YA Writers and Readers discussion


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message 1: by Morgan (last edited Apr 26, 2013 02:00PM) (new)

Morgan | 1315 comments Mod
Reviewers: Members who sign up for the e-book will receive them on a first come first serve basis.

It’s not only fun and exciting to be receiving free books from authors, but within it comes a responsibility. Obviously the first task is to read the book, but since this is a R4R, we can not forget the second R, which is simply to review the book with your honest opinion. If you receive a review copy from YA Writers and Readers, then you must post a review within the next three weeks prior to receiving the book. After having written and posting the review please post in the comments section in which the book was given away and post the link/url to the page, so that we know you have completed the review. Also if you do not post your review as a link we will not go hunting it down, so please do. If you do not there will be no warning and you will not be able to participate in future reviews. Also there will be a deadline so please keep that in mind, these authors are giving you their books and they want your reviews in return.

1.In your review it’s necessary to thank the author for giving you a free book in exchange for your honest opinion.

2.No book sharing for the reason it’s not only disrespectful to the author, but also Illegal.

3. The limit to having review books at a certian time is one until you post a review to the previous book you received

Also for Authors we will be posting a thread in which you can offer to give away your book to the group, and then I will private message you to clear out the details :)

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