The Seasonal Reading Challenge discussion

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SUMMER CHALLENGE 2015 > Summer Challenge 2015: Completed Tasks (DO NOT DELETE POSTS)

Comments Showing 401-450 of 3,441 (3441 new)    post a comment »

message 401: by Shauna (new)

Shauna | 160 comments 20.8 - Nickels & Dimes - Mhairi's task: UNESCO Cities

Option 1: Read a book set at least 50% in, or by an author born in, a UNESCO City of Literature.
If Books Could Kill by Kate Carlisle *Goodreads Author*
*Set in Edinburgh, Scotland

Points: 20
Goodreads Authors: 1
Big Book Tickets:

Points: 80
Goodreads Authors: 4
Big Books - 500+:
Big Books - 750+:
Big Books - 1000+:

message 402: by Donna (new)

Donna | 1269 comments SCHATZIE

---horror or thriller genre

The Prodigal Daughter


opt. 3: winner's name: STEVE

Greater Than Yourself: The Ultimate Lesson of True Leadership by Steve Farber

I did the audio. Here is the link to the hardcover for page count (no mmpb or pb):

192 pages

opt. 6: #3 in a series

Shall We Tell the President?

I did the audio. Here is the link to the mmpb for page count:

286 pages

192 + 286 = 478 total pages

Points this post: 35
Total Challenge Points: 275
BB(500) - 2
BB(750) - 0
BB(1000) - 0

message 403: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (perletwo) | 1586 comments perletwo

25.11 - Jamie NYC's task: Summer In The City -
1. New York City! Read a book set in NYC.

The Fourth Deadly Sin

4. Restaurants: I think it's possible to find whatever you have a craving for in NYC. My sons love to go to Chinatown while I prefer to find great Mediterranean restaurants. My family, friends and I typically go to or order Japanese, Chinese, Italian, Greek, Persian, Middle Eastern, Indian or Mexican. Read a book set in one of the corresponding countries: Japan, China, Italy, Greece, Iran, Saudi Arabia, India or Mexico.

The Phantom of the Temple: A Judge Dee Mystery

Points this task: 25
Total points: 250
Books read: 17
Tasks completed: 13

message 404: by Morgan (new)

Morgan (faeriesfolly) | 923 comments Morgan Faeriesfolly

25.5 Bluemoon's task: Summer Fun

REQUIRED: A. IN THE GARDEN -- any book you got for free.

Approval/Verified: ebook only approved for length

This book was free on kindle when I got it (and I think it still is.)

Selection: Before Midnight (Blood Prince #1) -- Jennifer Blackstream

REQUIRED: C. WITH THE FAMILY -- read a book where the authors initials can be found in FAMILY GATHERING. All initials count and letters may only be used as often as they appear.

Selection: Magic Breaks (Kate Daniels #7) -- Ilona Andrews

Page #: MMPB 357 pages

Ilona Andrews is a **GRA**

This Post: 25
Total Points: 105/1085
Books Read: 9
Completed Tasks: 8/61
Pages Read: 3013
Goodreads Authors: 4
Big Books: [500+: 1] [750+: 0] [1000+: 0]

message 405: by [deleted user] (new)

Hana C.

25.13 - Morgan Faeriesfolly's task: It's not Usagi

Opion 1: read a book with the main page genre 'Retellings'.

Great by Sara Benincasa

***Sara Benincasa is a GRA

Option 4: read a NON-FICTION book with the main page genre of 'History'.

Sniper on the Eastern Front by Albrecht Wacker

Points this Post: 25
GRAs this Post: 1


Total Points: 105
Total GRA: 5
Total Big Book Tickets: 0
Tasks Completed: 6/61

message 406: by Mary (new)

Mary | 574 comments Mary P

30.2 - Jonquil’s task: Takin’ It to the Streets

Option 2 (twice)

Looking for Salvation at the Dairy Queen by Susan Gregg Gilmore.
They have an annual church Easter celebration in which much of the town attends. Easter eggs are hidden in the church yard for the children followed by a community picnic.

