Sherlock Holmes Quotes

Quotes tagged as "sherlock-holmes" Showing 241-270 of 398
Arthur Conan Doyle
“Mr. Sherlock Holmes...was usually very late in the mornings, save upon those not infrequent occasions when he was up all night.”
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Hound of the Baskervilles

Arthur Conan Doyle
“... but it is better to learn wisdom late than never to learn it at all." - Sherlock Holmes”
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Man with the Twisted Lip - a Sherlock Holmes Short Story

Michael Chabon
“And then he had trained them, those lupine eyes, on her. The hunger in them so startled her that she took a step backward, striking her head against an iron pillar with such force that she later found crumbs of dried blood in her hair. It was a purely impersonal hunger, if such a thing there was - and here her report to Mr. Panicker faltered under the burden of his disapproval for her "romantic nature" - a hunger devoid of prurience, appetite, malice, or goodwill. It was a hunger, she decided later, for information. And yet there was liveliness in his gaze, a kind of cool vitality that was nearly amusement, as if a steady lifelong diet of mundane observations had preserved the youthful-ness of his optic organs alone.”
Michael Chabon, The Final Solution

Steven Moffat
“Mycroft Holmes: ...a necessary evil, not a dragon for you to slay.
Sherlock Holmes: A dragon slayer? Is that what you think of me?
Mycroft: No... It's what you think of yourself.
Mrs. Holmes/Mum: Are you two smoking?
Mycroft: No-
Sherlock: It was Mycroft!
(They hide their lighted cigarettes behind their backs.) -Sherlock, "His Last Vow", season/series 3”
Steven Moffat

Graham Moore
“Why, of course, if the reader were smart enough, he could figure the whole thing through after just the first few pages! But in his heart Arthur knew that his readers didn't really want to win. They wanted to test their wits against the author at full pitch, and they wanted to lose. To be dazzled.”
Graham Moore, The Sherlockian

Eva Morgan
“They always told me not to get in the car with strangers.”
“I’m not a stranger. I’m your neighbor.” “My strange neighbor.”
Eva Morgan, Locked

Arthur Conan Doyle
“That head of yours should be for use as well as
Arthur Conan Doyle

Eva Morgan
“If you’re so bored, learn to knit. I’m not that good of a hobby.”
“If I ever learn to knit, the first thing I’ll make is a noose to hang myself with.”
Eva Morgan, Locked

Eva Morgan
“That’s,” I say. My words are all tangled up. “That’s. Insane. You’re insane.”
“I prefer the term brilliant.”
Eva Morgan, Locked

Melvyn Small
“Life is seldom about the destination, Sherlock,” smiled Irene. “It’s about the journey.”
Melvyn Small, Holmes: Volume 1

Eva Morgan
“Jesus Christ—”
“Sherlock Holmes, actually. And you were doing such a good job remembering my name.”
Eva Morgan, Locked

Eva Morgan
“Did you learn to drive—by playing Mario Kart—”
“I’ve never put a Mario in a cart and I never will.”
Eva Morgan, Locked

Eva Morgan
“Do it for the sake of being a good neighbor, then. You’re well on your way. You’ve already made him a casserole.” “Which I dumped on his shirt.”
“I prefer to focus on the positives.”
Eva Morgan, Locked

Eva Morgan
“The door opens and my new neighbor is a vampire. He’s nearly a foot taller than me. Unruly ink-black hair, and a face made of knife angles. If I were obnoxious, I might use the term shockingly attractive . Or terrifyingly handsome . Holy mother of balls would also be an option.”
Eva Morgan, Locked

Eva Morgan
“So I need to lay down some ground rules.”
“Rules for the use of the ground?” He’s gazing out the window. “Am I still allowed to step on it?”
Eva Morgan, Locked

Brock Clarke
“I bet it was also the triumphant Aha! and not the truth itself that had fueled all those famous literary detectives I knew not much about except their names - Philip Marlowe, Sherlock Holmes, Joe and Frank Hardy. I felt like yelling something celebratory on my way home, something like, Yeah! or Fuck, yeah! just like Marlowe would have yelled, just like the Hardys would have yelled, and maybe Holmes, too, although maybe that's why he kept Watson around; to tell Holmes to simmer down and not get too far ahead of himself.”
Brock Clarke, An Arsonist's Guide to Writers' Homes in New England

