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message 1: by Melody (last edited Apr 28, 2009 06:56AM) (new)

Melody (melos) April Updated 4/27

1. Private Party- Jami Alden 4/6
Solid contemporary romance. Nothing terribly new, but well written.

2. Romeo, Romeo- Robin Kaye 4/1
He cooks, he cleans (and, oddly, owns multiple vacuums), and we get to hear much of the story in his voice. Lovely! Where can I find a Romeo (or another title by Robin Kaye!)?

3. How to Knit a Wild Bikini- Christie Ridgway 4/5
Very cute, good back story and background stories. Looking forward to the sequel.

4. Bride of a Wicked Scotsman - Samantha James 4/27
Cute historical that feels like a contemporary.

5. Stray - Rachel Vincent
Tossing this one back on the TBR pile. Just not in the right mood this month.

6. Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy - Stephanie Rowe 4/20
Great addition to one of my favorite series. Funny, but with plot and character growth.

7. Eternal Pleasure - Nina Bangs
Shoot, I already read this one (very good! who would'a thunk sexy Dinosaurs?!).

8. Wicked Pleasure - Lora Leigh 4/5
Very slow. Decent plot when not interrupted by repeating sex scenes. I won't be reading anymore of this series.

9. Loose and Easy - Tara Janzen 4/3
Muscle cars, muscle men, and strong women: I love this series! :O)

10. Blood Bound - Patricia Briggs 4/1
Arg, what's with this inability to make a choice already...And really, does every dude in the book have to fall for her?

11. Iron Kissed - Patricia Briggs 4/14
Briggs is redeemed for me. Mercy is now a gal I can get behind. Looking forward to the next chapter of her adventures.

12. Primal Needs - Susan Sizemore 4/4
This really is one of the best para-series out there.

13. Jacob - Jacquelyn Frank 4/19
Mmm, good read. This is the kind of series that becomes a favorite. I'm gonna have to rejumble some challenges to put Gideon on top of the TBR pile.

14. Dark Lover - J.R. Ward
Never came in to the library. Back to the TBRs.

15. The Pagan Stone - Nora Roberts 4/7
I particularly like our gal Cybil. Aside from the almost too easy ending, there are some unexpected twists. But, ultimately, this is classic Nora.

16. Ill Wind - Rachel Caine
Looks like it may be good, but I can't really get into it. Back to the TBR pile for now.

17. La Vida Vampire - Nancy Haddock 4/1
Wow. What a perky little vamp. Can't wait for the next installment.

18. Demon's Fire - Emma Holly 4/4
Good story. Much better than the previous title in this series (Prince of Ice).

19. One Bite With A Stranger - Christine Warren 4/10
Wow. New author for me and I can't wait to read more.

20. Magic in the Wind - Christine Feehan 4/22
Should have been good, but wasn't really. Very choppy, perhaps a symptom of the novella format? Not sure if I'll continue this series.

21. The Perfect Poison - Amanda Quick 4/27
Another good read from Quick. This title seemed to lean a little more to the historical than the paranormal, reminiscent of pre-Arcane Society titles.

22. Wicked Fantasy - Nina Bangs 4/9
OK read. Bangs is never really outstanding, but I always pick up the next title. I enjoy her ideas (I mean, who thinks of houseplants that feed on sexual energy?) and her characters.

message 2: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Woot! Go blurbs!

message 3: by Melody (last edited Apr 28, 2009 06:58AM) (new)

Melody (melos) Just to keep me organized (how many challenges am I doing again?):

Read the Month (Completed 4/14)

A = Jeri Alden - Private Party
P = Primal Needs - Susan Sizemore
R = Romeo Romeo - Robin Kaye
I = Iron Kissed - Patricia Briggs
L = La Vida Vampire - Nancy Haddock

Read Your Name (by June 30th) (Updated 4/10)

M =
E =
L = Loose and Easy - Tara Janzen
O = One Bite with a Stranger - Christine Warren
D = Dangerous Curves - Pamela Britton
Y = You Don't Know Jack - Erin McCarthy

message 4: by Melody (last edited Dec 13, 2009 06:21PM) (new)

Melody (melos) A-Z title challenge possibilities?

