Worry Quotes

Quotes tagged as "worry" Showing 991-1,001 of 1,003
Honoré de Balzac
“Our worst misfortunes never happen, and most miseries lie in anticipation.”
Honoré de Balzac

John Lanchester
“The person doing the worrying experiences it as a form of love; the person being worried about experiences it as a form of control.”
John Lanchester, Capital

John Steinbeck
“Ain't you thinkin' what's it gonna be like when we get there? Ain't you scared it won't be nice like we thought?

No, she said quickly. No, I ain't. You can't do that. I can't do that. It's too much - livin' too many lives. Up ahead they's a thousan' lives we might live, but when it comes, it'll on'y be one.”
John Steinbeck, The Grapes of Wrath

“Blessed is the person who is too busy to worry in the daytime and too sleepy to worry at night.”
Leo Aikman
tags: worry

Arthur W. Pink
“The apprehension of this blessed truth (God's faithfulness) will check our murmurings. The Lord knows what is best for each of us, and one effect or resting on this truth will be the silencing of our petulant complainings. God is greatly honored when, under trial and chastening, we have good thoughts of Him, vindicate His wisdom and justice, and recognize His love in His very rebukes.”
A. W. Pink

Randy Alcorn
“Worry is momentary atheism crying out for correction by trust in a good, sovereign God. Suffering breaks self-reliance.”
Randy Alcorn
tags: worry

“Sometimes, even when I'm trying to keep the load light it just feels so heavy. Like the sky is a ton of bricks waiting to fall and anything I might do, think or feel could cause it to come crashing down.”
Jane Devin, Elephant Girl: A Human Story
tags: fear, worry

Tegan Quin
“Stop crying to the ocean, stop crying over me. Stop worrying over nothing, stop worrying over me. So it's been so long since you said, well I know what I want and what I want's right here with you.”
Tegan Quin

“When I was young I wanted so much to be like her. What a blessing are those moments when there is nothing to worry about, no thought of trouble or grief in the world.”
Belinda Jeffrey, One Long Thread

“The speaker indicts our unbelieving responses to Jesus' COMMAND not to worry. We take it less seriously than His commands about overt actions and justify ourselves that we would not worry if He kept us from any circumstance we might worry about.”
Jim Savastio

E'yen A. Gardner
“Life is too precious to worry about what could or will happen. Life is..what you make it”
E'yen A. Gardner

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