Troy Quotes

Quotes tagged as "troy" Showing 31-60 of 75
David Markson
“...Troy itself was disappointingly small. Like little more than your ordinary city block and a few stories in height, practically.
Although now that I remember, everything in William Shakespeare's house at Stratford-on-Avon was astonishingly tiny, too. As if only imaginary people had lived there then.
Or perhaps it is only the past itself, which is always smaller than one had believed.”
David Markson, Wittgenstein's Mistress

Amy Andrews
“There were only two things he was really good at. Riding bulls and satisfying women.
But Joss wasn’t just another woman to him. Deep in his bones he knew she was special.
She was the eight-second ride. The gold buckle.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“How old are you?”
Twenty-seven. Older than she’d thought. But still… “I’m thirty-four.”
He lifted a shoulder. “So?”
So? Joss sighed. “That’s seven years older than you.”
He grinned. “Seven years more experienced.”

Joss suppressed the urge to laugh hysterically. If he thought he’d be getting some kind of well-honed tantric experience from her, he’d be sorely let down. She was too damn tired to be some kind of Mrs. Robinson.

Like he even needed one.
“Look, you’re very sweet—”
His dramatic wince interrupted her. “Is there where you pat me on the head and tell me to run along now?”
It was Joss’s turn to laugh. “Something like that.”
“Are you sure I can’t interest you?” He set his broad grin to stun. “I’m really very good with my hands.”
Joss didn’t doubt it. “To which my flat tire can attest. But trust me, there are plenty of pretty girls your age in town who would happily volunteer for a demonstration.”
And Joss was blindingly envious of every one of them.
He slid his hands into his back pockets and set his jaw. “What if I don’t want a girl? What if I want a woman?”
Amy Andrews, Troy

David Gemmell
“Beware the wooden horse, Agamemnon King, Conqueror, for it will roar to the skies on wings of thunder and herald the death of nations.”
David Gemmell, Fall of Kings

Stephen         King
“She’d thought Troy stank: the corpse piles, the fires, the fish guts thoughtfully left out for the gods—gee fucking thanks, guys, just what we want—and the stupid Achaeans stomping around on the beach, refusing to wash, letting the blood cook to black in the sun and rust the joints of their armor. That was nothing compared to the inescapable reek of the modern world. She had been young and too easily impressed then, in the days before Lysol and bleach.”
Stephen King, Sleeping Beauties
tags: troy

Amy Andrews
“You should come and watch me.”
She frowned. “Watch you?”
A small smiled nudged his lips. She didn’t need to be a mind reader to know where his mind had just gone. “Ride bulls. On the weekend.”
There were probably about a hundred things she’d put her hand up to watch this guy do, a lot of them just as dirty as the things he’d been thinking. Watching him get tossed around for entertainment on the back of a large angry animal wasn’t one of them.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“I just wish I knew what he was thinking, you know?” Her eyebrows knotted as she searched his face for who knew what.
“You’re a guy. Can you shed any light on what the hell goes through a teenage boy’s head?”
Troy was pretty sure she did not want to know the kind of things that occupied the brain of a fifteen-year-old male. There was some stuff mothers just shouldn’t know. “Well that would be breaking the guy code,” he teased. “Suffice to say that most of it involves chicks and heavy levels of nudity.”
“Oh God…” She groaned. “Don’t. I’m not ready for that. I don’t even want to think about it.”
She chewed on her bottom lip and Troy lost his place in the conversation. He wanted to step right up into her space, slide his hand onto her waist and soothe that bottom lip with his tongue.
His dick got hard at the thought but he was pretty sure she’d knee him in the balls if he even attempted such a move.
Unfortunately, not even the prospect of that killed his erection.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“Now, how are you getting back to the motel?”
He looked like he was going to argue some more, shifting slowly in the gurney to a more upright position but something pulled him up short and he winced. “I’ll catch a cab.”
“And is there someone who can keep an eye on you?” He’d been pretty wiped out from the morphine. She’d be more comfortable discharging him if she was doing it to someone’s care.
“Are you kidding? The rodeo’s over. The motel will be full of yahooing bull riders.”
“I mean someone who’ll actually look in on you, not be drunk off their ass while you throw up in your sleep and choke on your own vomit.”
He cocked an eyebrow at her. “I bet you’re fun at parties.”
Parties? Ha! She should be so lucky. “I’m a real treat.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“I liked you better when you were drugged.”
“Yeah well, I liked you better when I was drugged too.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“She was about to take a step back when his hand slid onto her leg. Slow and lazy.
“You don’t wear your scrubs home,” he murmured, his fingers idly stroking just behind her knee, the denim of her jeans no barrier to the sensations sweeping up her leg.
Joss willed herself to move but not one damn synapse obeyed. It was as if his fingers had injected them with a paralyzing agent.
“No.” Her voice was hushed yet high. Breathy. “It’s against hospital policy.”
“Pity.” He smiled at her. “You look hot in them.”
If it was possible to orgasm through compliments alone, she’d just moved into the red zone. He was dangerously good for her ego.

