Sea Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sea" Showing 91-120 of 1,179
Munia Khan
“Ocean separates lands, not souls..”
Munia Khan

C.S. Lewis
“The castle of Cair Paravel on its little hill towered up above them; before them were the sands, with rocks and little pools of salt water, and seaweed, and the smell of the sea and long miles of bluish-green waves breaking for ever and ever on the beach. And oh, the cry of the seagulls! Have you ever heard it? Can you remember?”
C.S. Lewis, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe

Kamand Kojouri
“Mist to mist, drops to drops. For water thou art, and unto water shalt thou return.”
Kamand Kojouri

Peter Benchley
“There's nothing in the sea this fish would fear. Other fish run from bigger things. That's their instinct. But this fish doesn't run from anything. He doesn't fear.”
Peter Benchley, Jaws

Guy de Maupassant
“I have an immoderate passion for water; for the sea, though so vast, so restless, so beyond one's comprehension; for rivers, beautiful, yet fugitive and elusive; but especially for marshes, teeming with all that mysterious life of the creatures that haunt them. A marsh is a whole world within a world, a different world, with a life of its own, with its own permanent denizens, its passing visitors, its voices, its sounds, its own strange mystery.”
Guy de Maupassant, The House of Madame Tellier and Other Stories

Megan Miranda
“My mother always wanted to live near the water," she said. "She said it's the one thing that brings us all together. That I can have my toe in the ocean off the coast of Maine, and a girl my age can have her toe in the ocean off the coast of Africa, and we would be touching. On opposite sides of the world.”
Megan Miranda, Vengeance

Patricia Hagan
“A full moon sprinkled the black ocean with diamonds, and she could imagine fairies dancing in the silver foam that laced the huge, dark waves.”
Patricia Hagan, Ocean of Dreams
tags: ocean, sea

Philip Pullman
“She found out that having something to do prevented you from feeling seasick, and that even a job like scrubbing a deck could be satisfying, if it was done in a seamanlike way. She was very taken with this notion, and later on she folded the blankets on her bunk in a seamanlike way, and put her possessions in the closet in a seamanlike way, and used 'stow' instead of 'tidy' for the process of doing so. After two days at sea, Lyra decided that this was the life for her.”
Philip Pullman, The Golden Compass

Jennifer Rush
“Oceans are vast and almost bottomless. You dance in the rain Elizabeth. You drown in the sea.”
Jennifer Rush, Reborn

Janet Fitch
“Her fingers moved among barnacles and mussels, blue-black, sharp-edged. Neon red starfish were limp Dalis on the rocks, surrounded by bouquets of stinging anemones and purple bursts of spiny sea urchins.”
Janet Fitch, White Oleander

Zachary Karabashliev
“В редките ни напоследък целувки се усещаше онази жилка хлад, която мога да сравня с полъха на вятър привечер след средата на август, когато съм чувал стари варненци да казват, че морето се обръща.”
Zahary Karabashliev, 18% Сиво

“I am a pisces, a fish out of water, searching for a way back home.”
James Kidd

“Life is a dance between heaven and earth, the ebb and flow of life.”
Maurice Spees

John Ajvide Lindqvist
“Land and sea.
We may think of them as opposites; as complements. But there is a difference in how we think of them; the sea, and the land.
If we are walking around in a forest, a meadow or a town, we see our surroundings as being made up of individual elements. There are many different kinds of trees in varying sizes, those buildings, these streets. The meadow, the flowers, the bushes. Our gaze lingers on details, and if we are standing in a forest in the autumn, we become tongue-tied if we try to describe the richness around us. All this exists on land.
But the sea. The sea is something completely different. The sea is one.
We may note the shifting moods of the sea. What the sea looks like when the wind is blowing, how the sea plays with the light, how it rises and falls. But still it is always the sea we are talking about. We have given different parts of the sea different names for navigation and identification, but if we are standing before the sea, there is only one whole. The Sea.
If we are taken so far out in a small boat that no land is visible in any direction, we may catch sight of the sea. It is not a pleasant experience. The sea is a god, an unseeing, unhearing deity that does not even know we exist. We mean less than a grain of sand on an elephant's back, and if the sea wants us, it will take us. That's just the way it is. The sea knows no limits, makes no concessions. It has given us everything and it can take everything away from us.
To other gods we send our prayer: Protect us from the sea.”
John Ajvide Lindqvist, Harbor

Francis Bacon
“They are ill discoverers that think there is no land, when they can see nothing but sea.”
Francis Bacon, The Oxford Francis Bacon IV: The Advancement of Learning

Nikos Kazantzakis
“An ardent desire to go took possession of me once more. Not because I wanted to leave - I was quite all right on this Cretan coast, and felt happy and free there and I needed nothing - but because I have always been consumed with one desire; to touch and see as much as possible of the earth and the sea before I die.”
Nikos Kazantzakis, Zorba the Greek

Werner Herzog
“at the press conference for the film he impressed everyone with his complete sincerity and innocence. he said he had come to see the sea for the first time and marveled at how clean it was. someone told him that, in fact, it wasn't. 'when the world is emptied of human beings' he said, 'it will become so again”
werner herzog