**Susan Gregg Gilmore is a Goodreads author.**

Up at Butternut Lake by Mary McNear
Jax and Jeremy's annual anniversary party held on Jully 3rd. Attended by about 200 people. It's and outdoor barbecue with a live band and dancing.

**Mary McNear is a Goodreads author**

points this task: 30
Total points: 95
Goodreads Authors: 7
BB Tickets: 3

message 407: by Ellen (last edited Jun 13, 2015 05:44AM) (new)

Ellen (missellen82) | 216 comments Ellen R-S

20.8 - Nickels & Dimes - Mhairi's task: UNESCO Cities -- Option 1

Natural Causes-- set 100% in Glasgow
James Oswald is a Goodreads Author

25.5 - Bluemoon's task: Summer Fun -- Option A. IN THE GARDEN--free book: from library
The Stranger You Know by Jane Casey and
Option C. WITH THE FAMILY -- authors initials can be found in FAMILY GATHERING
The Ghost Fields by Goodreads Author Elly Griffiths

20.6 - Seasoned Reader - BriKie's task: It Was Ability that Mattered, Not Disability -- Option 3 -- read a book found on Stories about Individuals with Disabilities. Page 1 #64 -- Autism
The Gauguin Connection by Goodreads Author Estelle Ryan

20.7 - Shorter is Sweeter - Ana's task: Summer Celebrations -- Option 3 50% Blue Cover Second Grave on the Left (Charley Davidson, #2) by Darynda Jones by Goodreads Author Darynda Jones

20.3 - Best Review - Meghanly's task: ACRONYMS Murder on the Hill = MOTH by Goodreads Author Kennedy Chase

Today's Points - 105
Total Points-165/1085
Total Tasks Completed-7/61
Number of GR authors this post 5 Total 8
Big Books-500 pages ();750 ()
Books Read -10
Pages Read - 3348

message 408: by Lindy-Lane (new)

Lindy-Lane (moonbacklit) | 567 comments Lindy-Lane

task 20.9: stampede time:

* 1 book: opt #2:author's initials found in STAM:PEDE PARADE:

When I Fall In Love by Miranda Dickinson

Points this post: 20
Total points: 25
Goodreads Authors: 0
Big Books: 500+(0) 750+(0) 1000+(0)

Tasks Completed: 2

message 409: by Dee (new)

Dee (austhokie) | 8560 comments Delicious Dee

10.1 - Summer Reading
It's What I Do: A Photographer's Life of Love and War - found on the gear patrol list under Memoir

Points This Post: 10
Points Total: 115
Goodreads Authors: 9

message 410: by Jennlynn (new)

Jennlynn (jennlynn72) | 31 comments 20.6 - It was ability that mattered

Option 3: Page 1, #6 on list of Stories about Individuals with Disabilities

The Memory Keeper's Daughter
By Kim Edwards
GR Author

Points this post: 20
GRA this post: 1

Total Points: 80
Total GRA: 4

message 411: by Bluemoon (new)

Bluemoon (bluemoon286) | 1797 comments 20.7 - SUMMER CELEBRATIONS

OPTION 4 - Mr. Miracle (Angelic Intervention, #10) by Debbie Macomber approved in the help thread.


message 412: by Sirena (new)

Sirena (spthewife) | 298 comments REPOST FOR BIG BOOK TICKET

20.1 - Most Improved Player - Mary P's task: Summer is for Relaxing Option 1: Read a book from your to-read pile.

Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte (507 pages - Big Book Ticket) (Seriously...why did it take me so long to read this book?)

Task: 20
BB Ticket: 1

message 413: by Rebecca NJ (new)

Rebecca NJ (njreader) | 1224 comments Readerboard Name - Rebecca NJ

25.9 - Roll of the Dice

I rolled a 1 and a 5 (in that order).