(December To-Reads) (Updated 12/13)

A -
B - Blood Bound, Patricia Briggs
C - Cutting Loose, Susan Anderson
D - Demon's Fire, Emma Holly
E - Eternal Craving, Nina Bangs
F - Faefever, Karen Marie Moning
G - The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society, Mary Ann Shaffer
H - How to Knit a Wild Bikini, Christie Ridgway
I - Iron Kissed, Patricia Briggs
J - Jacob, Jaquelyn Frank
K - Karma Girl, Jennifer Estep
L - La Vida Vampire, Nancy Haddock
M - Magic in the Wind, Christine Feehan
N - Nikolski A Novel, Nicolas Dickner
O - One Bite With A Stranger, Christine Warren
P - Primal Needs, Suzan Sizemore
Q -
R - Romeo, Romeo, Robin Kaye
S - Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy, Stephanie Rowe
T - Talk Me Down, Victoria Dahl
U - Underfoot, Leanne Banks
V - Very Valentine, Adriana Trigiani
W - Wicked Pleasure, Lora Leigh
X -
Y - You Don't Know Jack, Erin McCarthy
Z -

message 5: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) Kasia wrote: "Woot! Go blurbs!"

Well, I'm not sure they'll hold up to a "woot", but I'll do my best scribble something. :O)

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments I want to buy La Vida Vampire and read along with the group for BOM. W./o spoilers, is it worth buying, or should I wait and get through swap?

message 7: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) Kenjii wrote: "I want to buy La Vida Vampire and read along with the group for BOM. W./o spoilers, is it worth buying, or should I wait and get through swap?"

It's a quick read with a decent mystery and an interesting love angle, but without a whole lot of meat to it, more of an intro to a series really. I enjoyed it, but I probably wouldn't spring the $14 for the quality paperback (maybe if it's available in mass market?).

Does that help?

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments That TOTALLY helps Mel. I'd rather get a few other books and keep it in budget (this month). Although I would consider splurging on a better than average, ya know? Thanks for your perfect explanation.

message 9: by Melody (last edited Apr 28, 2009 07:24AM) (new)

Melody (melos) Breaking down April
(using alternates to complete)

RRR (Updated 4/27)


1. A...........................Private Party - Jami Alden
2. B-Day....................Romeo, Romeo - Robin Kaye (Tasha's currently reading)
3. California..............How to Knit a Wild Bikini - Christie Ridgway
4. Oldest TBR book...Bride of a Wicked Scotsman - Samantha James
5. Single Word...........alternateJacob, Jaquelyn Frank
6. Funny....................Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy - Stephanie Rowe
7. War.......................alternate Magic in the Wind, Christine Feehan
8. Male Profile..........Wicked Pleasure - Lora Leigh
9. Part of Series.........Loose and Easy - Tara Janzen (Steele Street, Book 9)
10. Pick-It-For-Me....One Bite With A Stranger - Christine Warren (tosca's recommendation)

Private Party by Jami Alden [image error] How to Knit a Wild Bikini by Christie Ridgway Bride of a Wicked Scotsman by Samantha James Jacob (Nightwalkers Series 1) by Jacquelyn Frank Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy (Immortally Sexy, Book 4) by Stephanie Rowe Magic in the Wind (Drake Sisters, #1) (Reissue) by Christine Feehan [image error] Loose and Easy (Steele Street #9) by Tara Janzen One Bite With A Stranger (The Others, Book 6) by Christine Warren

PR (Updated 4/27)


1. Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy (Immortally Sexy, Book 4) - Stephanie Rowe
2. Blood Bound (Mercedes Thompson, Book 2) - Patricia Briggs
3. alternate One Bite With A Stranger (Others, Book 6) - Christine Warren
4. alternate Magic in the Wind (Drake Sisters, Book 1), Christine Feehan
5. Demon's Fire (Tales of the Demon World, Book 3) - Emma Holly
6. Primal Needs (Prime, Book 7) - Suzan Sizemore
7. Jacob (Nightwalkers, Book 1) - Jacquelyn Frank
8. alternate The Perfect Poison (Arcane Society, Book 6), Amanda Quick
9. The Pagan Stone (Sign of Seven Trilogy, Book 3) - Nora Roberts

