara nodded, shaking. "Bah. For what ye did, ye should go to hell."
"And what have you done to stop me?" Her eyes narrowed. "Mara Keres, once the greatest warrior in the galaxy. Look at you now. Rotting in prison for the last six years. A shadow of your former self." She purred in pure pleasure.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Awakening

“She... was free.
Yet... why was she so... empty?”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Awakening

“She sat bolt upright -- a colossal mistake. The world swirled, like water down the plughole, she went with it, falling into the empty depths below.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“Keep on yer guard. Lots o' shady characters here. Don't make eye contact with anyone unless necessary."
He couldn't help rolling his eyes. He had crossed paths with many evil beings. Nothing unusual.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“COME GET WHAT YOU CAME FOR!" She turned. "Ishali, behind cover."
"What's going on?"
"Kottura... she's found us.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“Tell yer beloved master she's a little shite! If it's me death she wants, she has to do it herself!”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“To do that, I'd have to start speaking again." They covered their mouth in mock horror. "Looks like I already have, whoops.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“ALRIGHT! I'm a volatile, vindictive, crude idjit! But I would never wear something like this if I didn't have the right. Still have a dammed moral code!”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“You like to pretend your intentions are noble, but you think all your problems will go away when you destroy her. Weak.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“Congratulations on showing yer true colors. Kottura wasted no time in brainwashin' ye.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“Give your precious Mother a message! If Kottura wants me gone, she'll have to do it herself!”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“You do have a heart."
"Whatever the hell's left of it.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“Mind, you're a broken, vindictive, rude 'warrior' with a complete lack of an honor code bent on revenge, but if you assist me, I help you. We both get what we want.”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice

“I've got friends all over the place. I don't want them to suffer through war. If no-one else believes you, I do." He stuck his hand out. "How about it, you stubborn old goat? An ally?”
Leo Flynn, Mara's Choice