Book 1 - Pray for Silence by Linda Castillo
Title contains (1) letter I - pray for sIlence

Book 2 - The Devil in the Junior League by Linda Francis Lee
Title contains (5) letter E - thE dEvil in thE junior lEaguE

This post: 25 points
Total points to date: 55 points
Tasks completed: 3
** Electing to not track GR authors and Big Books this season **

message 414: by Laura (new)

Laura | 109 comments Laura E

15.9 Take a ride book with first and last name in the title

The Vanishing Act of Esme Lennox by Maggie O'Farrell

Points: 15
Points: 35
GRA: 2
Big Books: 500(1)

message 415: by Jayne, Moderator (new)

Jayne (littlemissskittles) | 1050 comments Mod

5.2 - Bishamonten

Killing Floor by Lee Child

== Lee Child is a Goodreads Author ==

Points this post: 5
Overall points: 45
GR author points: 2

message 416: by Karren (new)

Karren | 35 comments KAZ KOMO

25.1 - Angel **Book Junkie**'s task: In a Series

Rapture in Death (In Death, #4)
Ceremony in Death (In Death, #5)

Points this post: 25
Total Points: 45
Books Posted: 3
Tasks Completed: 2

message 417: by Lauren (new)

Lauren (laurenjberman) | 2010 comments LAUREN JODI

25.12 Delicious Dee’s task: 500 Questions

Option 5: Battle – Face to Face on cover

Mine to Take by Cynthia Eden* (168 pages)
Mine to Take (Mine, #1) by Cynthia Eden
Confirmed in post #11 of the Task Help thread

Option 6: Triple Threat - 3rd in series

A SEAL's Salvation by Tawny Weber* (224 pages)
Book #3 in the Uniformly Hot SEALs series

Total pages less than 500 - 168+224 = 392 pages

*Goodreads Author
Points This Post: 25
Total Points: 75/1085
Total Books Read: 6
Tasks Completed: 5/61
Goodreads Authors: 6
Big Books: 0

message 418: by Megan (new)

Megan Anderson (ms_anderson) | 1464 comments Ms Anderson


5.2 Bishamonten
Sex Criminals, Vol. 1: One Weird Trick
Crime is the third genre from the bottom as of 6.13.15

5.6 Hotei
What If?: Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
Nonfiction is the first genre on the list; humor is the third (both as of 6.13.15)

5.8 Kudokuken
Jacob Have I Loved by Katherine Paterson
"Katherine" starts with "K"
IL: MG - BL: 5.7 - AR Pts: 8.0

10.9 Three of a Kind?
The Unwritten, Vol. 5 On to Genesis by Mike Carey
Three people are on the cover

10.10 Haiku!
Batman and Robin: Batman Reborn
Using subtitle there are five words

15.6 Rock Around the Clock
The Unwritten Vol. 3 Dead Man's Knock by Mike Carey
Big Ben is on the cover, and the hands are pointing to 4:37

15.8 Dearly Departed
The Unwritten, Vol. 4: Leviathan
Fantasy is the second genre on the list as of 6.13.15

15.9 Take a Ride
Ms. Marvel, Vol. 2: Generation Why
"Ms. Marvel" is a name

20.2 The X-Philes
Option 1: book from quest list = Jason and the Golden Fleece
On the first page of the list, #9 as of 6.13.15

25.8 Diverse Reading
Book 1: The Gift by Hāfez (author born in Iran)
Book 2: A Time to Dance by Padma Venkatraman (author born in India)
Neither book is a re-read, and Padma Venkatraman is new to me

25.13 It's Not Usagi
Option 3: one person on cover = Ms. Marvel, Vol. 1 No Normal by G. Willow Wilson (approved on help thread post 2:
Option 5: number in title = Girl Friends ガールフレンズ , Volume 3
3 is a number

Total: 150 + 200 (from earlier) = 350 pts

message 419: by Mickslibrarian (last edited Jun 13, 2015 10:30AM) (new)

Mickslibrarian | 285 comments 25.3 - Andy P's task: Straight Letter, Crooked Letter

Book 1 - Keeping the Moon by Sarah Dessen June 10 (Straight Title)


Book 2 - Someone Like You by Sarah Dessen June 3 (Crooked Author)

Sarah Dessen is a Goodreads Author (x2)

Points This Post: 25
Total Points: 25
Total Tasks Completed: 1
Total Books Read: 2
Total Goodreads Authors: 2
Total Big Books: 500+ (0), 750+ (0), 1000+ (0)

message 420: by Andy (new)

Andy Plonka (plonkaac) | 4055 comments Andy P.
Task 15.10 - BBQ Time

Read a book with the letters B, B, (2 B's) and Q found in any combination of title, subtitle, series title, and/or author's name.
Among the Mad (Maisie Dobbs, #6) by Jacqueline Winspear by Jacqueline Winspear Two B's in the series title Maisie Dobbs, and Q in the author's first name.

