Trust Quotes

Quotes tagged as "trust" Showing 2,971-3,000 of 4,402
Amanda Bouchet
“The ice inside me melts. Suddenly, I'm burning up and terrified, scared I'll be too weak to resist.

Scratch that - I'm petrified I've already given in.”
Amanda Bouchet, A Promise of Fire

Richie Norton
“Don't just create art to make money. Make money so you can create more art.”
Richie Norton

“Respect is earned.
Honesty is appreciated.
Trust is gained.
Loyalty is returned.”

Richie Norton
“To travel is to live. Breathe some life into your life and go outside!”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“MOM = Maker of Miracles”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“How to "change the world" in two words: S.T.A.R.T. N.O.W.

1. START - Serve. Thank. Ask. Receive. Trust.

2. NOW - No Opportunity Wasted”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“My parents did a great job of creating a home we wanted to return to...and all of our friends wanted to be there too.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“We’re all scared.

Yes, all of us. I’m afraid every day. If I’m not afraid, I must not be doing something I need to be doing. I believe that when you’re doing important work, you feel fear because you don’t want to fail. The challenge is to not let the fear stop you from doing the work that will enable you to achieve your goals. You need to recognize the fear for what it is and allow your “why” (your compelling vision) for what you’re doing be bigger than the fear itself.

So where do you start? Identify your fears. As they say, "name it to tame it."

Then, move forward.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Have the STRENGTH to say “no” to the status quo.

Have the WILL to listen to the deepest desires of your heart.

Have the COURAGE to ACT on and live out your intent.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Sometimes I work so long and so hard that I have no idea what day or time it is. I forget to eat. I don't get ready for the day. I fall asleep on the couch and wake up and get back to work.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Forest rangers see the forest differently. Likewise, entrepreneurs see the world differently.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Give your idea a chance. You’ll never hit a home run (or a base hit for that matter) if you don’t swing.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“How much value do you want to get out of life? You get out what you put in.

Approach your life with intent, courage, faith and hard work, and you’ll reap the beautiful value those sacrifices provide. That’s the way our strange world works.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton

We may feel the need to change employment, but we don’t.

We may feel the need to start a specific project, but we don’t.

We may feel the need to pursue higher education, but we don’t

We may feel the need to heal a broken relationship, but we don’t.

We may feel the need to work to improve our spiritual lives, but we don’t.

We may feel the need to take steps toward a healthier physical or emotional life for ourselves and/or our family, but again, we don’t.

(This list could likely go on for eternity.)

The desire for progression is innate, but the problem we face is that the actual act of progression is also a choice.

Without embracing our inherent need for progress, for positive growth and/or change, we’ll still go on living.

...But at what cost?”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Is it weird that when I see a cool t shirt or pick up a toothbrush or see a new car I don't think about the product itself? I think about the thousands of people and dollars to make it.

I think about how the retailer that took the risk to buy and resell it. Then I work backwards to the store costs, the distributer who got it there, the shipping company that brought it over from China, the factory workers that made it, the people that sourced the materials and the people that harvested the raw materials, and on and on..
The global economy is amazing. Your $20 t-shirt is a freaking miracle.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Always err on the side of generosity.”
Richie Norton

“The art of betrayal has not taught me to be bitter, but not so easily misplace trust.”
VaeEshia Ratcliff-Davis

Richie Norton
“Every book you've ever read on LEADERSHIP will finally make sense (and become practical) if you change the word "leader" to INFLUENCER.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“At the end of the day, if you have a great product and service paired with the wrong pricing strategy / business model, you don’t have a business.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“If you think it's funny to make fun of the "used car salesman," you better only buy new and never sell your car. Just sayin.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Everyone loves the idea of "disruption" in business, but no one likes it when it happens to them.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“What does a ship absolutely need to stay afloat? I’m not a mariner, so I can’t exactly say. . . but what I can tell you is that ships don’t absolutely need lighthouses—but they sure do help!

When it comes to acting on inspired ideas, it’s easy to trick ourselves into thinking we don’t really need to do them, but that’s like a ship ignoring the beacon of light on a rocky shore.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Doubt manifests itself in indecision.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“If you want control, loosen your grip. You're strangling your employees. Letting go is actually holding on.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“Are you setting business goals? Try this:

Step 1: Add a "0" to your revenue goal.
Step 2: Take away a "0" from your expense goal.
Step 3: Let your mind go to work.

Thank me later.”
Richie Norton

Richie Norton
“If you have time to write a business plan, you have time to prove the model. Just sayin.”
Richie Norton

Deepak Ranjan
“Can you trust me, once again…? Won’t you feel guilty accepting me with my wrongs…?’ I whispered.
‘No… never…’ she hugged me tight, I rubbed my hand on her hairs , pat on her shoulder and said sorry for making her cry.”
Deepak Ranjan, Nights of the Velvet: A Conditional Dream

Arkady Strugatsky
“Twenty times better to err on the person than suspicious of everyone.”
Arkady Strugatsky

“The art of betrayal has not taught me to be bitter, but to not so easily misplace trust.”
VaeEshia Ratcliff-Davis

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