Stress Quotes

Quotes tagged as "stress" Showing 961-990 of 995
Walter Brueggemann
“Sabbath, in the first instance, is not about worship. It is about work stoppage. It is about withdrawal from the anxiety system of Pharaoh, the refusal to let one’s life be defined by production and consumption and the endless pursuit of private well-being.”
Walter Brueggemann

Toni Bernhard
“Behind every stressful thought is the desire for things to be other than they are.”
Toni Bernhard, How to Be Sick: A Buddhist-Inspired Guide for the Chronically Ill and Their Caregivers

“Sometimes it happens that you become one, in some rare moment. Watch the ocean, the tremendous wildness of it--and suddenly you forget your split, your schizophrenia; you relax. Or, moving in the Himalayas, seeing the virgin snow on the Himalayan peaks, suddenly a coolness surrounds you and you need not be false because there is no other human being to be false to. You fall together.”
Osho, Dang Dang Doko Dang : Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh talks on zen

Steve Maraboli
“There are often great lessons to be learned at the roots of stress, drama, and heartache. Don’t let the magnitude of the circumstance blind you to the value of the lesson.”
Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience

Sophie Kinsella
“Our whole family thrives under pressure. It's like our family motto or something.

Apart from my brother Peter, of course. He had a nervous break down. But the rest of us.”
Sophie Kinsella, The Undomestic Goddess

Richelle E. Goodrich
“Take a step back. Draw in a deep breath. Now ask yourself 'so what?' Then, after answering, ask yourself again 'so what?' And then a third time—'so what?' Chances are you'll come to realize that the issue at hand is not as dire, detrimental, or important as you first thought.”
Richelle E. Goodrich, Smile Anyway: Quotes, Verse, and Grumblings for Every Day of the Year

“Is it possible that the reason you feel as if God doesn't see you or your problems or care about your stress is because you are focused on you, instead of God?”
Tracie Miles, Stressed-Less Living

“It isn't stress that makes us fall - it's how we respond to stressful events.”
Wayde Goodall

Ray Dalio
“The pain of problems is a call to find solutions rather than a reason for unhappiness and inaction, so it's silly, pointless, and harmful to be upset at the problems and choices that come at you (though it’s understandable).”
Ray Dalio

Michael Gruber
“But it turns out that people who are grounded and secure don't change much under stress. That's what being grounded means.”
Michael Gruber, The Good Son

Sophie Kinsella
“Your job is obviously very pressured."

"I thrive under pressure," I explain. Which is true. I've known that about myself ever since...

Well. Ever since my mother told me when I was about 8.”
Sophie Kinsella, The Undomestic Goddess

“Adapting the right attitude can convert a negative stress into a positive one.”
Hans Selye

Anthony Liccione
“Worrying is like a dominoes effect, that rolls from one day into the next, into a week, a month, a year;
never accomplishing anything but stress, until it hits that last tile, which drops unfulfilled to an empty ground.”
Anthony Liccione

Mindy Kaling
“I do not think stress is a legitimate topic of conversation, in public anyway. No one ever wants to hear how stressed anyone else is, because most of the time everyone is stressed out. Going on and on in detail about how stressed I am isn't conversation. It'll never lead anywhere.”
Mindy Kaling, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
tags: stress

Alexander Lowen
“The person senses what it feels like to be free from inhibitions. At the same time he feels connected and integrated – with his body and, through his body, with his environment. He has a sense of well-being and inner peace. He gains the knowledge that the life of the body resides in its involuntary aspect. […] Unfortunately these beautiful feelings do not always hold up under the stress of daily living in our modern culture. The pace, the pressure and the philosophy of our times are antithetical to life.”
Alexander Lowen, Bioenergetics: The Revolutionary Therapy That Uses the Language of the Body to Heal the Problems of the Mind

Mindy Kaling
“Gail loved to talk about how stressed she was. She would do this thing where we'd be walking in the hallway, and suddenly she'd stop in her tracks, rub both of her temples with her index and middle fingers, and theatrically let out a deep guttural moan: "Mooooog."