Points this post: 15
Total points: 105

message 421: by Cat (new)

Cat (cat_uk) | 3085 comments Catherine T

Task 15.6 - Rock Around the Clock
read a book with a clock on the cover
The Phantom Tollbooth by Norton Juster by Norman Juster
IL: MY - BL: 6.7 - AR Pts: 7.0

points this post = 15
Total points = 135

message 422: by Morgan (new)

Morgan (faeriesfolly) | 923 comments Morgan Faeriesfolly

15.8 Dearly Departed

REQUIRED: Read a book with Science Fiction, Fantasy, or any combination of those genres (Science Fiction Fantasy, Science Fantasy, etc.) on its main book page.

Selection: Locke & Key, Vol. 3: Crown of Shadows (Locke & Key #3) -- Joe Hill

This Post: 15
Total Points: 120/1085
Books Read: 10
Completed Tasks: 9/61
Pages Read: 3165
Goodreads Authors: 4
Big Books: [500+: 1] [750+: 0] [1000+: 0]

message 423: by Lois (new)

Lois | 2412 comments 20.10 - Group Reads

The Ghost Bride by Yangsze Choo

Post #21

Points this post: 20
Total points: 75

message 424: by Julia (new)

Julia (julia103) | 2446 comments Julia103

30.5 - Teri-k's task: Good Old Summertime?

Option 1: Murder on Amsterdam Avenue by Victoria Thompson (mUrder oN AmSterdam Avenue)

Victoria Thompson is a Goodreads Author.

Option 3: Brat Farrar (Genre = Classics, first published 1949)

Post total: 30 points, 1 GRA
Challenge total points: 30
Total GRA: 1
Total BB: 0
Tasks completed: 1

message 425: by Christine (new)

Christine | 845 comments Christine V

20.5 - Bigger is Better – Camilla’s task: Dragon Kings - Option 3

The Myth of "Bloody Mary": A Biography of Queen Mary I of England I read this Kindle edition. Link to Paperback (no MMP available)

Points this post: 20

Total points: 20
Tasks completed: 1
Books read: 1
Goodreads Authors: 0
Big Books: 500=0, 750=0, 1000=0

message 426: by Morgan (new)

Morgan (faeriesfolly) | 923 comments Morgan Faeriesfolly

25.13 Morgan Faeriesfolly's task: It's not Usagi

REQUIRED: Option 5 -- Read a book with a counting number found in the title.

Selection: Locke & Key, Vol. 5: Clockworks
Locke & Key, Vol. 5: Clockworks (Locke & Key #5) -- Joe Hill

REQUIRED: Option 3 -- Read a book with a single girl/woman on the cover. There should be no other human or human forms present on the cover.

Selection: Captain Marvel, Vol. 1 Higher, Further, Faster, More by Kelly Sue DeConnick
Captain Marvel, Vol. 1: Higher, Further, Faster, More-- Kelly Sue DeConnick

Kelly Sue DeConnick is a **GRA**

This Post: 25
Total Points: 145/1085
Books Read: 12
Completed Tasks: 10/61
Pages Read: 3460
Goodreads Authors: 5
Big Books: [500+: 1] [750+: 0] [1000+: 0]

message 427: by Teri-K (last edited Jun 13, 2015 03:53PM) (new)

Teri-K | 1123 comments 15.2

Book 1: #5 in series

O Jerusalem

Laurie R. King is a GRA for 1 ticket.

Book 2:

Word "thunder" in the title/subtitle:

He Shall Thunder in the Sky

At 512 pages it's a BB for 1 ticket.

