Challenge: 50 Books discussion

Finish Line 2009! > Mara's 50 for 2009

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message 1: by Mara (last edited Mar 18, 2009 04:31PM) (new)

Mara | 209 comments Hey, it's going to be a busy year and I'm already behind but lets give it a try because it looks like so much's where I'm at so far:
1-The Goose Girl by )Shannon Hale
2-The Goose Girl by The Brothers Grimm
3-Cross My Heart and Hope to Spy by Ally Carter
4-The Curse of Chalion by Lois McMaster Bujold
5-Thief of Time by Terry Pratchett

message 2: by Mara (last edited Mar 18, 2009 04:32PM) (new)

message 3: by Mara (last edited Mar 18, 2009 04:32PM) (new)

message 4: by Mara (last edited Mar 18, 2009 04:32PM) (new)

message 7: by Mary Todd (new)

Mary Todd (marytodd) | 924 comments That sounds interesting...and congrats on 10!

message 8: by Mara (new)

Mara | 209 comments 11-Midnight Sun by Stephenie Meyer, even though this isn't a completed book, I'm going to count it since it was 264 pages.

message 16: by Mara (new)

message 20: by Mara (last edited Jul 28, 2009 03:36PM) (new)

message 23: by Mara (new)

Mara | 209 comments 30- Waking Beauty by Leah Wilcox

31- Falling For Rapunzel by Leah Wilcox

32- Bats at the Library by Brian Lies

I have picked three of my favorite picture books to stand in for all the picture books I've read to my daughter this year--I think the amount equals out to about three novels.

message 27: by Mara (new)

message 34: by Mara (new)

Mara | 209 comments I'm not going to make it--I blame it on moving out of state and having baby number two. :-) I don't think I did too bad, though.

And there's always next year.

message 35: by Doug (new)

Doug You're still a nice person though.

message 36: by Liss (new)

Liss | 116 comments I still love you, Mara. :)

P.S. You should count the D&C and the Pearl of Great Price as separate books from the Book of Mormon! That would put you at 44. And some of those large books should count as 2. So, in my eyes, you made your goal!

message 37: by Mara (new)

Mara | 209 comments Aww...thanks guys!

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