Sex & the Immortal Bad Boy (Immortally Sexy, Book 4) by Stephanie Rowe Blood Bound (Mercedes Thompson, #2) by Patricia Briggs One Bite With A Stranger (The Others, Book 6) by Christine Warren Magic in the Wind (Drake Sisters, #1) (Reissue) by Christine Feehan Demon's Fire A Tale of the Demon World (Tales of the Demon World, Book 3) by Emma Holly [image error] Jacob (Nightwalkers Series 1) by Jacquelyn Frank The Perfect Poison (Arcane Society, Book 6) by Amanda Quick [image error]

Various BOM (Updated 4/14)

16 - La Vida Vampire, Nancy Haddock
17 - Ill Wind, Rachel Caine
18 - Iron Kissed, Patricia Briggs
19 - Stray, Rachel Vincent
-- - Bitten, Kelley Armstrong
-- - Fire Me Up, Katie MacAlister
-- - Lover Awakened, J.R. Ward

message 10: by Melody (last edited Dec 13, 2009 06:35PM) (new)

Melody (melos) A-Z author possibilities?

Updated 12/13

A - Alden, Jami - Private Party
B - Brockman, Suzanne - The Unsung Hero
C - Clark, Mindy Starns - Shadows of Lancaster County
D - Dickner, Nicolas - Nikolski A Novel
E - Evanovich, Janet - Finger Lickin' Fifteen
F - Feather, Jane - To Wed a Wicked Prince
G - Gilbert, Elizabeth - Stern Men
H - Holly, Emma - Hot Spell
I -
J - James, Samantha - A Perfect Hero
K - Kovetz, Lisa Beth - The Tuesday Erotica Club
L - Lutz, Lisa - The Spellman Files
M - Moning, Karen Marie - Darkfever
N -
O - O'Shea, Patti - Ravyn's Flight
P - Phillips, Susan Elizabeth - What I Did for Love
Q - Quick, Amanda - The Perfect Poison
R - Roberts, Nora - The Pagan Stone
S - Shaffer, Mary Ann - The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society
T - Trigiani, Adriana - Very Valentine
U -
V -
W - Warren, Christine - One Bite With A Stranger
X -
Y -
Z -

message 11: by Melody (last edited May 06, 2009 11:03AM) (new)

Melody (melos) Read the Month (planning ahead)

M = Erin McCarthy, You Don't Know Jack
A = Evangeline Anderson, Dangerous Cravings
Y = Jane Yolen, Sister Emily's Lightship and Other Stories

J =
U = Urquhart, Jane - The Stone Carvers
N = Neggers, Carla - Tempting Fate
E = Evanovich, Janet - Finger Lickin' Fifteen (Release date June 23, 46th in line, ??)

message 12: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Dude, June? Seriously? LOL

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) I'm not sure I could pick it out and resist reading it til June. lol

message 14: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) :O) Well, they're not the tops of my list...I was just thinking that the Evanovich comes out in June and that works, what else can I pull from my A-Z lists? And, well, I'm fickle, I could change my mind...

(Of course, I'm 46th in line for Stephanie, so who knows if I'll even get that one in June!)

message 15: by Melody (last edited May 09, 2009 10:20AM) (new)

Melody (melos) Men We Love Challenge (May 1-July 31)

(May To-Read) (Updated 5/9)

1. cowboy......... One Real Man, Janette Kenny
2. cop............ Dangerous Cravings, Evangeline Anderson
3. military....... The Defiant Hero, Suzanne Brockmann
4. doctor......... Gideon, Jacquelyn Frank
5. athlete........ Dangerous Curves, Pamela Britton

