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cover title author rating rating my rating read added Down arrow
The Complete Roman Emperor: Imperial Life at Court and on Campaign (The Complete Series)
really liked it
Aug 28, 2024
Aug 21, 2024
How the Light Gets In (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, #9)
it was amazing
Aug 21, 2024
Aug 13, 2024
The Naming of the Dead (Inspector Rebus, #16)
really liked it
Aug 15, 2024
not set
Aug 13, 2024
Octopus!: The Most Mysterious Creature in the Sea
liked it
Aug 16, 2024
Aug 03, 2024
American Demagogue: The Great Awakening and the Rise and Fall of Populism
liked it
Aug 03, 2024
Jul 19, 2024
For Honour and Fame: Chivalry in England, 1066-1500
really liked it
Jul 19, 2024
Jul 04, 2024
The Great Dechurching: Who’s Leaving, Why Are They Going, and What Will It Take to Bring Them Back?
liked it
Jul 04, 2024
Jun 29, 2024
Homelands: A Personal History of Europe
really liked it
Jun 29, 2024
Jun 16, 2024
The Intimate Life of Alexander Hamilton
really liked it
Jun 16, 2024
Jun 02, 2024
They Laughed at Galileo: How the Great Inventors Proved Their Critics Wrong
did not like it
May 31, 2024
May 26, 2024
A Brief Guide to Celtic Myths and Legends
liked it
May 26, 2024
May 09, 2024
Origin (Robert Langdon, #5)
liked it
not set
not set
Apr 24, 2024
The Company: The Rise and Fall of the Hudson's Bay Empire
really liked it
May 08, 2024
Apr 14, 2024
Chain of Command: The Road from 9/11 to Abu Ghraib
really liked it
Apr 14, 2024
Mar 31, 2024
Palestine: Peace Not Apartheid
really liked it
Mar 31, 2024
Mar 22, 2024
Fleshmarket Close (Inspector Rebus, #15)
really liked it
Apr 09, 2024
Mar 19, 2024
The Rule of Laws: A 4,000-Year Quest to Order the World
it was amazing
Mar 22, 2024
Feb 24, 2024
The Beautiful Mystery (Chief Inspector Armand Gamache, #8)
really liked it
Feb 13, 2024
Feb 01, 2024
Stamped from the Beginning: The Definitive History of Racist Ideas in America
really liked it
Feb 22, 2024
Feb 01, 2024
ESG 101: A Comprehensive Guide to Environmental, Social, and Governance Practices
it was ok
Feb 17, 2024
Feb 01, 2024
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