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What Else Are You Reading? > What Else Are You Reading? September 2012

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message 1: by Kevin (last edited Aug 31, 2012 04:55PM) (new)

Kevin Xu (kxu65) | 1081 comments Where has the time gone? Almost 75% of the year has come and gone. So just the usual by wondering what everyone is reading the month before it becomes double digit? I am re-reading right now Magician by Raymond E. Feist. Yep, one of the few lucky ones in the United States that actually have both books in one. I just finished the first part or the first book, now onto the second part or the second book.

message 2: by Kim (new)

Kim | 477 comments Time is going by fast but not fast enough for me. This month I want to finish reading Shutter Island and The Master and Margarita.

Also want to read Frankenstein, On the Oceans of Eternity, Prince of Thorns and Double Indemnity.

message 3: by Nick (new)

Nick (bookwyrm5000) | 25 comments So, I read Foundation for my senior anthology in high school, along with a few other Asimov books, and what I've found is that I kind of hate the way he writes novels. I love his shorts stories, which are by and large brilliant, but I feel like the novels have a tendency to drone on.

Therefore, I will be reading Inheritance and Assassin's Apprentice because I moved into college when this book launched and was unable to get a copy.

message 4: by Aloha (new)

Aloha | 919 comments I'm reading The Master and the Margarita myself. I'm in a great forum for it. I highly recommend peeping in. The mods are doing a gret job researching the history.

>Kim wrote: "Time is going by fast but not fast enough for me. This month I want to finish reading Shutter Island and The Master and Margarita.

Also want to read Frankenstein, On the Oceans of Eternity, Prince..."

message 5: by David Sven (new)

David Sven (gorro) | 1582 comments I just finished The Last Colony which is the third book in the Old Man's War series by John Scalzi.
My review

And apart form the official pick, I am declaring September to be Abercrombie month for me. I've been looking forward to reading his stuff for so long - so I intend to polish of all his books this month starting with The Blade Itself

message 6: by Nico (new)

Nico (darkybald) | 30 comments I start the month of with The Hundred Thousand Kingdoms and The Traitor Queensince I already read every book of my bookclubs this month ^^

message 7: by Denis (new)

Denis Pedersen | 59 comments The Master and Margarita is one of my all-time favourite books ;-)

Gonna find time for a re-read of that one soon ;-)

message 8: by Aloha (new)

Aloha | 919 comments There are hardcore M&M fans in that forum. Some of them are reading several translations of the book. I think it's a precursor to Magical Realism and fantasy such as the Neil Gaiman work.

message 9: by Gillian (new)

Gillian (glkrose) | 12 comments In addition to Foundation, which I am almost finished with, I am reading The Invention of Hugo Cabret and rereading Wuthering Heights.

message 10: by David (new)

David (lonewander) | 20 comments I just started reading The Best of Cordwainer Smith.

message 11: by Kam (new)

Kam (kam_martinez) | 59 comments My reading of Kill Decision by Daniel Suarez straddles the end of August and the beginning of September, but since I'll finish it in September I thought to include it in this post and not the last one. I also plan to get on Ready Player One and Year Zero within this month, and maybe The Magician King if I'm no longer annoyed with Quentin.

message 12: by Paul (new)

Paul My reading of The Dresden Files continues. Now on to Grave Peril. I do love when i find a series that is just fun, easy to read and has a good number of titles that i can plough through. Dresden Files looks like being a perfect fit for the type of thing i want to read at the moment. Need something lighthearted to distract me from real life.

message 13: by Jason (new)

Jason Leary | 5 comments Just finished reading Feed by Mira Grant (what a shocking ending) and I'm about to start Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park for the first time. I know! I can't believe I haven't read it either!

message 14: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Xu (kxu65) | 1081 comments I've put Magician on the side to read The Order War by L.E. Modesitt.

message 15: by Tamahome (last edited Sep 02, 2012 10:51AM) (new)

Tamahome | 7023 comments David wrote: "I just started reading The Best of Cordwainer Smith."

My pilot cat approves.

message 16: by Rob, Roberator (new)

Rob (robzak) | 7138 comments Mod
Paul wrote: "My reading of The Dresden Files continues. Now on to Grave Peril. I do love when i find a series that is just fun, easy to read and has a good number of titles that i can plough through. Dresden Fi..."

