Glens Falls (NY) Online Book Discussion Group discussion

What are U doing today? > Mon. Feb. 9, 2009 - What are U doing today?

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message 1: by Joy H., Group Founder (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Mon. Feb. 9, 2009
Photobucket What are you doing today?

message 2: by Jim (new)

Jim (jimmaclachlan) Here's an interesting interview with Stephen King. He talks about his opinions of J.K. Rowling & Stephanie Meyers writing.

message 3: by Joy H., Group Founder (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Thanks for the great link, Jim. I've bookmarked it and will read it as soon as I get ready to go to the physical therapist.

Don't know if I told you this before, but on New Year's Eve I danced a lively polka with a tall, young, stranger from Norway who must have thought I was 16 year old. I enjoyed the dance but have been paying the price for over a month with a sore leg. It seems to be improving with therapy.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Photobucket ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~THOSE DAYS ARE GONE FOREVER!!!~~~~~~~~~ :-( (g)

message 4: by Jim (new)

Jim (jimmaclachlan) Getting old isn't for whimps, is it? ;-) Good luck. Hope you feel better.

My daughter sent me the article saying that King was spot on.

message 5: by Joy H., Group Founder (last edited Feb 09, 2009 07:31AM) (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Jim wrote: "Getting old isn't for whimps, is it? ;-) Good luck. Hope you feel better.
My daughter sent me the article saying that King was spot on. "

Yes, the article about the Stephen King interview looks very interesting. Can't wait to read it.

And yes, getting old isn't for sissies! (g) Thanks for the wishes.

message 6: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckymurr) I am sick for the second day & today is my birthday-yuck!