He was bleary-eyed, rubbing his right hand over his hair, his biceps and abs shifting nicely. A flush of heat surged from the tips of her toes to the top of her head.
Sweet baby cheeses.
Maybe she was perimenopausal? Thirty-four was young but it wasn’t unheard of…”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“I’ve got some good physical therapy for you. Any good at fencing?”
Joss almost choked on her mouthful of coffee. She sat up straight in her chair and shook her head. “No, Gus.”
Troy ignored her. “I can fence in my sleep.”
“Gus.” She narrowed her eyes at her father-in-law who could be stubborn as a mule. “He dislocated his elbow. He shouldn’t be doing any heavy lifting with his arm. Not to mention it’s going to be in a splint for a couple of weeks.”
“He’s still got his right arm, don’t he?”
“Yeah,” Troy drawled, amusement flattening his vowels even more than usual. “I’ve still got my right arm.”
She glared at Gus. “You want to take on a one-armed fencer?”
“Damien’s got his summer job starting today so I’m losing my sidekick and Cody’s out with his broken leg for another couple of weeks. It’d be handy to have even one extra hand on.”
“I bet I can fence better one-armed than most men can with two.”
There was no bravado to the claim. His expression was sincere and Joss believed him. She didn’t doubt this man could do a crap ton of things better than most men.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“She didn’t notice the partially fogged vanity mirror as she walked toward the bathroom, either—two thick fluffy towels in hand. Not until she was inside anyway and a pair of jeans and fringed leather chaps tossed carelessly over the edge of the vanity came into view.
She almost dropped the towels as she spun around.
The Dixie Chicks crooning, there’s your trouble, straight into her ear was a particularly ironic twist.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“Thankfully he was wearing a towel—even if it was positioned sinfully low on his hips.
But that still left an awful lot to look at. An awful lot. Like the scattered droplets of water on his shoulders and chest and abs. And his nipples. Flat and brown and so evenly spaced she wanted to get out a ruler and measure them.
Or possibly use her tongue.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“What do you want?” he whispered against the thick thud of her carotid pulse. “Tell me what you want, baby.”
No one had ever called her baby. The fact that it had come from a guy seven years her junior should have been ridiculous. But it wasn’t. It curled her toes.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“If anyone had told Joss last week that she’d be dry humping a twenty-seven-year-old she’d met only five days prior in the bathroom of the loft above her garage, she’d have committed them for psychiatric evaluation. But here she was and she could not get enough.
Her body throbbed with need. Maybe she needed committing?”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“His jerky breath hit her system like a drug and she was in thrall. Of his potency. And hers. She didn’t want to stop. She wanted to keep going, keep touching him like this until he lost control. She wanted to bring him to his knees, this cocky young guy who called her baby and made her want things she hadn’t even realized she’d been missing.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“You’re driving me crazy.” His ragged words were barely louder than a whisper but wicked hot against her neck.
And he didn’t sound cocky or so sure of himself now. He sounded completely at her mercy.
Like he might just die if she stopped.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“He cocked an eyebrow and Joss’s gaze was once again drawn to the white scar that slashed it in half. “You been Googling me?”
Joss’s cheeks warmed. “I needed to know I wasn’t letting an axe murderer into our house.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“Sex makes people dumb.”
Joss laughed. Never had truer words been spoken. “That’s deep there, cowboy.”
“Hey.” He grinned. “I have layers, you know.”
Oh yeah, he was a regular onion.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“Do I look stupid to you? That thing is just plain crazy.”
“And when was the last time you did something crazy?”
Joss cocked an eyebrow. Was he kidding? “You have to ask?”
A slow lazy grin warmed his face. “That wasn’t crazy. That was hot.”
She rolled her eyes. He would say that, wouldn’t he? “My skirt.”
“Is long.” He dismissed it with a wave of his hand. “Too long to flash anything when you fall off.”
“When huh?”
He nodded. “When.”
“I’m more worried it might end up above my head.”
He laughed but stopped abruptly when she glared at him. “I promise I won’t look when you get tossed.”
Joss glanced around her at the full restaurant. “And what about the other hundred people in here?”
“Oh come on.” He affected an air of fake severity. “Good decent southern folk would surely avert their eyes from a lady in a state of undress.”