New points this post: 15
Total w/this post: 110

GRA tickets this post: 1 
Total w/this post: 2

Big Books this post: 1
Total w/this post: 1

Post: 436

message 428: by Jonquil (new)

Jonquil | 1059 comments Jonquil

15.2 - Outfoxed

Book 1: #5 in a series
Downtown Green (Green #5)
Judy Christie
6/13 Paperback, 251 pages

Book 2: "Fire" in title
Heaven's Fire
Sandra Balzo
6/13 Paperback, 202 pages

Points this post: 15
Total points: 180
Books posted: 24
Tasks complete: 22
Pages this post: 453
Total pages as of this post: 6263

message 429: by Nicole (new)

Nicole | 1295 comments NICOLE OH

25.13 - Morgan Faeriesfolly's task: It's not Usagi

Finding Audrey by Sophie Kinsella (woman on cover; approved in thread)

OPTION 5 99 Days (number in the title)

This Post: 25
Total Points: 105
Books Read: 8
Goodreads Authors: 2
Big Books: [500+: 0] [750+: 0] [1000+: 0]

message 430: by Kristi (new)

Kristi (kristilarson) | 548 comments Kristi CO

20.7 Shorter is Sweeter-Ana's task: Summer Celebrations
Option 1: Science Fiction genre (sequential art is allowed for this task)
Saga, Volume 3 by Brian K. Vaughan

Points this post: 20
Total points: 20
Tasks completed: 1
Books read: 1
Goodreads Authors: 0
Big Books: 500=0, 750=0, 1000=0

message 431: by Teri-K (last edited Jun 13, 2015 03:51PM) (new)

Teri-K | 1123 comments 20.9 It's Stampede Time!

Option 2: Author's initials in STAMPEDE PARADE

The Falcon at the Portal by Elizabeth Peters

At 576 pages it's BB for 1 ticket.

New points this post: 20
Total w/this post: 130

GRA tickets this post: 0
Total w/this post: 2

Big Books this post: 1
Total w/this post: 2
Post: 440

message 432: by Donna (new)

Donna | 1269 comments SCHATZIE


req'd: my book is found on the March 2015 list, #132


I did the audio. Here is the link to the mmpb for page count:

599 pgs.

---at least 50% set in Ireland

An Early Wake

---3 living beings on cover (a person, a cow, and a dog)

The Wall The Wall by Marlen Haushofer

I did the audio. Here is the link to the mmpb:

Points this post: 30
Total Challenge Points: 305
BB(500) - 3
BB(750) - 0
BB(1000) - 0

message 433: by Suzanne (new)

Suzanne (perletwo) | 1586 comments perletwo

5.10 - May the Gods Be Ever in Your Favor -
The Seven Lucky Gods are smiling on you. For this task, enjoy any book of your choice.

Superfluous Women

Points this task: 5
Total points: 255
Books read: 18
Tasks completed: 14

message 434: by Barbara ★ (last edited Jun 13, 2015 05:44PM) (new)

Barbara ★ | 1503 comments BARBARA ★

5.1 - Benzaiten
Murder Past Due - Miranda James (m.c. is a librarian) 6/10


5.2 - Bishamonten
Bones Are Forever - Kathy Reichs 6/9
Goodreads Author


25.11 - Jamie NYC's task: Summer In The City
Option 1: You Don't Know Jack - Erin McCarthy (set in Manhattan) 6/13
Goodreads Author

Option 3: One Sweet Ride - Jaci Burton 6/6
(hero is a professional race car driver)
Goodreads Author

Totals for Challenge
Points this Post: 35
Total Points: 80

Goodreads Authors: 7
Big Books - 500+: (0)
Big Books - 750+: (0)
Big Books - 1000+: (0)

80/1085 POINTS

message 435: by Kaity (new)

Kaity | 358 comments Kait

15.6 - Rock Around the Clock
A book with a clock face on the cover.
Firelight by Kristen Callihan -- Clock tower on the cover

Firelight (Darkest London, #1) by Kristen Callihan

Kristen Callihan is a GR Author.