message 7: by Joy H., Group Founder (last edited Feb 09, 2009 03:57PM) (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Oh no, Becky. What a terrible way to celebrate your birthday!
You'll have to make up for it when you feel better!
Have a happy birthday anyway!
~~~~~~ Photobucket ~

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~NO CALORIES!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ (G)

message 8: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckymurr) Beautiful cake!!! You must have worked on that all day!! Or was it Eddie?! LOL

message 9: by Susan (NY) (new)

Susan (NY) Happy Birthday Becky! Hope your feeling well soon.

message 10: by Joy H., Group Founder (last edited Feb 09, 2009 04:04PM) (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Becky wrote: "Beautiful cake!!! You must have worked on that all day!! Or was it Eddie?! LOL"

Becky... this is my kind of cake! (lol)
No messy bowls and pans afterwards. :)
Eddie's cakes come with messy bowls and pans that I have to clean up. (g)
I can't get over the way the colors in the flowers match the colors in the cake!
And with your name on the cake!
These were definitely meant for you, Becky. (g)

message 11: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckymurr) & one of my all time favorite flowers!!

message 12: by Joy H., Group Founder (last edited Feb 09, 2009 05:54PM) (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Becky wrote: "& one of my all time favorite flowers!!"

Terrific! Are they Shasta Daisies?
How are you feeling?

message 13: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckymurr) Gerbera

message 14: by Jim (new)

Jim (jimmaclachlan) Happpy birthday, Becky. I hope you get better fast!

message 15: by Joy H., Group Founder (new)

message 16: by Nina (new)

Nina | 6069 comments My husband's aunt at eighty four danced the night away doing the polka and also her life. She died the following morning. What a way to go! nina

message 17: by Nina (new)

Nina | 6069 comments To Becky, Happy Belated Birthday. Rest and read and hope you are better very soon. Don't drink citrus juice if you are nauseated. My mother used to fix me egg salad sandwiches made by mashing hard boiled eggs with a little butter;no mayo. It was filling and not hard to digest. And of course, tea ia a great comfort. As one of the characters in one of my all time favorite movies, "84 Charring Cross Road," said from his hospital bed, "What would we British do without our tea?" nina Cheers!

message 18: by Joy H., Group Founder (last edited Feb 11, 2009 04:02PM) (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Nina wrote: "My husband's aunt at eighty four danced the night away doing the polka and also her life. She died the following morning. What a way to go! nina"

Nina, remind me not to polka anymore. I did the polka New Year's Eve and all of January I was limping with pains in my left leg. Now I'm going to physical therapy. It was a very fast, lively polka and my partner was a young man who must have thought I was sixteen. So... no more polkas for me. But I must say, I enjoyed that polka!!!

message 19: by Nina (new)

Nina | 6069 comments Joy,
You are a long way from 84 so polka and enjoy after you recuperate from the last dance. nina

message 20: by Joy H., Group Founder (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Thanks, Nina, but I think I'll stick to the Fox Trot. It's safer. (g)

message 21: by Nina (new)

Nina | 6069 comments or just listen to the polka band, Isn't the music your name. As I told you before this, I love the name because I have a Joy granddaughter. She works in hospitals and helps deliver toys and medicines to the native children in Ghana. You would be pround to share a name with her. And her with you. She too is a reader; mostly Dickens, lately. And Greg Mortenson, Three Cups of Tea. nina

message 22: by Joy H., Group Founder (last edited Feb 11, 2009 08:03PM) (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Yes, I've always loved my name. Thanks for the kind words. I'd love to have a granddaughter named Joy. (g) As it is, I like my Julia and Katie just as well.

Your granddaughter has a very satisfying job.

Our library featured _Three Cups of Tea One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time_. They tried to have the entire community read that one book. So it made the book very popular.

PS-Yes, I like to tap my foot to lively music. As long as we can move to the rhythm in some way, we'll be OK. Dancing is a natural instinct. We must never stifle it. Sometimes I just dance around the house when I hear the right music. It's a healthy thing to do.

message 23: by Nina (new)

Nina | 6069 comments Your granddaughters do have pretty names. I have six grandaughters and twelve grandsons so quite a varity of names in the family except I have a son-in-law named Terry(my name.) And we have two Tims and two Michaels. One of the Tims is my grandson who got me signed up for Goodreads. I had never heard of it until last April. My husband of sixty one years says if we ever got a divorce he would name Goodreads as the cause as he never sees me except sitting at the computer. NOT TRUE. But he likes to tease. nina

message 24: by Joy H., Group Founder (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Nina wrote: "Your granddaughters do have pretty names. I have six grandaughters and twelve grandsons so quite a varity of names in the family except I have a son-in-law named Terry(my name.) And we have two Tim..."

Wow, 18 grandchildren. What a pleasure.

I found Goodreads last April too... by serendipity.

And guess what... my real name is Theresa Joy, but no on ever calls me Theresa except those who don't know me. Even my parents never called me Theresa. Theresa was my Grandmother's name. And occasionally I use Terry as a nickname online. My grandchildren call me Nina. So you see, you and I have many similarities.

Congratulations on being married 61 years! Does your husband go online or use computers, Nina?

message 25: by Nina (last edited Feb 14, 2009 04:41PM) (new)

Nina | 6069 comments Jim wrote: "Here's an interesting interview with J.K. It was quite interesting. Long ago King was one of my favorites after reading 'The Shining." But the later ones didn't thrill me. Guess I got used to the plots. And I haven't read J.K. but I give her such credit for getting kids to read. It has been ages since anyone accomplished that to such a degree. And Jim, with all your horse and animal knowledge if you ever want to you could do a good entertaining educational chidrens' book with a horse as a character or whatever; fictional or non=fiction how to...I have written stories, poems etc for children and some have been published so I think I know what sells. You would make a good one. I really believe it. nina

message 26: by Nina (new)

Nina | 6069 comments Joy, Yes my husband is really computer savvy. He was the computer manager at Bendix; now Honeywell, before he retired. After retiring, he was a computer consultant for ten years. He taught computer knowledge and took them apart and re-built them and sometimes put in entire computer systems for different companies that were his clients. He retired from that and mostly is busy helping people just to be nice. So, I am fortunate to have a live-in computer guru and believe me I make him feel needed right here at home. I doubt I know as much as you do about them because I don't take the time and effort to learn. But I do enjoy my email. nina

message 27: by Jim (new)

Jim (jimmaclachlan) Thanks, Nina. I did write a story from a kid's point of view years ago. Finally got around to submitting it for publication to an ezine. It's in their current issue ezine:

Mom really wants to do a book on a fawn she raised for kids, but I don't know where to start with a picture book like that. She has some great photos & neat stories about Buddy. He was one of many she raised, but the one she had the longest.

My main hobby, besides reading & taking care of the farm, is my woodworking. That takes up lots of time, so with work & all, there just isn't time for other stuff. I've been putting off selling bowls, but did finally get to one store the other day. They took some, but they don't like a shiny finish, so I have to find at least one more. I really hate selling. I especially don't like consignment, but I guess I'll have to do it. That or start doing shows again. They're worse.

message 28: by Joy H., Group Founder (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Nina, you're lucky to have an "in-house" computer expert to help you. I wouldn't be online if it weren't for my own husbands and sons. They bail me out when I get into tech trouble on the computer and they take care of all installations, etc.

I read Jim's story at ezine. It's excellent. Here's the link: ====>
It's called "White Crow". I found it very meaningful.

message 29: by Nina (new)

Nina | 6069 comments Jim, See I was right. You are a story teller. Great one! It was a page turner. Maybe your wife could take a few lessons from some books on "How to Write a Picture Book.: I think the premise is a good one and she could just try it with the standard practice: 32 pages for picture book and every other page is a picture. Good luck. nina

message 30: by Nina (new)

Nina | 6069 comments Joy, we are both lucky. I wouldn't be "here" without help. And you say you are also lucky with knowledge/computer/savy husband and sons. One of ny sons would be a great help but he lives in San Diego. I dread being a widow and of course for other reasons besides not having anyone to turn to in times of computer troubles. Some times they pop up daily. nina ps can you believe there is a new book coming out, "Jane Austin and the Vampires?" nina

message 31: by Joy H., Group Founder (new)

Joy H. (joyofglensfalls) | 16697 comments Another vampire book! Even my 12 year old granddaughter is reading _Twilight_. She's wrapped up in it. I'm glad I saw the movie. At least I have an inkling of what it's about, although I'm sure the book is much better.

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