"Mooog. Minz. I am just so stressed out," she'd say. "I just want to go home, open a bottle of red wine, draw up a hot bath, light some candles and listen to David Gray."

A note about me: I do not think stress is a legitimate topic of conversation, in public anyway. No one ever wants to hear how stressed out anyone else is, because most of the time everyone is stressed out. Going on and on in detail about how stressed out I am isn't conversation. It'll never lead anywhere. No one is going to say, "Wow, Mindy, you really have it especially bad. I have heard some stories of stress, but this just takes the cake.”
Mindy Kaling, Is Everyone Hanging Out Without Me?
tags: stress

“We are all tired of the stress.”
K. Howard Joslin, Honest Wrestling: Questions of Faith When Attacked by Life

Brian Herbert
“Let pressure pass over and through you. That way you can't be harmed by it.”
Brian Herbert, House Atreides

Even in the most stressed times there is always time for reading.
“Even in the most stressed times there is always time for reading.”
Emilie and Stephanie

Brian Herbert
“In adverse circumstances, every creature becomes something else, evolving or devolving. What makes us human is that we know what we once were, and, let us hope, we remember how to change back.”
Brian Herbert, House Atreides

“Lewis's mental map of reality had difficulty accommodating the trauma of the Great War. Like so many, he found the settled way of looking at the world, taken for granted by many in the Edwardian age, to have been shattered by the most brutal and devastating war yet known." (51) Part (McGrath suggests) of Lewis's well-documented search for truth and meaning, that search that ultimately led him to Christianity, emerges from the desire to make sense of his traumatic experience in ways that satisfied him spiritually, emotionally, and intellectually.”
Alister E. McGrath, C. S. Lewis - A Life: Eccentric Genius, Reluctant Prophet

“Most emotional and physical symptoms of stress and depression are not typically caused by the circumstances themselves, but instead by how our minds perceive what is going on and how our hearts hold up under the pressure.”
Tracie Miles, Stressed-Less Living

“The author, then in the final stage as a candidate for Delta Force, was asked by the unit's foreboding colonel what he thought of the evaluation's Stress Week. He responded that he was waiting for it to begin, reasoning that, used to responsibility for others while leading a platoon, he only had himself to worry about. However hard the trial, he got four meals a day, nobody shot at, him, and the weather was pleasant.”
Eric Haney, Inside Delta Force

Dillon Burroughs
“The response to stress is not less time in God's Word, but more.”
Dillon Burroughs, Hunger No More: A 1-Year Devotional Journey Through the Psalms

“Why do we live out every day as if there is no hope to overcome our chaos and no possibility for living a stressed-less life when Scripture repeatedly reassures us that God has the power and the peace to make that happen?”
Tracie Miles, Stressed-Less Living

Jane Wilson-Howarth
“Travel experiences are emotionally loaded. Often there is excitement and stimulation. The tingle-factor though comes partly from the fact that we're stressed, just a little.”
Jane Wilson-Howarth, The Essential Guide to Travel Health: Don't Let Bugs, Bites and Bowels Spoil Your Trip

“My stress resulted from not knowing God, not trusting him with my whole heart, seeking peace and purpose from the world instead of from him, and from being so afraid of change that I would rather suffer than obey.”
Tracie Miles, Stressed-Less Living

“Hannah's faith was the answer to her stress. And, through that faith, she found peace, even though her life remained far from peaceful. Her faith resulted in God working on her behalf. Hannah did not find peace because she left a stressful situation – she found peace because she had learned to depend on God’s strength to rise above her stress.”
Tracie Miles, Stressed-Less Living

“All we have to do is ask and believe that God will work on our behalf and give us what we need to overcome and rise above the adversities and stress that we are facing.”
Tracie Miles, Stressed-Less Living

“Choose God, his word, prayer, and spiritual vitamins. As you fight the battle with these tools, you will also be simultaneously choosing your victory.”
Tracie Miles, Stressed-Less Living