Lilibet Bombshell's Reviews > Rent: Paid in Full

Rent by Jesse H. Reign
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Even though I’d read a few of Jessign Reign’s books in the past I wasn’t aware of the upcoming release of Rent Paid in Full until about a month before it happened and when I saw the synopsis I was like, “How in the heck did I miss this? This sounds beyond hot. I love rent boy books!”

And so began the salivating. I counted down the days until the release date, cursing all along that I didn’t have this book on my Kindle yet.

It was torture to wait but now I’ve read it and it was everything Id’ hoped it would be and everything all those bookstagrammers I hounded about it told me it’d be. I don’t know what possessed Jesse Reign while writing this but it needs to keep it coming because this was stupidfilthyhot, omgallthefeelings, and gjshhgjtbshgthjtj all in one and I had to go to bed and sleep it off before writing this review because I didn’t have words or know what to do with myself after I read it. It was an out of body experience and I don’t even believe in that.

From the first sentence of this book I was absolutely hooked on Ryan’s snarky, uptight, contradictory nature. That man would bite off his nose to spite his face and then automatically regret it but then deny that he’s regretful about it. His brain is a washing machine set on vicious cycle and I am here for it because it makes him an absolute wind-up toy for our other MMC, Miller.

If Ryan is snarky, uptight, and contradictory, then Miller is earnest, laid-back (but resigned), and amiable in nature. He’s like water to Ryan’s flame. Miller can go with the flow, become tempestuous waves, or make himself into a whirlpool and summon people to him like a beacon. Miller’s inner narrative about Ryan is some of the most entertaining and amusing writing I’ve read in a long time.

I love how Miller found a way to get Ryan out of his head and accept what they both wanted without Ryan completely sacrificing his pride. I loved watching the two of them develop and grow together as people and lovers. I loved the story and the third act was a thing of romantic beauty. The spice was some of the hottest I’ve read in a long time. I mean, I think I spent a lot of time saying curse words and blaming drugs while reading this. It’s just that brilliant and hot and right.

All opinions, thoughts, views, and ideas expressed herein are mine and mine alone. Thank you.
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Quotes Lilibet Liked

Jesse H. Reign
“I have a trio of dicks in my midst, and they’re reigned over by my insufferable roommate. One dick to rule them all, if you will.”
Jesse H. Reign, Rent: Paid in Full

Jesse H. Reign
“Jesus. He has no idea how to behave. None whatsoever. That’s his thing. And fuck me, I’m into it.”
Jesse H. Reign, Rent: Paid in Full

Jesse H. Reign
“Oh God, he’s not just hot. He’s complicated and rude.”
Jesse H. Reign, Rent: Paid in Full

Jesse H. Reign
“I mean, who doesn’t wonder what it would be like to be with someone of the same sex. Literally half the population is the same sex as me. How can I possibly rule every single one of them out? Seems unrealistic to me.”
Jesse H. Reign, Rent: Paid in Full

Jesse H. Reign
“Quiet. Not a sound. Not a single goddamn sound, I look down and threaten my dick, or, or…I’ll take you in for a circumcision. I’m serious. I mean it. I’ll do it. Not a sound.”
Jesse H. Reign, Rent: Paid in Full

Jesse H. Reign
“My dick loves this kind of talk. Absolutely loves it. Eats this shit up and asks for seconds. Truth be told, it’s kind of a fan of being naked around other men, and to my surprise, it seems to have a bit of a thing for having my legs splayed open and my hole on display too.”
Jesse H. Reign, Rent: Paid in Full

Reading Progress

January 19, 2024 – Started Reading
January 19, 2024 – Shelved
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: 5-star-reviews
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: book-series
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: college-romance
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: contemporary-romance
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: holy-crud-that-was-hot
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: kindle-unlimited
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: lgbtqia-romances
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: part-of-a-romance-series
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: rom-com
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: sex-work-content
January 20, 2024 – Shelved as: smutty-romance-spice-level-3
January 20, 2024 – Finished Reading

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