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Heroines > Melinda Sordino (Speak)

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message 1: by Erika, Dream Thief (new) - added it

Erika (livingforthebooks) | 3819 comments Mod
What did you think of her?

message 2: by Farhia (new) - added it

Farhia (farhia97) | 105 comments I really liked Melinda. I felt like I can connect with her sorrow and despair. That is when I like a character, when I can feel what they feel. I'm glad how it ended for her :)

Jojobean I liked her. She is very relate-able in terms of her feelings

message 4: by Ken (new) - rated it 5 stars

Ken (kensamcampo) She's kool but like It's hard to relate to her in someways. What would it be like to just stop speaking? Like she did. Would anyone notice? There's like a hundred and one or more questions running through my mind. What if I just suddenly decided not to speak? I know I'm shy and silent, but to just stop speaking, would be like a whole new world for me.

message 5: by [deleted user] (new)

I think that Melinda wasn't exactly the kind of heroine that someone would refer to as a rolemodel for young girls, as she didn't tell anyone about what happened at the party until she talked to Rachel in study hall, and even then she never talked to an adult about it until the lacrosse team found Andy trying to rape her in the janitor's closet. She was making a statement with the while not speaking thing, which was pretty awesome.

L.C. Perry | 202 comments She was a very interesting character for me. I was amazed she could go without speaking about it for so long and it's definitely relatable. I just wish she could have stood up for herself sooner, and I know it's a process but it was frustrating. I wanted her to get better and see more of her progress afterwards :(

message 7: by Mariah (new)

Mariah | 68 comments I liked Melinda, I could feel her sadness, sorrow, and anger about what happened. I can understand her not talking and I'm glad we got to watch her go through what she did and how she grew as a person.

message 8: by Mariah (new)

Mariah | 68 comments I liked Melinda and I empathized with her struggles, I felt so bad for her and I just wanted to jump into the book and hug her.

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