Skill Quotes

Quotes tagged as "skill" Showing 31-60 of 297
Baltasar Gracián
“There are rules to luck, not everything is chance for the wise; luck can be helped by skill.”
Balthasar Gracian, The Art of Worldly Wisdom

Alexander Pope
“Music resembles poetry, in each
Are nameless graces which no methods teach,
And which a master hand alone can reach.”
Alexander Pope, An Essay On Criticism

Criss Jami
“Every man has a specific skill, whether it is discovered or not, that more readily and naturally comes to him than it would to another, and his own should be sought and polished. He excels best in his niche - originality loses its authenticity in one's efforts to obtain originality.”
Criss Jami, Salomé: In Every Inch In Every Mile

Criss Jami
“There is a master way with words which is not learned but is instead developed: a deaf man develops exceptional vision, a blind man exceptional hearing, a silent man, when given a piece of paper...”
Criss Jami, Venus in Arms

Criss Jami
“One does not have to be a philosopher to be a successful artist, but he does have to be an artist to be a successful philosopher. His nature is to view the world in an unpredictable albeit useful light.”
Criss Jami, Killosophy

“Just as writing can become calligraphy when it’s creatively, skillfully, and consciously performed, so can all other activities become art. In this case, we are reflecting upon life itself as an artistic statement—the art of living.”
H.E. Davey, Japanese Yoga: The Way of Dynamic Meditation

Philip Larkin
“Empty-page staring again tonight. It's maddening. I suppose people who don't write (like the Connollies) imagine anything that can be though can be expressed. Well, I don't know. I can't do it. It's this sort of thing that makes me belittle the whole business: what's the good of a 'talent' if you can't do it when you want to? What should we think of a woodcarver who couldn't woodcarver? or a pianist who couldn't play the piano? Bah, likewise grrr.”
Philip Larkin, Philip Larkin: Letters to Monica

“It was at this time that backgammon was invented and began to be popular. It is a kind of paradigm of how wealth is acquired, which in this world is not the reward of intelligence or ability, just as luck is not a product of skill... If luck favours the player, he gets what he wants; if it doesn't, a skilled and prudent man cannot win that which fortune only bestows on whom it likes. It is thus that the good things of this world are apportioned by chance.”
Al Masudi, From The Meadows of Gold

Tahir Shah
“The ability to tell a good route from a terrible one is a valuable skill when leading an expedition. Unfortunately for us all, it was a skill I did not possess.”
Tahir Shah, House of the Tiger King : The Quest for a Lost City

Jennifer E. Smith
“He smiled. "All that stuff can be learned," he said. "What you're doing now, that's instinct. And it counts for a lot.”
Jennifer E. Smith, You Are Here

“Even if that thing makes you very uncomfortable at times. Even if
that thing puts a lot of pressure on you. Even if that thing is very stressful.
Sometimes it’s just nice to feel good at something.”
Jennette McCurdy, I'm Glad My Mom Died

Amit Kalantri
“Experts were once amateurs who kept practicing.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

“No matter how much experience you have, how many degrees you have, or how well known you have become — there is always something new to learn. Don’t rest on your past experiences. If you do nothing to improve your skills, you won’t stay where you are.”
Laura Spencer

“When love and skill work together, expect a masterpiece.”
Mary Jane Remole, Mary Jane's Cookbook: From the Heart of America

Amit Kalantri
“They all believed in him because of the authenticity of his musical talent and his faith in it.”
Amit Kalantri, One Bucket of Tears

“Level up your skills, sharpen your mindset, grow your network, then watch the universe bend to your will.”
Jeff Ocaya

“I had seen lot of good talent gone to waste because of ego, character and attitude of those talented individuals.”
De philosopher DJ Kyos

James Clear
“One of the best ways to ensure your habits remain satisfying over the long-run is to pick behaviors that align with your personality and skills. Work hard on the things that come easy.”
James Clear, Atomic Habits: An Easy & Proven Way to Build Good Habits & Break Bad Ones

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Leadership is not a skill but an art.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Modified Leadership

Richie Norton
“I predict: Discernment will become the number one leadership competency of the century — the age of misinformation.

Discernment is a learnable skill.

The ability and skill to prepare and create what is yet to come is discernment.”
Richie Norton

Brit Bennett
“After all, before you could play a song, you had to learn each note of the scale. A newspaper article was made up of smaller words. Even baking a cake required smaller steps, like cracking eggs in a bowl or measuring out flour. Maybe Claudie had been going about this all wrong. Maybe if she focused on the smaller steps, she could work her way toward being good at something.”
Brit Bennett, Meet Claudie

“In the past week, the most discussed word in the world is #ChatGPT, and in Bangladesh #Sultan_Dine; Here lies the difference. Although currently, Bangladesh's biggest asset is its young population - but they are more concerned about "Sultan_Dine" than ChatGPT.

Unless the mindset changes, the youth will be a burden to the country, not an asset. - Just like now educational certificate without pure knowledge and skills is worthless.”
Somen Kanungo, Founder, Nexgen Bangladesh

Yuri Herrera
“...[E]xpertise was like underwear, something concealed out of modesty that you were almost unaware of.”
Yuri Herrera, Kingdom Cons

Asher  Black
“The myth of talent persists—not that people don't have talent but that talent is the quintessential element in virtuosity. It's not; it's skill. Talent is ubiquitous. Talent grows on trees. Everyone has talent.”
Asher Black, The Guitar Decoder Ring: Featuring SIGIL - the New Language of Guitar

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Bodybuilding is a skill, building body is an art.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Rep By Rep

“Buddhist texts often emphasize how being intelligent and knowing a lot, while certainly helpful, are not the same as being skillful in life—nor are they as effective in awakening us from unhealthy, self-destructive ways of living.

Calling certain ways of living "skillful" and others "unskillful" implies that these are capacities that can be cultivated, skills that can be acquired through practice. Although some people might seem to have more or less innate talent for a particular skill, or were raised din a way that emphasized or reinforced that skill, the development of skill is a possibility open to anyone and everyone. And they are always matters of degree.”
Dale S. Wright, Living Skillfully: Buddhist Philosophy of Life from the Vimalakirti Sutra

Roy Peter Clark
“Imagination without skill makes a lively chaos. Skill without imagination a deadly order.”
Roy Peter Clark , Murder Your Darlings: And Other Gentle Writing Advice from Aristotle to Zinsser

Jane Washington
“How,” his familiar voice growled, free of its usual seductive polish, now grating with irritation, “are you covered in dirt and blood again already?”

I peered up, pushing a wet flop of hair from my face. “It’s a skill”
Jane Washington, A Tempest of Shadows

Nitya Prakash
“Write with courage, regardless of your skill.”
Nitya Prakash