“When you have bewitched or assassinated the unwelcome, whoever remains,
however useless & boring, must be the only audience you still have left!"
-- Warlock Holmes, the Cumber-Batching Speech

Not only my advisers considered the quote above the best I got done at all on the Sherlock Crossover now lying in my failed projects folder...”
Andrè M. Pietroschek, Attempted Poetry

Arthur Conan Doyle
“I have never loved, Watson, but if I did and if the woman I loved had met such an end, I might act even as our lawless lion-hunter has done.”
Arthur Conan Doyle

Paul Auster
“There it was: a full confession. Sherlock Holmes had done it again, and as I marveled at my devastating powers of deduction, I wished there had been two of me so I could have patted myself on the back. I know it sounds arrogant, but how often does one achieve a mental triumph of that magnitude? After listening to her speak just two words, I had nailed the whole bloody thing. If Watson had been there, he would have been shaking his head and muttering under his breath.”
Paul Auster, The Brooklyn Follies

Gillian Linscott
“It's a fallacy to believe that age in itself brings wisdom, but one thing it infallibly brings is experience.”
Gillian Linscott, Holmes for the Holidays

Mitch Cullin
“Ultimately, Roger learned only of the encounter with the urban bees. The boy remained thoroughly fascinated by what he heard nonetheless, his blue-eyed stare never once straying from Holmes; his visage passive and accepting, his eyes wide, Roger's pupils stated fixed on those venerable, reflective eyes, as though the boy were seeing distant lights shimmering along an opaque horizon, a glimpse of something flickering and alive existing beyond his reach. And, in turn, the gray eyes that focused sharply on him - piercing and kind at the same instant - endeavoured to bridge the lifetime that separated the two of them, attempting to do so as brandy was sipped, and the vial's glass grew warmer against soft palms, and that seasoned, well-lived voice somehow made Roger feel much older and more worldly than his years.”
Mitch Cullin, A Slight Trick of the Mind

J.R. Rim
“I want to be this generation's Sherlock Holmes. That is, the man to solve first world problems.”
J.R. Rim

Mitch Cullin
“Para conocerte a ti mismo, que es lo mismo que comprender el mundo entero, no necesitas buscar más allá de las lindes de tu propia vida: el florido prado, los bosques inexplorados.”
Mitch Cullin, Sherlock Holmes: Misteri Yang Tak Terpecahkan

Melvyn Small
“A three-pint problem”
Melvyn Small, Holmes: Volume 1

Arthur Conan Doyle
“You will not apply my precept," he said, shaking his head. "How often have I said to you that when you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth? We know that he did not come through the door, the window, or the chimney. We also know that he could not have been concealed in the room, as there is no concealment possible. When, then, did he come?"
Sherlock Holmes in The Sign of the Four”
Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle
“Las cuestiones emocionales son enemigas del razonamiento claro.”
Arthur Conan Doyle, The Sign of Four

Arthur Conan Doyle
“Digo ahora, como dije entonces, que toda persona debería tener en el ático de su cerebro el surtido de mobiliario que es probable que necesite, y que todo lo demás puede guardarlo en el desván de su biblioteca, donde puede echarle mano cuando tenga precisión de algo.”
Arthur Conan Doyle

Arthur Conan Doyle
“Una vieja máxima mía dice que, cuando has eliminado lo imposible, lo que queda, por muy improbable que parezca, tiene que ser la verdad.”
Arthur Conan Doyle

“To a great mind, nothing is little.”
Sir Arthur Conan Doyle

“Die Beschuldigung, ein Mörder zu sein, kann für den Beschuldigten in diesem Land sehr einengende Konsequenzen haben, insbesondere, was seinen Hals betrifft." Sherlock Holmes, Eine Weihnachtsgeschichte”
Francis London