100+ Books in 2024 discussion

2013 Lists > Aida's 100 Books in 2013

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message 9: by Aida (new)

message 22: by Aida (new)

Aida (taffymyametalumi) 25. Superfudge by Judy Blume

message 26: by Aida (last edited Mar 19, 2013 05:27PM) (new)

message 40: by Aida (last edited May 10, 2013 03:12PM) (new)

message 41: by Kelani (new)

Kelani | 124 comments You are doing good. Keep it up!

message 45: by Aida (last edited May 25, 2013 07:33PM) (new)

Aida (taffymyametalumi) 48. Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne
49. Calling on Dragons by Patricia C. Wrede

message 47: by Kelani (new)

Kelani | 124 comments What did you think of the Lowry book?

message 48: by Aida (new)

Aida (taffymyametalumi) Kelani wrote: "What did you think of the Lowry book?"

I enjoyed it. Even though it was a elementary/middle-school book, I didn't feel that LL was dumbing anything down. Anastasia was an intelligent, curious child. I've already read 'I Am Sam', so it was a nice view from the other side. Didn't tell me anything I didn't already know, but that's not bad:)

message 49: by Kelani (new)

Kelani | 124 comments It is on my list of "to read" books so I was curious! I like her style and have read a few of her books. What is " I am Sam"? I don't think I have heard of that one!
And no matter what anyone says I am never too old for a middle grades/children novel!!

message 50: by Aida (new)

Aida (taffymyametalumi) Kelani wrote: "It is on my list of "to read" books so I was curious!"

'I Am Sam' is the story of Anastasia's little brother. Basically it starts right after 'Anastasia Krupnik' ends.

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