6. demon.......... Gideon, Jacquelyn Frank
7. faery.......... Storm Born, Richelle Mead
8. shapeshifter... Magic Bites, Ilona Andrews
9. hunter......... Dark Light, Jayne Castle
10. vampire....... A Rush of Wings, Adrian Phoenix

6. businessman......... You Don't Know Jack, Erin McCarthy
7. celebrity........... Dark Roots and Cowboy Boots, Luann McLane
8. teacher............. Juno & Juliet, Julian Gough
9. nerd................ Talk Nerdy to Me, Vicki Lewis Thompson
10. unique/unusual..... Karma Girl, Jennifer Estep (Superhero)

message 16: by Melody (last edited Apr 06, 2009 09:05AM) (new)

Melody (melos) Hrm, hate that. I already read Nina Bangs Eternal Pleasure and, of course, I chose it for something like 3 challenges. What are the chances I can plug 1 other book into all of them?

Actually, that's a fun challenge in itself... :O)

Update: Not really so much fun with a headache. I went for plug-n-play and filled slots with titles from other challenges. Now April's only 18.

message 17: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments I love Eternal Pleasure. I think the premise of this series is pretty unique...I mean, prehistoric animals..grrrw..LOL

Melody, if you can take one book and put it into more than two challenges, you are doing pretty good..LOL

message 18: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) Hehe, dinosaurs aren't just for children anymore... :O)

message 19: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) Whoa. I just noticed my April shelf already has 8 books. That's about half of my challenge list. How did that happen???? Hmm, I may be needing to sleep a leeeetle more...

But really, who needs sleep? :O)

message 20: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Melody wrote: "But really, who needs sleep? "

I do! I tend to forget about it, but I do.

PS. 8 books - that's quite a feat!

message 21: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments guys are making me look like a reading turtle..with only 2 books done for April..LOL

message 22: by Melody (last edited Apr 06, 2009 10:36AM) (new)

Melody (melos) Kasia wrote: "But really, who needs sleep? "
I do! I tend to forget about it, but I do.

Me too *sigh*, I'm not as young as my avatar. ;O)

message 23: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) Hrm. One title left on my Read the Month. I've been putting off Iron Kissed since Blood Bound ticked me off. Guess I'll have to get to it soon so I can finish that challenge...

message 24: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) Ack, I don't know about myself. I went to the library to pick up my latest arrivals (4 titles, of which only 2 were for challenges) and what do I do? I grab 3 more from the new release racks...Argh. (On the plus side, I had 6 to return.)

Tell me I'm not the only one!?!

message 25: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Melody wrote: "Tell me I'm not the only one!?!

You're not the only one.

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Melody wrote: "Ack, I don't know about myself. I went to the library to pick up my latest arrivals (4 titles, of which only 2 were for challenges) and what do I do? I grab 3 more from the new release racks...Ar..."

Your not the only one. See if you can modify your challenge lists to accomidate some of the new books.

message 27: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) Ahh. Maybe. I'm a little too stubborn to change too much in my challenge lists...(and most of the books I'm really looking forward to haven't come it yet...) :O)

But today I'm not reading. Instead I've been organizing my bookshelves (and putting off working on my flower beds). How did I end up with almost 100 titles in my to-reads? I'm beginning to think GR is evil...much worse even than working in a bookstore! :O)

message 28: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) April count is now 12. Alas, I've added another new series to my to-reads (like we didn't see that one coming!) :O)

message 29: by Kasia (new)

Kasia That's right GR corrupts, hang here a little and you're toast.

And 12 books?! Fierce. You're not even for a month in the group and already you're one of the champs.... What's the secret?

message 30: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) The secret? I'm not doing anything but yard work right now (I'm skipping the house work). And I don't start classes until the middle of May. :O)

message 31: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) No reading updates today, actually spent most of the day outside (there's a first). I miss slashing through those titles... :O)

But I did spend part of the evening working on filling in the Men We Love challenge. Very fun. Do you suppose a Hollywood Producer counts as a celebrity? And I'm still searching for a teacher...any ideas? Guess I could go dig through my stash of library-sale harlequins...

message 32: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Melody wrote: "Do you suppose a Hollywood Producer counts as a celebrity?..."

