Book Haven discussion

Suggestions > Love the elves in LOTR especially Legolas,any other books with beautiful and 'good' elves?

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message 1: by C. (last edited Jun 27, 2015 04:01AM) (new)

C. | 3 comments Hi I would love to read some 'clean' elven books,that feature beautiful and good elves like those in the LOTR films.
Some romance is fine,but no graphic sex or violence,please.Not wicked or evil elves, nor fairies.

Does anyone know of any such books? Or LOTR fanfiction?

message 2: by Jim (last edited Jul 14, 2015 10:40AM) (new)

Jim Vuksic | 96 comments C. wrote: "Hi I would love to read some 'clean' elven books,that feature beautiful and good elves like those in the LOTR films.
Some romance is fine,but no graphic sex or violence,please.Not wicked or evil e..."


You might enjoy The Silmarillion. It was published four years after J.R.R. Tolkien's death and was edited by his grandson Christopher Tolkien.

Not only does The Silmarllion relate to events of a far earlier time than those of The Lord of the Rings; it is also, in all the essentials of its conception, far the earlier work.

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