Wise Quotes

Quotes tagged as "wise" Showing 241-270 of 1,240
“It's not the rhythm or the steps that make the dance,
but the passion that goes in the soul of those who dance.”
Augusto Branco

“These are the best companions for an intelligent woman:
a good book and a good glass of wine.”
Augusto Branco

“I want to be like the wind:
free, ethereal and never stop blowing.”
Augusto Branco

“Things don't happen at the speed of thought,
but they need to be thought out for them to happen.
Dream and believe in your dream:
in this consists all the magic of the universe.”
Augusto Branco

“If someone wants your bad
and by chance hurt you,
don't let yourself be shaken and smile:
being happy is the best revenge.”
Augusto Branco

“I don't want someone to make me happy,
I want someone who builds happiness with me.”
Augusto Branco

“You know that person who only looks for you when he needs you?
Well, you don't need it.”
Augusto Branco

“Donate yourself.
Right now someone needs you
more than you of someone.”
Augusto Branco

“I learned never to expect anything from anyone.
Since then, I've only had surprises,
never disappointments.”
Augusto Branco

“Doing right with the wrong person
and doing wrong with the right person:
this is the source of all disappointment.”
Augusto Branco

“For being left behind,
learned to say goodbye
before being left behind again.”
Augusto Branco

“I have reservations about listening
to a great sage who was never a great fool.”
Augusto Branco

“It is better to be a layman full of good deeds than an expert who is just full of words.”
Augusto Branco

“If you want a little piece of paradise, believe in God.
But if you want to conquer the world, believe in yourself
because God has already given you everything you need to win.”
Augusto Branco

“The densest darkness cannot withstand the smallest ray of light .”
Augusto Branco

“The good you do for others
is the good you do yourself.”
Augusto Branco

“There are idiots with PhDs and geniuses who never went to college.
Talent is an innate thing. Stupidity too.”
Augusto Branco

“The human being likes to have something to despise;
and likes not having to run after.”
Augusto Branco

“Intimacy reveals gentleness in brutes and brutality in gentlemen.”
Augusto Branco

“Before you get jealous of her best friend,
be yourself your wife's best friend.”
Augusto Branco

“Do not trust even your own shadow,
because even she leaves you when you are in the dark.”
Augusto Branco

“Those who live on crumbs are pigeons and mice.
I want full love!”
Augusto Branco

“If a man does not accept
your way of being, change - of man.”
Augusto Branco

“People like where their roots are,
especially when they are away from them.”
Augusto Branco

“When you love someone,
it is not that someone who is special.
When you love someone, who is special is you.”
Augusto Branco

“Tell me who you hang out with and I'll tell you if you succeed.”
Augusto Branco

“It is not necessary to have a reason to do good,
it is only necessary to do so.”
Augusto Branco

“The ideal person is simply the one you love and who loves you back.”
Augusto Branco

Kamaran Ihsan Salih
“Wise people are just wise by themselves when they rely on other people they make them stupid.”
Kamaran Ihsan Salih

Craig D. Lounsbrough
“I would rather make choices that strip me of what I ‘want’ because those are the choices that will give me what I ‘need.”
Craig D. Lounsbrough