Dresden gets much more serious as the series goes on. Still great though.

message 17: by Rob, Roberator (new)

Rob (robzak) | 7138 comments Mod
Once I finish Foundation for the club I plan to read In the House of the Wicked the latest book in the Remy Chandler series. It's part of my "guilty pleasure" reading. Something I expect little from in the way of depth, but is a quick and amusing break from the heavier stuff I usually read.

message 18: by Corbitt (new)

Corbitt | 18 comments I'm going to continue the Farseer Trilogy after enjoying Assassin's Apprentice so much. Also I plan to delve into the world of HP Lovecraft

message 19: by Molly (new)

Molly (mollyrichmer) | 146 comments I'm also digging into the Dresden Files this month. Also hoping to read Caliban's War and Fool's Errand of the Tawny Man trilogy. And of course, this month's Vaginal Fantasy pick, Cthulhurotica. :)

message 20: by Tamahome (new)

Tamahome | 7023 comments Molly wrote: "I'm also digging into the Dresden Files this month. Also hoping to read Caliban's War and Fool's Errand of the Tawny Man trilogy. And of course, this month's Vaginal Fantasy pick, Cthulhurotica. :)"

With tentacles? I've seen anime like that.

message 21: by [deleted user] (new)

Im reading the third installment in the farseer trilogy Assassins quest which im loving it is taking me a long time to read though im not sure why, im trying not to keep looking at the percentage and not make it about finishing and rather about just enjoying it no matter how long it takes, I get a bit ocd with that. When thats finished im then going sci fi, I havnt read alot of scifi so im going to read snow crash, oldmans war and enders game, if all goes to plan.

message 22: by Tamahome (new)

Tamahome | 7023 comments ^
| picture added

message 23: by Tamahome (last edited Sep 02, 2012 11:29AM) (new)

Tamahome | 7023 comments Sitting Kills, Moving Heals nonfiction by an ex NASA employee. If you sit in a chair a lot, you have a lot in common with an astronaut weightless in space!

message 24: by Kate (new)

Kate O'Hanlon (kateohanlon) | 778 comments Jeanette Winterson has a new book about the Lancashire Witches The Daylight Gate, this could not be more catered to my interests. Picked it up today, I have high hopes.

message 25: by Lepton (new)

Lepton | 176 comments Pretty sure after Jo Walton's winning of the Hugo for Among Others that I will be starting that tonight or tomorrow.

message 26: by Stuart (new)

Stuart (asfus) | 67 comments I am reading Ordinary Thunderstorms by William Boyd

message 27: by Joseph (new)

Joseph | 2430 comments Just finished Blackout by Mira Grant and am moving onto the three short stories she's published -- San Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California Browncoats and Countdown, which I believe are set in the same world as Feed, and Apocalypse Scenario #683: The Box, which I think is a standalone.

message 28: by David Sven (new)

David Sven (gorro) | 1582 comments Finished the audio version of The Hunger Games.
My Review

Good enough to continue with the next audio book in the series Catching Fire

message 29: by Fresno Bob (new)

Fresno Bob | 602 comments David Sven wrote: "I just finished The Last Colony which is the third book in the Old Man's War series by John Scalzi.
My review

And apart form the official pick, I am..."

Oh, you are in for a fine grim september!

message 30: by Fresno Bob (new)

Fresno Bob | 602 comments Everyone was sick in my house so I got to finish both Empire State (which I thought I was going to enjoy more than I did. I think I was expecting something more like a noir-Cowboy Angels! And less muddled) and The Wise Man's Fear (which I enjoyed a lot more than i was expecting)

The Apocalypse Codex for fiction and Based on a True Story: Fact and Fantasy in 100 Favorite Movies for non-fiction next

message 31: by Jessy (new)

Jessy (jessyanelfatheart) | 38 comments Jason wrote: "Just finished reading Feed by Mira Grant (what a shocking ending) and I'm about to start Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park for the first time. I know! I can't believe I haven't read it either!"

Jurassic Park is my favorite of Crichton's books. Have fun!

message 32: by Jessy (new)

Jessy (jessyanelfatheart) | 38 comments Along with Foundation, I am currently listening to the audio version of The Hunger Games. This month I also plan on reading Frida: A Biography of Frida Kahlo and Inheritance. In audio I just finished The Enchantress and plan on starting The Two Towers soon.

message 33: by David Sven (new)

David Sven (gorro) | 1582 comments Fresno Bob wrote: "Oh, you are in for a fine grim september! "

Is it wrong to be grim while laughing so hard.


message 34: by Fresno Bob (new)

Fresno Bob | 602 comments David Sven wrote: "Fresno Bob wrote: "Oh, you are in for a fine grim september! "

Is it wrong to be grim while laughing so hard.


Only a fool laughs at the Bloody Nine!

message 35: by Sandi (new)

Sandi (sandikal) | 1212 comments I just finished listening to Firebird by Jack McDevitt and am moving on to The Fuller Memorandum by Charles Stross.

In text, I'm almost done with Talulla Rising, the sequel to The Last Werewolf by Glen Duncan. I highly recommend these books for a literary take on werewolves. I'm also almost done with This Is Not a Game by Walter Jon Williams.