Points This Post: 15
GR Authors This Post: 1
Big Book Tickets This Post: 0

Total Points: 60
Total GR Authors: 5
Total Big Book Tickets: 0

message 436: by Mary (new)

Mary | 574 comments Mary P

20.1 - Most Improved Player - Mary P's task: Summer is for Relaxing

Option 2: Butternut Summer by Mary McNear

**Mary McNear is a Goodreads author.**

Points this post: 20
Total points: 115
Goodreads Authors: 8
BB Tickets: 3

message 437: by KP (new)

KP 25.9 - Elizabeth B's task: Roll of the Dice
For this task, you should roll two dice ONE time. You may choose to re-roll the dice ONLY if you get two of the same number or you may use the same number twice.

REQUIRED: State the numbers you rolled when you post.

I rolled two 3’s! So, 3 a’s in each title.

1) The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
2) Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

10.5. June is Caribbean American Heritage Month!
Read a book written by an author who was born or currently lives in one of the Caribbean countries.
This is How You Lose Her by Junot Diaz (born in the Dominican Republic)

Points this Post: 35
Total Points: 35
Total Tasks: 2
Goodreads Authors: 1
Big Books-500 pages (1);750 ()
Total Books:3

message 438: by KP (new)

KP Addendum to Post #446

The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood
**Margaret Atwood is a Goodreads Author.**

GRA this post: 1
Total GRA to date: 1

**Americanah is a Big Book ( 588 pages). Claiming 1 BB ticket.**

BB tickets this post: 1
Total BB tickets to date: 1

message 439: by Donna M (new)

Donna  M 10.3- Ghost stories around the campfire.

Read a book with the main page genre horror or thriller. Genre may be standalone or embedded.

Thriller is the 3rd genre listed on the main page for You Should Have Known by Goodreads Author Jean Hanff Korelitz.

Points This Post: 10
GR Authors This Post: 1

Total Points:40
Total GR Authors: 3
Books Read: 3
Challenges Posted: 2

message 440: by Morgan (new)

Morgan (faeriesfolly) | 923 comments Morgan Faeriesfolly

15.1 Yin and Yang

REQUIRED: Read a book with a predominately (at least 50%) white cover. There must be a solid field of white somewhere on the cover. Required: Include the covers when posting.

Approval: HERE

Selection: Locke & Key, Vol. 4 Keys to the Kingdom by Joe Hill
Locke & Key, Vol. 4: Keys to the Kingdom (Locke & Key #4) -- Joe Hill

REQUIRED: Read a book with a predominately (at least 50%) black cover. There must be a solid field of black somewhere on the cover. Required: Include the covers when posting.

Approval: HERE

Selection: Locke & Key, Vol. 6 Alpha & Omega by Joe Hill
Locke & Key, Vol. 6: Alpha & Omega (Locke & Key #6) -- Joe Hill

This Post: 15
Total Points: 160/1085
Books Read: 14
Completed Tasks: 11/61
Pages Read: 3804
Goodreads Authors: 5
Big Books: [500+: 1] [750+: 0] [1000+: 0

message 441: by Wanda (new)

Wanda (wanda71) | 1770 comments Oma1229

5.1 - Benzaiten
Help Thread
Read a book that features a main character who is a librarian (currently or retired). This occupation should be apparent from the book's description or from its reviews on Goodreads.

Die for Love by Elizabeth Peters

Total Points-70/1085
Total Tasks Completed-5/61
Number of GR authors-(2)
Big Books-500 pages ();750 ()

message 442: by Denise (last edited Jun 13, 2015 08:57PM) (new)

Denise | 471 comments 10.5. June is Caribbean American Heritage Month

Read a book set in one of the Caribbean countries or written by an author who was born or currently lives in one of the Caribbean countries.

God Carlos by Anthony C. Winkler

Author born in Jamaica , also book set in Jamaica in 1520, >50%

Task total=10
Grand total=45

message 443: by Becky (new)

Becky G | 3 comments 15.8 - Dearly Departed
Read a book with Science Fiction, Fantasy, or any combination of those genres (Science Fiction Fantasy, Science Fantasy, etc.) on its main book page.

A Feast for Crows

Points this post: 15
Total points: 15
BB (1000+) : 1

message 444: by Becky (new)

Becky G | 3 comments 5.4 - Ebisu
Read a book that has all of the letters in FISH or all of the letters in LUCK in its title/subtitle.
I used the word LUCK.