I think so, to me anything do to with Hollywood reeks of celebrity....

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) For Teacher I'm reading an Indiana Jones book. lol He's a college professor. Dr. Jones also has a PHD if you're needing to fill the doctor category as well.

message 34: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) Fun. The title I picked for celebrity looks good. :O) But I'm not sure about Indy...that I'll have to think about. Hehe, I found an PN for the doctor...

Well, time to go back outside. Would you believe I got a sunburn while I was out Sat? (Face, nose, and Earlob! What's with that!) Am I gonna have to start wearing makeup to garden just for the spf?

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) big gardening hat?

message 36: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) :O) Hmm, good idea, I'll have to look for one.

message 37: by Melody (last edited Apr 12, 2009 08:28PM) (new)

Melody (melos) Read The Month (Planning Way Ahead)

J - Juno & Juliet, Julian Gough
U - Untouched, Anna Campbell
L -
Y - Your Coffin or Mine?, Kimberly Raye

A -
U - Unravel Me, Christie Ridgway
G -
U - Untamed, Kathleen Lawless (if it becomes avail. through library)
S -
T - Twin Fantasies, Opal Carew

message 38: by Kasia (new)

Kasia I refuse to start working on "August" - too many Us for my taste.

message 39: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) I know. I was amazed I had so many Us in my TBR pile. And they mostly seem interesting. :O)

It's September and the Es that're buggin' me.

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Melody wrote: "It's September and the Es that're buggin' me."

argh I hadn't even thought about that yet. lol Have to look for more authors whose first name starts with an E like Elizabeth. hehe

message 41: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) I've been trying not to use first names. I don't know, call it a pet peeve...I may yet break down. :O)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) I started out that way too, but its become overwhelming trying to get there. So although my goal is to use last names only, I've used first names in some places. If I can replace that later with a last name, great. I was also trying to do the A-Z Book titles without A, An, The getting in the way of the title. I've resorted to using them in some places simply for lack of better options. Like (The) XYZ Murders by Ellery Queen. I'll read that for X book and Q author.

message 43: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) eep. I've been catching up on various groups threads...and I must have added 20 new series to my to-read pile...

Not that I don't love series, but why don't there seem to be many really yummy stand-alones anymore? (Not that I'd have time to read them, what with all the series...)

message 44: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Funny you should mention that, Melody. I actually went back to my list of books read to see when have I read a good stand alone, and the latest I can find was a December read by Sylvia Day, and it was one I picked up on impulse at the library. And that is me reading between 10-18 books a month.

Yes, almost everything I read are parts of a series. Amazing isn't it.

message 45: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) Yz, I found 9 on my 2009 shelf that aren't part of series of at least 2 (that's assuming they aren't part of a series I don't know about!) And most of those are mainstream fiction, non-romance, that I rated a 3 or lower (one 4, although, I think I grade hard).

Ooo, can you guess what idea I just had for a future challenge? :O)

message 46: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments LOL...let me guess...Read a stand-alone book..LOL

message 47: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) I know, I'm bad. It's the bookseller in me, I can't help it. :O)

message 48: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments LOL..saw your post in the suggestion thread...

I haven't finalized RRR Challenge list for May, so that suggestion is a contender for a category...

Thanks for helping out in the brainstorming....I usually scour that thread when I'm putting together the montly challenges...also looking for interesting holidays..etc

message 49: by Melody (new)

Melody (melos) You know the worst part? I keep having to stop myself from posting challenge ideas that I really DON'T want to have to do! :O)

(no, I'm not telling!) :OP

message 50: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (last edited Apr 15, 2009 06:36PM) (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments LOL....don't test for a challenge idea is whether I'm willing to do it myself..

So, no worries, suggest away...I just have to figure out which one will sort of work with the current members...LOL...I've learned that lesson in the first challenge I launched...and still learning...

Categories can be interesting..but they must never be too hard. Lesson I learned from January's challenge..LOL

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