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Monthly Group Read Suggestions > Series Read to start in March 2013

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message 1: by mark, personal space invader (new)

mark monday (majestic-plural) | 1287 comments Mod
Please nominate a series you would like as a group read. We'll try to read each book in the series, starting in March 2013.

So far we have a few nominations:

* Night's Dawn by Peter Hamilton
* Miles Vorkosigan by Lois McMaster Bujold
* The Culture by Iain M. Banks

please continue nominating!

message 2: by Diana (new)

Diana (diana_zm) | 21 comments Foundation by Isaac Asimov

message 3: by Maggie, space cruisin' for a bruisin' (new)

Maggie K | 1287 comments Mod
oops...another ule is you have to link the book/series! Thanks

message 4: by Diana (new)

Diana (diana_zm) | 21 comments Sorry about that:
Foundation series by Isaac Asimov (the link is to the first book of the series)

message 5: by mark, personal space invader (new)

mark monday (majestic-plural) | 1287 comments Mod
no worries, Diana.

here are the links to the other series noted:

Consider Phlebas (The Culture) by Iain Banks
The Reality Dysfunction (Night's Dawn) by Peter Hamilton
Shards of Honour (Vorkosigan Saga) by Lois McMaster Bujold
Nine Inch Bride (series name??) by _anonym

message 7: by Ruth (new)

Ruth | 70 comments Dayworld by Philip Jose Farmer

message 9: by Mike (the Paladin) (last edited Dec 20, 2012 08:49AM) (new)

message 10: by Dennis (new)

Dennis | 15 comments Demon Princes by Jack Vance. It has 5 short novels.

message 11: by mark, personal space invader (new)

mark monday (majestic-plural) | 1287 comments Mod
that is one of my favorite series ever. i may even vote for it over my own nomination of The Culture. love Vance.

Timothy & Mike, thanks for the extensive linking in your posts!

message 12: by Beezlebug (Rob) (new)

Beezlebug (Rob) | 111 comments I'll throw in the Agent Cormac series by Neal Asher. For some reason Neal's work doesn't get enough recognition IMHO.

message 13: by Lisa (new)

Lisa Mccafferty | 13 comments Joshua wrote: "Wool by Hugh Howey"

I read Wool this summer. The books are short and it would be interesting to talk about self publishing.

message 14: by Eric (new)

Eric | 3 comments How about Golden Age of the Solar Clipper by Nathan Lowell. The first book is Quarter Share.

message 15: by Kevin (new)

Kevin Xu (kxu65) | 490 comments How about David Brin's Uplift series?

message 16: by Maggie, space cruisin' for a bruisin' (last edited Dec 31, 2012 08:43AM) (new)

Maggie K | 1287 comments Mod
I want to nominate Octavia Butler's Dawn. The series is called Xenogenesis. Brilliant and haunting!

Adulthood Rites, Imago

message 18: by mark, personal space invader (new)

mark monday (majestic-plural) | 1287 comments Mod
closing this thread now. to vote for your choice of series read, go to

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