Worries Quotes

Quotes tagged as "worries" Showing 31-60 of 160
Sara  Holland
“You have more happy memories than scary ones, don't you? Why give the scary ones so much space in your head?”
Sara Holland, Havenfall

Todd Perelmuter
“Look close enough at your problems and you’ll see there’s really nothing there at all. Problems only exist in the mind. They’re not real. There are only solutions waiting to be found.”
Todd Perelmuter, Spiritual Words to Live by : 81 Daily Wisdoms and Meditations to Transform Your Life

“If you declare dust as your enemy, you will guard your house 24×7 with a mop in hand. You won't be able to live in your own house peacefully.

Dust is just a phenomenon which should be given attention only when required.”

Amit Kalantri
“A human who is free from regrets of past, worries of present and fears of future is a superhuman.”
Amit Kalantri, Wealth of Words

“Free yourself from all the worries and sorrows on the new year by freeing the sky lanterns and let them burn as the lanterns do in the sky to lightup your inner self with hopes.”
Junaid Aslam

Flora Thompson
“Over To Candleford
Chapter XXVIII: Growing Pains
"This accumulated depression of months slid from her at last in a moment. She had
run out into the fields one day in a pet and was standing on a small stone bridge looking down on brown running water flecked with cream-coloured foam. It was a dull November day with grey sky and mist. The little brook was scarcely more than a trench to drain the fields; but overhanging it were thorn bushes with a lacework of leafless twigs; ivy had sent trails down the steep banks to dip in the stream, and from every thorn on the leafless twigs and from every point of the ivy leaves water hung in bright drops, like beads.

A flock of starlings had whirred up from the bushes at her approach and the clip, clop of a cart-horse's hoofs could be heard on the nearest road, but these were the only sounds. Of the hamlet, only a few hundred yards away, she could hear no sound, or see as much as a chimney-pot, walled in as she was by the mist.
Laura looked and looked again. The small scene, so commonplace and yet so lovely, delighted her."
It was so near the homes
men and yet so far removed from their thoughts. The fresh green moss, the glistening ivy, and the reddish twigs with their sparkling drops seemed to have been made for her alone and the hurrying, foam-flecked water seemed to have some message for her. She felt suddenly uplifted. The things which had troubled her troubled her no more. She did not reason. She had already done plenty of reasoning. Too much, perhaps. She simply stood there and let it all sink in until she felt that her own small affairs did not matter. Whatever happened to her, this, and thousands of other such small, lovely sights would remain and people would come suddenly upon them and look and be glad.

A wave of pure happiness pervaded her being, and, although it soon receded, it carried away with it her burden of care. Her first reaction was to laugh aloud at herself. What a fool she had been to make so much of so little.”
Flora Thompson, Over to Candleford

Lori Nelson Spielman
“Whenever something bothered me, I never had to tell her. She’d tell me. And when I’d try to convince her otherwise, she’d look at me and say, ‘Brett, you’re forgetting, I made you. I’m the one person you can’t fool.”
Lori Nelson Spielman, The Life List

Anthon St. Maarten
“Your fears, worries and false beliefs do not keep you safe. They keep you small.”
Anthon St. Maarten

Rolf van der Wind
“Do not worry about what name people give you. Instead, seek the truth despite all the labels they put on you. Do not get depressed by the darkness around you because the more significant the darkness, the easier you will see the light.”
Rolf van der Wind

“Obi’m, I sometimes worry that you may die before I do or abandon me because I am too much woman to handle and you are not enough man to handle me. So last night, while you slept I gathered myself back into my body. Scraped the remnants of my heart off your sleeve. And withdrew my feelings of deep affection from you.”
Ezinne Orjiako, Nkem.

“Worries are only so stable like these clouds.
The wind of life blows all gone in this second.
From the German Book Inneres Gold - Das Glück wohnt in der Tiefe.”
Inneres Gold

Stewart O'Nan
“Worry rolls inside you like a wheel.”
Stewart O'Nan, A Prayer for the Dying

J.R. Incer
“Our ego constantly worries over useless things and events that most likely will never happen.”
J.R. Incer, Mastering Success: The Key to Self Empowerment and Higher Consciousness

“Cast your cares upon Jesus Christ.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Turn your worries into worship.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

“Dreams are like worries, the only difference is the effect”
Goitsemang Mvula

“Do not fear for today nor frightened about tomorrow.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Gretchen Anthony
“And he learned that the worries you think are confined to the space in your head can just as well show up outside it, written in bright letters for all to see.”
Gretchen Anthony, The Kids Are Gonna Ask

Zora Neale Hurston
“You know they say a white man git in some kind of trouble, he'll fret and fret until he kill hisself. A n****r git into trouble, he'll fret for a while, then g'wan to sleep.”
Zora Neale Hurston, Mules and Men

“Motivational Reading removes our so many problems as like stress, anger, worries ,pressure also bringing out true potential of every person”
pranita deshpande

David McCullough
“We think we live in difficult uncertain times. We think we have worries. We think our leaders face difficult decisions. But so it has nearly always been.”
David McCullough, The American Spirit: Who We Are and What We Stand For

Elizabeth Mckenzie
“Don't worry about it."

"When you're me, there's always something to worry about. Everything goes wrong for me, and you know it.”
Elizabeth Mckenzie, The Portable Veblen

“Don’t borrow tomorrow’s troubles for today.”
Karen White

Karen Thompson Walker
“I felt a wave of loneliness. It occurred to me for perhaps the first time, as the car lurched forward, that if anything were to happen to my family, I’d be all alone in the world.”
Karen Thompson Walker, The Age of Miracles

Darcy Luoma
“Life presents challenges, unexpected obstacles, and adversity. People die. Jobs change. Bad things happen. To good people. All the time. And sadly, that won’t change. These things happen whether we want them to or not. We don’t control the fact that there will be problems at work and at home. Because we’re human, and conflict happens whenever we’re in relationships with others.
While you don’t control what happens, you do control what happens next. Always.
It might feel like your life is out of control and that you have no choices when something bad happens. The reality is that you have a lot of choices. When you can’t see those choices—and don’t focus on what you control—you feel helpless. However, there is another way forward. You can stop letting your worries and anxieties dictate your life. You have choice and control. You can use these challenges to get stronger. To deepen your relationships instead of destroy them. To overcome the hurdles and move forward in a positive way.
If your thoughts are telling you otherwise, it’s time to train to be Thoughtfully Fit!”
Darcy Luoma, Thoughtfully Fit: Your Training Plan for Life and Business Success

Anthony T. Hincks
“Don't bundle your nerves when there is truth to be faced.”
Anthony T. Hincks

“The emptiness left behind by those who leave feels deep...to each individual "the self" is very precious. Everyone has their own worries. How can I be the judge of what is serious?”
Yuna, 버림 받은 황비 1

“Don't allow the worries of this world to deprive you from worshipping your Maker.”
Lailah Gifty Akita

Martin "Rainman" Leghart Jr.
“My dog doesn’t know the troubles of yesterday nor the worries of tomorrow when she wakes up in the morning. Each day is a new day and she’s excited as ever to get it started.”
Martin "Rainman" Leghart Jr.

Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma
“Woes crop-up, for wrong expectations from people or situations.”
Vikrmn: CA Vikram Verma, Krishna Crux