Unique Quotes

Quotes tagged as "unique" Showing 31-60 of 717
Karl Lagerfeld
“The secret to modeling is not being perfect. What one needs is a face that people can identify in a second. You have to be given what’s needed by nature, and what’s needed is to bring something new.”
Karl Lagerfeld

“Think of yourself as a brand. You need to be remembered. What will they remember you for? What defines you? If you have it in you, do something that defines you. Invent something, develop a unique skill, get noticed for something — it creates a talking point.”
Chris Arnold

Nancy Omeara
“Being the World’s Most Powerful Leader is Easier Than You Think
One of my first executive orders was to impose a moratorium on any new federal government hiring. That got the “Incredible Shrinking Government” meal simmering. Veto stamps branded into any Congressional salary increase proposal added a certain singed aroma.”
Nancy Omeara, The Most Popular President Who Ever Lived [So Far]

Donna Lynn Hope
“The people you think are the happiest are usually the saddest; that's because they see more and feel deeper than others do. They are the sensitive and they see beyond the veil of what's tangible and what's not. They wear no masks and can see through the masks of others. The sensitive to life are few in number, which is why they feel so alone...because they are all alone.”
Donna Lynn Hope

Harvey Havel
“She put all of her weight against the sill of the balcony, her lovesick heart ready and willing to join the man she loved.  She closed her eyes and pushed herself forward.  From three stories high, she plummeted to the earth.  Before hitting the ground, she swore she saw him, racing down from the heavens and lifting her up towards God’s domain where lovers never ceased to rule.”
Harvey Havel, The Odd and the Strange: A Collection of Very Short Fiction

“Being a one of a kind means we are automatically the best in the world at what we do.”
Victor Williamson

Oliver Gaspirtz
“Ordinary people are products of their environment and fit in. Artists transcend their environment and stand out.”
Oliver Gaspirtz

Julie Hockley
“The problem is normal was'nt in my DNA. I was destined to be forever freakish.”
Julie Hockley, Crow's Row

“It is an acceptance of being uncomfortable that drives change.”
Curtis L. Jenkins, Vision to Reality: Stop Working, Start Living

Charles du Bos
“Joy is but the sign that creative emotion is fulfilling its purpose.”
Charles Du Bos

“A person who is truly cool is a work of art. And remember, original works of art cost exponentially higher than imitations. Just take a look at the the coolest people in history. They will always be a part of history for being extremely original individuals, not imitations.”
Suzy Kassem, Rise Up and Salute the Sun: The Writings of Suzy Kassem

Cassandra Clare
“It is not easy to be different, and even less so to be unique. But I begin to think I was never meant for an easy road.”
Cassandra Clare, Clockwork Princess

“Business leaders make one of two mistakes: overestimating or underestimating their capabilities.”
Curtis L. Jenkins, Vision to Reality: Stop Working, Start Living

“Communication is how entrepreneurs tell their story, which, in turn, should inspire employees to work smart and encourage customers to action.”
Curtis L. Jenkins, Vision to Reality: Stop Working, Start Living

Holly Goldberg Sloan
“Every person has lots of ingredients to make them what is always a one-in-a-kind creation. We are all imperfect genetic stews.”
Holly Goldberg Sloan, Counting by 7s

“Think of one thing you can do that will make a big difference in what you are trying to achieve.”
Curtis L. Jenkins, Vision to Reality: Stop Working, Start Living

Rick Riordan
“Because I’m not normal,” I said.
“You say that as if it’s a bad thing, Percy. But you don’t realize how important you are.”
Rick Riordan, The Lightning Thief

“Succeeding in business is no easy task, but my approach, backed by many years of experience, can help each unique entrepreneur—including you—clear the fog and take the next logical steps forward toward the realization of their dreams.”
Curtis L. Jenkins, Vision to Reality: Stop Working, Start Living

Trevor Alan Foris
“You lost sight of what was important... and sometimes, to gain something you have to let something go.”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue

Maggie Stiefvater
“the intermittent breeze carried her scent to me again and again , singing in another language of memories from another form .”
Maggie Stiefvater, Shiver

Ralph Waldo Emerson
“My life should be unique; it should be an alms, a battle, a conquest, a medicine.”
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Trevor Alan Foris
“Be careful what you wish for... your wish will visit you tenfold.”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue

Trevor Alan Foris
“... something was not right... almost as if something were hiding amongst the paint... squeezed in between the brush strokes... a kind of presence bringing it alive...”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue

Trevor Alan Foris
“You see, we black cats are the only thing between you and certain death.”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue

Trevor Alan Foris
“Your role out there is to give something back, guide the way forward... Maybe, just maybe if you spent a little less time looking out for yourself and a little more time thinking about... no, scratch that, just thinking would be a start.”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue

Trevor Alan Foris
“Father... just for once can you live in the moment?”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue

Trevor Alan Foris
“Trad had refused to stop until every last one of the Alliance Innesomids had been brought back under Octunnumi protection.”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue

Trevor Alan Foris
“... do your lot wake up and think hmm, what can I do to ruin the planet today?”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue

Trevor Alan Foris
“Wandering these shelves, the many mechanical animals... ambled about their day, unaffected by the presence of Maiegryn and her children.”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue

Trevor Alan Foris
“Right, so I wake up in the morgue as me, Grace, but I’m eighteen again and I’m like wow!”
Trevor Alan Foris, The Octunnumi Fosbit Files Prologue