P.L. Travers
“That's coral!" she cried in astonishment. "We must be down in the deeps of the sea!"
Well, wasn't that what you wanted?" said the trout. "I thought you wished you could see the sea!"
I did," said Jane, looking very surprised. "But I never expected the wish to come true."
Great oceans! Why bother to wish it then? I call that simply a waste of time. But come on! Mustn't be late for the party!”
P.L. Travers

“Sea urchins have protective, mobile spines. Laura now has all the protection she needs, coming from within.”
Sally Ann Hunter, Transfigured Sea

Rick Riordan
“A faint smile played on his lips. "Obedience does not come naturally to you, does it"
"I must take some blame for that, I suppose. The sea does not like to be restrained.”
Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

Frank Herbert
“On Caladan, we ruled with sea and air power," the Duke said. "Here, we must scrabble for desert power. This is your inheritance, Paul.”
Frank Herbert, Dune

“My brother William is a fisherman, and he tells me that when he is in the middle of a fogbound
sea the water is a color for which there is no name.”
Patricia MacLachlan, Sarah, Plain and Tall

Sena Jeter Naslund
“How the excitement comes upon me to tell it all! In the quest of writing, the heart can speed up with anticipation--as it does, indeed, during the chase itself of whales. I can swear it, having done both, and I will tell YOU though other writers may not. My heart is beating fast; I am in pursuit; I want my victory--that you should see and hear and above all feel the reality behind these words. For they are but a mask. Not the mask that conceals, not a mask that I would have you strike through as mere appearance, or, worse, deceitful appearance. Words need not be that kind of mask, but a mask such as the ancient Greek actors wore, a mask that expresses rather than conceals the inner drama.
(But do you know me? Una? You have shipped long with me in the boat that is this book. Let me assure you and tell you that I know you, even something of your pain and joy, for you are much like me. The contract of writing and reading requires that we know each other. Did you know that I try on your mask from time to time? I become a reader, too, reading over what I have just written. If I am your shipbuilder and captain, from time to time I am also your comrade. Feel me now, standing beside you, just behind your shoulder?)”
Sena Jeter Naslund

Melody  Lee
“She's a tangled mess of wild- a forest nymph, a goddess child. She's like the seductive sea - feral and fierce, calm and serene. She's the starfish swimming in my soul, the woman child who keeps me sane, who keeps me whole.”
Melody Lee

Melody  Lee
“Hair tangled with the wind
Sun kissed face
Lover of the forest
the sea
the sky
and anything wild and free
She’s a gypsy goddess.”
Melody Lee, Moon Gypsy

Richelle E. Goodrich
My Floating Sea"

"Pastel colors reflect in my opening eyes and draw my gaze to a horizon where the waters both begin and end. This early in the day I can easily stare without blinking. The pale sea appears calm, but it is stormy just as often. I awe at the grandeur, how it expands beyond my sight to immeasurable depths. In every direction that I twist my neck, a beauteous blue is there to console me.

Flowing, floating ribbons of mist form on these pale waters. In harmony they pirouette, creating a stretch of attractive, soft swirls. Swoosh! The wind, its strength in eddies and twisters, smears the art of dancing clouds, and the white disperses like startled fairies fleeing into the forest. Suddenly all is brilliant blue.

The waters calm and clear. It warms me. Pleases me. Forces my eyes to close at such vast radiance. My day is spent surrounded by this ethereal sea, but soon enough the light in its belly subsides. Rich colors draw my gaze to the opposite horizon where the waters both begin and end. I watch the colors bleed and deepen. They fade into black.

Yawning, I cast my eyes at tiny gleams of life that drift within the darkened waters. I extend my reach as if I could will my arm to stretch the expanse between me and eons. How I would love to brush a finger over a ray of living light, but I know I cannot.

Distance deceives me.

These little breathing lights floating in blackness would truly reduce me to the tiniest size, like a mountain stands majestic over a single wild flower. I am overwhelmed by it all and stare up, in love with the floating sea above my head.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Making Wishes: Quotes, Thoughts, & a Little Poetry for Every Day of the Year

Traci Chee
“It was years ago now, on a warm summer night,
When the boy came out of the sea.
His skin was blue and his hair was white,
And he was in love with me.
He was wild and true, and right then I knew
That he was in love with me.

In our ship we sailed for years on the ocean,
Unfettered and totally free.
And he gave all his days to his endless devotion,
For he was in love with me.
I called it a phase and made endless delays,
Though he was in love with me.

One day the waves swept him right off the ship
And dropped him into the blue.
As his skin turned to water, his hair into fish,
He asked if I loved him too.
Too late I called through the wind and the water,
'I was always in love with you.'
I was always in love with you.”
Traci Chee, The Reader

Raymond Carver
“Sai bene che non sogno.
Ma ieri notte ho sognato che assistevamo
a un funerale nel mare. All’inizio ero attonito.
Poi pieno di rimpianti. Ma tu
m’hai sfiorato un braccio e hai detto: “no, va tutto bene.
Era molto vecchia, e poi lui l’ha amata tutta la vita”
Raymond Carver

Angel McGregor
“Why the sea?' he asked.
I smiled, meeting his eyes and seeing the colour I was describing.
'Because it's such a magical colour, so pretty and powerful all at the same time; think about what the water is, how demanding it can be one minute, then how calm and serene it can be the next.”
Angel McGregor, A Handful of Secrets

Rachel Carson
“And as life began in the sea, so each of us begins his identical life in a miniature ocean within his mother's womb.”
Rachel Carson, The Sea Around Us