Romance Readers Reading Challenges discussion

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Archive (general & ongoing) > April - What are you currently reading?

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message 1: by Kasia (new)

Kasia New month, fresh thread. Give it a go guys.

message 2: by Kasia (last edited Mar 31, 2009 04:13PM) (new)

Kasia I just read The Art of Racing in the Rain - it's about some dogs life, not that original, not after Jack London. But it had me digging for kleenex, vile tear-jerker! So maybe there's more to this book.

I recommend it to all you animal lovers and those who like to cry.

message 3: by [deleted user] (new)

im reading Midnight Alley, its the 3rd book in series

message 4: by Amy (new)

Amy | 60 comments I'm into Chick-lit currently. I just finished Little Lady Agency and loved it! I'm waiting for the 2nd book from my library. So now I'm reading The Secret History of Pink Carnation. It's very interesting.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments I am mixing it up:

The Walking by Bentley Little

One Foot in the Grave (Night Huntress #2) by Jeaniene Frost

Passion Unleashed (Demonica, Book 3) by Larissa Ione

Hoping to finish THE WALKING and ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE today for challenges in March!

message 6: by tosca (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments I'm reading Circusex A One-hand Read by William Maltese. Umm there's no romance - I don't know if I thought there would be but I liked the cover AND it's m/m. So as long as I'm into unusually kinky sex (I didn't think I was, I'm still not so sure I am LOL) it's right up my alley. So to speak :)

message 7: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Just waiting for midnight to get started on my April books...

Just finished Running Wild by Jaci Burton. It was a steamy read. I definitely like her contemporary erotica books than her Demon books (I've only tried reading the first one...can't get into it.)

message 8: by tosca (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments Oh hey - it's April over here already! I forgot that we're slightly ahead in NZ. In fact, it's 4pm April 1st :)

message 9: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments the PNR challenge thread, those who are already in April are tormenting those who are still waiting for April..just hilarious..LOL

message 10: by tosca (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments The ones that aren't able to start yet will get theirs back in the end...when people like me get to the end of the month you guys will still have a day to go heh

message 11: by Sherrill (last edited Mar 31, 2009 09:56PM) (new)

Sherrill Reading The Bride, but may have already read it back when it was first published...but almost done. Gearing up to read the April pick.

message 12: by tosca (last edited Apr 01, 2009 03:09AM) (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments Just started the ebook California Creamin' by William Maltese which is a collection of short stories.

message 13: by Jessica (new)

Jessica I read a crap ton of romance when I was on vacation, so I'm trying to get some non-romance in. I'm reading Fakers Hoaxers, Con Artists, Counterfeiters, and Other Great Pretenders as well as Persuader by Lee Child right now. Then on to Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency which is one of my 1001 books. After that, I'll be reading Confessions of a Little Black Gown by Elizabeth Boyle :)

DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (darkheart) I managed the first two chapters of Red-Headed Stepchild over lunch (my plans to dive into it were delayed by a sighting of the latest issue of GQ with Rob Pattinson on the cover, so I had to buy and read that first - very yummy pics inside, btw). I think this book falls firmly in the UF genre, but I'm hoping for some romance. We shall see.

message 15: by Lori (new)

Lori  (moderatrixlori) Tosca wrote:I'm reading Circusex A One-hand Read.

You read the most interesting books. I saw this one on your list and of course had to check it out since we have very similar taste in books. I honestly couldn't tell from reading the blurb if I'd like it or not. I'll be interested to hear your final opinion of it.

message 16: by Lori (new)

Lori  (moderatrixlori) I'm going to start Nicholas as well as Drawn Together today. I like to read e-books while I work. Shhh...don't tell anybody though.

message 17: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Started after midnight Fire Me Up by Katie McAlister. As usual, Aisling is up with her crazy antics in her weird strange world.

message 18: by Adrienne (new)

Adrienne i've started Joey W Hill A mermaids Kiss

message 19: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Little Brother by Cory Doctorow - you can even download it for free from GR. And so far, so good. Seriously: thumbs up.

