Caroline Builta's Reviews > Same As It Ever Was

Same As It Ever Was by Claire Lombardo
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bookshelves: 2024, arc, literary-fiction

4.5 - thanks to Doubleday for the ARC!

Claire Lombardo's Same As It Ever Was is a beautifully written exploration of mid-life, family, and the past. Julia Ames, at fifty-seven, finally feels stable, but her peace is disrupted by surprising news from her son, her teenage daughter pulling away, and a blast from her past.

Lombardo's characters are incredibly real and relatable. Julia's journey through maternal struggles, friendship, and old patterns is both touching and authentic. The detailed descriptions enhance the story, though the book's length can make it feel slow at times. However, the depth and realism of the characters make it worthwhile.

Despite its size, the novel's deep dive into relationships and personal growth keeps you hooked. Lombardo's talent for capturing life's messiness and beauty shines through, making this a must-read for literary fiction fans. Julia's struggles and triumphs resonate deeply, capturing the reader's heart and mind. The narrative's exploration of the complex dynamics of family and the emotional rollercoaster of middle age is both thought-provoking and heartwarming.

Lombardo skillfully portrays the intricacies of human connections, making the reader reflect on their own relationships and life choices. Same As It Ever Was is a compelling, richly detailed story that will stay with you long after you turn the last page.

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Reading Progress

June 15, 2024 – Started Reading
June 15, 2024 – Shelved
June 19, 2024 – Finished Reading
June 24, 2024 – Shelved as: 2024
June 24, 2024 – Shelved as: arc
June 24, 2024 – Shelved as: literary-fiction

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