SOS: Serious Overload of Series discussion

A.C. Crispin
This topic is about A.C. Crispin
RIP: Dead/Expired Threads > Updated: author has regained publishing rights to Starbridge series

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Debbie's Spurts (D.A.) | 2175 comments Saw posts on goodreads author profiles Jim C. Hines and A.C. Crispin regarding publisher who has not been paying their authors' royalties six months to a year. Not requoting, just check out the posts and links for yourself. Unreal; particularly with the possibility of self-publishing and how well-tracked ebook sales are via big sellers like amazon, the credit card companies, etc.

Ms. Crispin may be more familiar to some of us from Star Trek Spock/Vulcan novels; not exactly an unknown.

In case they post more overwriting, direct link to her post is

His at

message 2: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25243 comments Wow, both very well known authors. That publisher must be crazy or in trouble.

Debbie's Spurts (D.A.) | 2175 comments I got curious and followed some of the blog and website postings and it's not just Crispin. Other authors also have royalties nearly a year past due.

message 4: by Steph, Serious series addict (new)

Steph (angel4492) | 31214 comments Sandra wrote: "Wow, both very well known authors. That publisher must be crazy or in trouble."

Wow. I agree. Hope they get their act together soon or they're going under. If they aren't on their way already.

Debbie's Spurts (D.A.) | 2175 comments Well, don't know about other authors but Ms. Crispin posts today that the royalties are now paid, all ebooks sales transferred back to her (except currently ibooks which is in progress). Hurray for the public outcry I guess; but, it's still a nasty mess and hard enough for authors to get published, on book shelves, etc. -- her post at

message 6: by Sandra, Kindle Operator Licence Required (new)

Sandra | 25243 comments Wonder how all the other authors got on or whether it was just Ms Crispin due to the hue & cry.

Debbie's Spurts (D.A.) | 2175 comments I expect, SFWA's Writers Beware likely to get embroiled in if not resolved for other authors.

message 8: by Paul (new)

Paul Griffiths | 6 comments Paul Leslie Griffiths

Unreal !!!

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