Nichole (DirrtyH) (dirtyh) tosca wrote: "Just started the ebook California Creamin' by [a:William Maltese|537161|William ..."

That just sounds soooo dirty, Tosca!

message 21: by Anna (new)

Anna | 39 comments I'm finishing up the deed by lynsay sands and for the april monthly challange i started the luxe by anna godbersen.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments Finished ONE FOOT IN THE GRAVE. Will Start AT GRAVE's END soon. Right now I am reading
The Cost of Eternity. So far I like it.

message 23: by Nikki ♥ (new)

Nikki ♥ I started Atlantis Rising by Alyssa Day.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments Tosca: I saw that on a publishing site (that title/book) and thought *hmm* Interesting. William Maltese is a dirty dirty boy. dirty dirty!

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) I read the first book in the six-part Heart of Texas series by Debbie Macomber for the Feb monthly challenge. I managed to finish the other 5 for the March monthly challenge. That's where the series officially ends. However, several years later, she revisted the series and wrote two more. I'm started book 7 now with books 7 and 8 on my read the month for April challenge.

message 26: by Wendy (new)

Wendy (wendyfraser65) | 772 comments I've started a YA book, [Book: Numbers] by Rachel Ward... Trying to read at least a couple YA, and a couple of Juniors per month. So far so good

message 27: by tosca (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments Lori wrote: "I honestly couldn't tell from reading the blurb if I'd like it or not. I'll be interested to hear your final opinion of it ..."

It's - I'm trying to think of a term - unflinching. No romance whatsoever and every one is either having sex, watching sex, just finishing sex or about to have sex - two people, three, four in the same room (the word 'room' is a misnomer because it's a circus so it's the stage or the harnesses for the trapeze act or uhh with the camels but not 'with' the camels etc.). Mentally, the gymnastics are exhausting and I was slightly numb minded by the end of it LOL Am reading his California Creamin' and the second story - what that cowboy does with a boot - I will never think of boots the same again. Hell, I may never LIKE cowboy boots again :-) circuSex was worth the $5.70 US I paid for it through Books on Board, just don't expect a romantic HEA. And Nichole and Kenjii are right - it's a dirty, dirty read ;) Or a kinky, kinky one depending on your view. Monsieur Maltese has a way with words (and body parts) that is both bent and raw.

Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (wwwgoodreadscomprofilejael)
Reading Frostbite and Shadow Kiss by Mead and A Nameless Witch by A Lee Martinez ( all challenge books)
Finished Immortal Warrior by Hendrix great historical PNR can't wait for the second book in the series ( also a challenge book)

message 29: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Jess, it's Frostbite as in Frostbite (Vampire Academy, Book 2) by Richelle Mead:

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments Finished The Cost of Eternity and liked it alot. Today I plan to start At Grave's End.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments Shazzy: Gotta check the links. Sometimes they lead to other books. How are you liking the summoning?

message 32: by Lori (new)

Lori  (moderatrixlori) Tosca wrote: what that cowboy does with a boot - I will never think of boots the same again. Hell, I may never LIKE cowboy boots again :-)

OMG...too funny. I scared my cat I laughed so hard!

message 33: by Amanda A (new)

Amanda A | 769 comments I just started Desire Unchained by Larissa Ione.

Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (wwwgoodreadscomprofilejael)
OMG just finished Shadow Kissed and Iam pissed that ending really messed me up and now I have to wait til August to find out what goes down

message 35: by Nichole (DirrtyH) (last edited Apr 02, 2009 06:02PM) (new)

Nichole (DirrtyH) (dirtyh) I still have appr. 100 pages left of Night Embrace and it's turning my mind to mush. I can't take it anymore. Finishing this book is starting to feel like the Holy Grail...