She snorted. Half the men in here would trample over their wives for a glimpse of panties.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“Now, grip the bull tight with your thighs.” She dutifully tensed her thighs. “Not tense. Grip. Real hard with your whole thigh.” His voice dropped, his lips pressing in closer to her ear as he murmured, “I know you know how to do that.”
A surge of heat shot from her core. Didn’t he know she was having a hard enough time sitting on the damn thing as it was without sexual innuendo messing with her equilibrium? She shot him a don’t-make-me-get-off-this-thing look but gripped.
“Atta girl,” he whispered.
Joss gritted her teeth. “Don’t push your luck, cowboy.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“Think you can last eight seconds?”
Joss was one hundred percent, absolutely, positively certain that she would not. She was even more certain that she’d break something.
Unfortunately, nerves made her mouthy.
“Eight seconds, huh? I heard you rodeo guys had a short fuse. We have pills for that now you know?”
He laughed and his lips were suddenly close to her ear again. “I can go longer than eight seconds as you well know. But even if that were true, I promise you, doc, it’d be the best eight seconds of your life.”
Great. Now all she was going to think about while a piece of machinery spun and bucked beneath her was riding Troy in exactly the same way. Was it possible to have a mechanical-bull-induced orgasm?
That would be seriously embarrassing.
Certainly more than the good folk of Plainview would have expected from an innocent night out at the Bull Bar. There were children watching for the love of Mike.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“She broke off the kiss again on a strangled gasp, staring at him, her chest heaving. “We’re not having sex here tonight.” Even as she said it, she rode his thigh harder. Troy’s eyes almost rolled back in his head at her barely leashed restraint, at the buck of hips that didn’t seem to buy the message her mouth was selling.
“Okay,” he agreed. If she chose to dry hump him all the way to orgasm beneath a billion stars he’d be in that.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“I can’t have sex with you, Troy.”
“Yeah. You’ve mentioned it once or twice.”
She groaned again. “It’s just that…you’re so damn tempting.”
He grinned. At her conflict and the absurdity of it. As if they were teenagers who’d sworn a virginity pledge and had the purity rings to prove it. He rolled up on his side, supporting his head with his palm. “I’m sorry. For being so tempting.”
She snorted. “No you’re not.”
Troy laughed. “You’re right. I’m not.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“I meant what I said about sex.”
His hand slid all the way up her leg, pushing what little skirt was still covering her out of the way, holding it in a bunch at her belly button. Her nudity was fully exposed to his gaze and he looked his fill, breathing out hard.
“Who said anything about sex?”
He leaned in, his mouth dropping to the pale slice of skin between where his hand held her skirt and the thatch of hair between her legs. She wasn’t trimmed as was the fashion among the women he usually took to his bed but Troy was not a fussy guy and here, under the stars, his head filling with the musky scent of her arousal, au naturel seemed fitting.
The ragged pant of her breathing stuttered into the air as he lazily stroked his tongue down.
Down. Down. Down.
She roused. Shifted. Raised herself up on her elbows, her abs tightening, her thighs tensing. “I think you’ll find that still counts,” she said, obviously throwing one last-ditch effort into denying herself the pleasure she so clearly craved.
He chuckled low, his warm breath fanning her belly, satisfied to feel gooseflesh stippling the soft skin. “If you think this is sex, you need to read some more textbooks, doc.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Amy Andrews
“Lie back, baby. I’m about to fly you to the moon.”
Amy Andrews, Troy

Leylah Attar
“Please don’t look at me like that.
He lowers his gaze, picks up a strand of my hair and twirls it around his finger.
“I miss you,” he says to it.
It’s barely audible over the sound of the storm raging outside, but in here, it’s like a roaring crescendo.
Why do his words have the power to turn my world upside down?
Why do will and shame and guilt and sense fall by the wayside when I’m with him?
Because you love him, comes the answer.
You love him.
You love him.
It echoes like the clap of distant thunder.”
Leylah Attar, 53 Letters for My Lover

America is Troy. Trump is a Trojan Horse.
“America is Troy. Trump is a Trojan Horse.”
A.K. Kuykendall

“Hector was a fool when he thought he had killed Achilles. God will fool your enemies who thought of destroying you.”
Abayomi Kayode Patrick

I'm not a state or federal employee, so the shutdown only indirectly affects my family
“I'm not a state or federal employee, so the shutdown only indirectly affects my family and I. I have, however, been out of work before. I know how it feels to pay bills all the while watching what little I managed to save, dwindle. In your hands, Mr. President, America is Troy.”
A.K. Kuykendall