The No Complaining Rule: Positive Ways to Deal with Negativity at Work

Points this post: 5
Total points: 20
BB (1000+): 1

message 445: by Sarah (new)

Sarah Bramble | 201 comments SarahBR
20.10 - Group Reads
Read ONE of the books selected as the Group Reads choices for the season:
Stiff: The Curious Lives of Human Cadavers by Mary Roach A GRA
I commented on the Discussion thread I am post 16

Points This Post: 20
GR Authors This Post: 1

Total Points: 215
Total GR Authors: 13
Books Read:16

message 446: by Jai (last edited Jun 14, 2015 01:50AM) (new)

Jai Rahim (artful1) | 18 comments Readerboard name JAIR

25.9 - Elizabeth B's task: Roll of the Dice

For this TWO book task, you should roll two dice ONE time.

For Book 1: First Die determines frequency of a letter in title. Second Die specifies which letter according to chart provided:

1 - E - 12.51%
2 - T - 9.25%
3 - A - 8.04%
4 - O - 7.60%
5 - I - 7.26%
6 - N - 7.09%

For Book 2: Just SWITCH the numbers of the dies you rolled.

My Dice Roll: 2 and 1

Book1: Seed by Ania Ahlborn -- GRA -- (Dice Roll - 2/1= two occurrences of E in title)
Book2: Act of God: A Novel by Jill Ciment-- GRA -- (Dice Flip - 1/2= one occurrence of T in title)
**Goodreads Author(s)

Points this post: 25
Total Points: 60
Books Read this Post: 2
Total Books Read: 5
Tasks Completed this Post: 1
Total Tasks Completed: 4
Goodreads Authors this Post: 2
Total Goodreads Authors: 3
Big Book(s) this Post : 0
Total Big Book(s): 0

message 447: by Mhairi (new)

Mhairi | 348 comments 15.7 - Birth of a Nation

Read a book set at least 50% in one (or more) of these countries, as noted on Summer National Days Country List.

The Bookseller of Kabul by Åsne Seierstad

Set in Afghanistan and Pakistan.

Total points:110
Tasks completed:6
Big book:0

message 448: by LouLouReads (new)

LouLouReads | 221 comments LOULOU

30.3 Donna Jo's Task: Are You Gonna Go My Way?

Option 2. Read a book written by an author with the first name Mary, Kathleen, Donna, or an author with last name starting with A, L or O.

The Secret History by Donna Tartt

This book has 629 pages and I am claiming ONE Big Book ticket.

Option 3. Read a book where the title is written in solid red, blue or white.

How the Girl Guides Won the War by Janie Hampton by Janie Hampton.

The colour of the writing was okayed in message 29 of the help thread:

This post:
Points: 30
GRA: 0
BB tickets: 1
Tasks complete: 1
Books read: 2

In total:
Points: 40
GRA: 0
BB tickets: 1
Tasks complete: 2
Books read: 3

message 449: by MJ (new)

MJ | 130 comments 20.10 Groups Reads
The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
Post 10 in discussion forum

Total Points: 20
Total Goodreads Authors: 1
Total Big Book Tickets:
Big Books - 500+:
Big Books - 750+:
Big Books - 1000+:

Total Points: 35
Total Goodreads Authors: 2
Total Big Book Tickets:
Big Books - 500+:
Big Books - 750+:
Big Books - 1000+:

message 450: by Jasmiina (new)

Jasmiina F (slipperbunny) | 485 comments Jasmiina F

25.3 - Andy P's task: Straight Letter, Crooked Letter:
Book 1: Read a book in which the beginning letter of every word in the title (AND subtitle, if applicable) begins with a "Straight" letter:

Ajojahti by Liza Marklund.

Book 2: Read a book in which the beginning letter of every word in the title (AND subtitle, if applicable) begins with "crooked" letters:
Good Omens by Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman
*Neil Gaiman is a Goodreads author*

Points this post: 25
Total Points: 75
GR Authors this post: 1
Total GR Authors: 3
Big Book Tickets this post:
Total Big Book Tickets:
BBooks - 500+:
BBooks - 750+:
BBooks - 1000+:

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