I have no idea what's next. It will depend on my mood.

message 36: by Derek (new)

Derek Knox (snokat) | 274 comments David Sven wrote: " And apart form the official pick, I am declaring September to be Abercrombie month for me. I've been looking forward to reading his stuff for so long - so I intend to polish of all his books this month starting with The Blade Itself "

May want to slip other books in between, I tried doing them all at once and couldn't do it. Grew tired of the world after a couple of books. Ended up doing one a month.

Finished listening to The Hammer and the Blade by Paul S. Kemp. Fun read. Reminiscent of old sword and sworcery adventures, reminded me of some D&D adventures I played.

Next up is The Dwarves by Markus Heitz.

message 37: by Anna-louise (last edited Sep 04, 2012 05:27AM) (new)

Anna-louise | 21 comments I am currently reading Temeraire aka His Majesty's Dragon and i'm waiting for in the post the new book by Jay Kristoff Stormdancer which i'm really looking forward too! Then at the end of the month Dodger I love Terry Pratchett i hope this is as amazing as everything else :)

message 38: by John (new)

John (johnbrock) | 33 comments Currently reading my Great Tales of Horror book, by H.P. Lovecraft while waiting for my Foundation book to arrive.

message 39: by Joe Informatico (new)

Joe Informatico (joeinformatico) | 888 comments My friend just returned all my trades of Grant Morrison's The Invisibles so I read through those this past weekend.

Other than this month's official pick, I'm making my way through Black Heart (Curseworkers #3), Assassins in Love--another romance novel I saw on Felicia Day's feed that's better science fiction than a lot of science fiction, and the first Sandman Slim book my girlfriend's been pushing me to read.

message 40: by Dharmakirti (last edited Sep 04, 2012 06:13AM) (new)

Dharmakirti | 942 comments I'm still working my way though Time Enough for Love and have about 100 pages left of Alif the Unseen (which is one of my favorties so far this year).

I plan to start reading Foundation today or tomorrow.

message 41: by Joseph (new)

Joseph | 2430 comments I finished the three short stories by Mira Grant (Apocalypse Scenario #683: The Box, Countdown and San Diego 2014: The Last Stand of the California Browncoats) and started Hiero's Journey by Sterling E. Lanier, another one of those books that's been sitting on my shelf waiting patiently for at least the past 20 years.

message 42: by Jason (new)

Jason Leary | 5 comments Thanks, Jessica. Crichton is one of my favorite writers and Jurassic Park is one of my favorite movies, so it's very strange I never got around to reading the book before now. I'm looking forward to it!

message 43: by John (new)

John (agni4lisva) | 332 comments I am currently listening to Pandora's Star and should really dig around for Foundation as I have the entire series somewhere around here. I have read it several times before and did think about skipping it but it is such a great concept and collection of individual stories.

message 44: by Kris (new)

Kris (kvolk) Just got my copy of Lord of Mountains: A Novel of the Change! Can't wait to get started...

message 45: by David(LA,CA) (new)

David(LA,CA) (davidscharf) | 327 comments Finished Foundation. Jaina Proudmoore: Tides of War is next so I can finish before the game expansion comes out. After that, either Redshirtssince relatives keep asking me what I thought about it, or Dauntless because a different relative gave it to me as a birthday present.

message 46: by library_jim (new)

library_jim | 212 comments I'm reading City of Thieves by David Benioff for my other book club. It's historical fiction about two very different young men in Leningrad during the war. It's both humorous and horrible in equal doses. I mean horrible because of the goings-on, not a horrible book.

message 47: by Walter (last edited Sep 05, 2012 12:46AM) (new)

Walter Spence (walterspence) | 707 comments Just finished The Shadow of the Wind. Currently reading Sure of You (primarily for research purposes, my next novel takes place mostly in San Francisco). After that: Leviathan Wakes. (I've read Foundation at least twice, maybe three times.)

message 48: by Rob, Roberator (new)

Rob (robzak) | 7138 comments Mod
Walter wrote: "Just finished The Shadow of the Wind."

What did you think?

message 49: by Alain (new)

Alain Fournier | 41 comments I am a chapter into Final Days. So far its intriguing.
Finishing up the short story collection Federations. With three stories to go I found it to be a mixed bag. Also reading the Oct/Nov issue of Asimov SF magazine.

I have read Foundation several time and not really in the mood for it now so I'll pass on reading it again.

message 50: by Dharmakirti (new)

Dharmakirti | 942 comments I've finished Alif the Unseen and it was excellent. Highly recommended!

I started on Foundation this morning. I plan on starting The Algebraist this evening.

I'm really trying to keep reading Time Enough for Love since a friend gave it to me as a gift, but boy-oh-boy is it ever a struggle.

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