So tonight I set it aside, since I didn't finish it for last month's challenge anyway, and started Deadly Desire, the new Riley Jenson. So far so good, though I don't remember Kye at all. It's been a little less than a year since I read the first six and I guess the details are pretty dim. I wish I had a better frame of reference for who Kye is.

message 36: by Lori (new)

Lori  (moderatrixlori) Today I finished Drawn Together which I loved, and Nicholas which was also very good. I was tempted to start the next book in the Satyr series but decided to go with Mona Lisa Craving A Novel of the Monere instead. It's so hard to decide what to read next when all my choices are so good!

message 37: by Malena (new)

Malena (badgalmalmal) I finished Dracula yesterday. Yes Dracula by Bram Stoker (my local bookclub pick). Quite long and boring. I didn't think I could finish it.

message 38: by tosca (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments Ooh! I got my copy of In the Blood by Adrian Phoenix today and, in my breaks, I've been reading it. YAY me :) Unfortunately it's not on my April challenge list but I'm sure I can make time for it heh.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments I like when I can read a book in a day. B/c although I want to complete my challenges. Sometimes I need a quickie =). I am reading Passion Unleashed by Larissa Ione, Demonica series, Book 3. I so love Wraith's story.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments Nichole: Kye sounds familiar but not ringing any bells right off. Been a while since I read the last Riley Jenson book. Let me know if you get it figured out.

message 41: by Jodz (new)

Jodz (jodz87) I finally finished My demon's Kiss - Thank goodness, it was torture =/

And now I'm going to finish guilty pleasures(LKH)... I've been stumbling through it for 2 months but it just hasn't hooked my attention.

DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (darkheart) Jodz wrote: "...And now I'm going to finish guilty pleasures(LKH)... I've been stumbling through it for 2 months but it just hasn't hooked my attention."

I'm glad it's not just me. I know the series is hugely popular, and I bought the box set based on all of the glowing reviews, but I wasn't overly impressed with the first book - I felt like I spent the first 3/4 of the book waiting for the story - and I haven't gone back to the others yet. Some day...

message 43: by tosca (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments Have just now finished reading Knight of Grace by Sophia James, is a Harlquin Historical novel. Read it because the hero is ordered to marry homely, timid Lady Grace Stanton, a marriage that is '...hardly worth the trouble of protest.' Charmer :-) Also in the middle of one my April challenges Warprize by Elizabeth Vaughan and liking it. Hope the sequel Warsworn is as good - although reviews I've read suggest not, but I'm reserving judgement until I've finished it.

message 44: by Nikki ♥ (new)

Nikki ♥ Finished Atlantis Rising by Alyssa Day, and just started Jacob by Jacquelyn Frank.

message 45: by Nikki ♥ (new)

Nikki ♥ Jodz wrote: "I finally finished My demon's Kiss - Thank goodness, it was torture =/

I had a hard time with that book also, I couldn't stand Sabine.

Nichole (DirrtyH) (dirtyh) Kenjii wrote: "Nichole: Kye sounds familiar but not ringing any bells right off. Been a while since I read the last Riley Jenson book. Let me know if you get it figured out. "

She explains who he is pretty early on, I just don't remember him. It didn't ring any bells for me, so I just have to take her word for it.

message 47: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Nikki,

How did you like Atlantis Rising?

message 48: by Julianna (new)

Julianna (authorjuliannad) | 1846 comments I just started Elizabeth's Wolf (Breed Series, #3) by Lora Leigh.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments Nikki wrote: "Finished Atlantis Rising by Alyssa Day, and just started [b:Jaco..."

Did you like Atlantis Rising?

message 50: by Nikki ♥ (new)

Nikki ♥ Yz wrote: "Nikki,

How did you like Atlantis Rising?"

I hard time getting into the story in the beginning, but I really ended up liking it. I loved Ven. I just ordered the second book which is Ven's story. Can't wait to read it.

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