The Next Best Book Club discussion

Revive a Dead Thread > HELLO!!! We have our winners for May!!!

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message 1: by Lori, Super Mod (last edited Apr 20, 2009 05:19PM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod

I Capture the Castle (YA)
The People of the Book (Fiction)

Thanks everyone for voting!!!

*******VOTING IS NOW OPEN********
Both polls are up.
Voting will close on the 20th, so you have straight through the weekend to get them in.

One vote per catagory!


Hey everyone. Its about that time again!

Let's start nominating novels we would like to see become a group read for May. There will be two catagories for the novels to be voted in. (1)Regular fiction/non fiction or (2) YA (yes, I know it is not a genre....).

Please nominate one book per person.
title and author
the catagory you are nominating it in

If your post does not have title, author or catagory, it will not be accepted.

It is not necessary to second or third someones nomination. If it is nominated, it will be placed in the voting polls.

I will leave the nomination thread open for 3 days. So we have until Thursday night to get our noms in.

Then, I will create two seperate polls in which we can place our votes.

Let the nominations begin!!!!!

message 2: by Allison (new)

Allison (inconceivably) Category 2, The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

message 3: by Heather (new)

Heather | 7 comments Category 2, Suite Française by Irène Némirovsky
I have heard it is a great book.

message 4: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) Category 2: I Capture The Castle by Dodie Smith

(You'll have to pick something else now, Fiona!)

message 5: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Is Suite Francaise a YA book?

message 6: by Catamorandi (new)

Catamorandi (wwwgoodreadscomprofilerandi) | 1045 comments Category 2: Eragon - Christopher Paolini

message 8: by Jessica (new)

Jessica | 1000 comments Category 1-Handle with Care-Jodi Picoult

message 9: by Jamie (new)

Jamie Category 2: A Northern Light by Jennifer Donnelly

Elizabeth (Alaska) Sharon wrote: "Category 1 - [b:Three Cups of Tea One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time|49436|Three Cups of Tea One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time|Greg Mortenso..."

Isn't this non-fiction?

message 11: by [deleted user] (new)

Category 1: Amsterdam by Ian McEwan

message 12: by JSou (new)

JSou Category 1: Kafka on the Shore by Haruki Murakami

message 13: by Meranda (new)

Meranda (msl87) | 50 comments Category 1:
The Shack - William P. Young
Category 2: Uglies - Scott Westerfeld

message 14: by Kristen (last edited Apr 13, 2009 04:29PM) (new)

Kristen Harvey Sorry! Not paying attention!

Category 2:The Midnight Twins by Jacquelyn Mitchard

message 15: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Mandy and Kristen, please go back to my original post and reread it. You cannot pick two novels to nominate.

please remove one of your choices.

message 16: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Elizabeth, non fiction is ok to nominate. That is what catagory one is for, regular fiction or non fiction.

message 17: by Kristen (new)

Kristen (kristenma) | 142 comments Category 2, My Most Excellent Year: A Novel of Love, Mary Poppins and Fenway Park by Steve Kluger

message 18: by Meranda (new)

Meranda (msl87) | 50 comments Sorry Lori! This is my first time nominating! Shame on me for not following the rules.

Category 2: Uglies - Scott Westerfeld

message 19: by Lori, Super Mod (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Thanks Kristen (post 16)

Elizabeth (Alaska) Lori wrote: "Elizabeth, non fiction is ok to nominate. That is what category one is for, regular fiction or non fiction."

Sorry, Lori. I read novels, and skipped the non-fiction part, which wouldn't be a novel.

message 21: by Elizabeth (Alaska) (last edited Apr 13, 2009 05:34PM) (new)

Elizabeth (Alaska) Fiona, I meant I read the word novels in Lori's instructions, and skipped her inclusion of non-fiction, which aren't novels.

I should leave the computer. Being largely cooped up for days on end, and now being on the mend, makes one cranky.

message 22: by Allison (last edited Apr 13, 2009 05:43PM) (new)

Allison (sockweasel) | 432 comments For Cat. 1: Someone Knows My Name by Lawrence Hill. (In Canada, it's been published as The Book of Negroes).

message 24: by Cynthia (last edited Apr 13, 2009 06:38PM) (new)

message 25: by Jessica (new)

Jessica (rhiannonsgrace) | 17 comments Category 2 - Graceling by Kristin Cashore

message 26: by Kristie (new)

Kristie (spedkristie) Category 2 Black and Whiteby Paul Volponi

message 27: by Sara ♥ (last edited Apr 13, 2009 07:50PM) (new)

Sara ♥ (saranicole) It's hard to choose... I think I'll go with....

Category 2 - The Goose Girl by Shannon Hale

I'm trying to find a good summary of the book to add to the book's info... beware the summaries on! Talk about spoiling the ENTIRE PLOT! (I'm sorry, but in my opinion, plot blurbs (like on Amazon) shouldn't include anything past about 1/3 of the way through the book.)

message 28: by Pamela (new)

Pamela Category 2: Flight by Sherman Alexie

Young Adult

message 30: by Katerina (new)

Katerina | 10 comments cat 2-- Crank by Ellen Hopkins

message 32: by Kate (new)

message 33: by Fiona (Titch) (new)

Fiona (Titch) Hunt (titch) | 11 comments Category 1: Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World - Vicki Myron (NF)

message 34: by Lori, Super Mod (last edited Apr 14, 2009 01:26PM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
Recap of the nominations so far:

Suite Française - Irène Némirovsky
Three Cups of Tea One Man's Mission to Promote Peace . . . One School at a Time - Greg Mortenson
Handle with Care - Jodi Picoult
Prodigal Summer A Novel - Barbara Kingsolver
Amsterdam - Ian McEwan
Kafka on the Shore - Haruki Murakami
Someone Knows My Name - Lawrence Hill
People of the Book - Geraldine Brooks
Atonement - Ian McEwan
Lolita - Vladimir Nabokov
The Devil in the White City Murder, Magic, and Madness at the Fair that Changed America - Erik Larson
Dewey: The Small-Town Library Cat Who Touched the World - Vicki Myron

The Hunger Games - Suzanne Collins
I Capture The Castle - Dodie Smith
Eragon - Christopher Paolini
A Northern Light - Jennifer Donnelly
Across the Nightingale Floor - Lian Hearn
The Midnight Twins - Jacquelyn Mitchard
My Most Excellent Year: A Novel of Love, Mary Poppins and Fenway Park - Steve Kluger
Uglies - Scott Westerfeld
The Chocolate War - Robert Cormier
Graceling - Kristin Cashore
Black and White - Paul Volponi
The Goose Girl - Shannon Hale
Flight - Sherman Alexie
Crank - Ellen Hopkins
The Devil's Arithmetic - Jane Yolen

Keep em coming.
And remember... no author, no nomination!

message 35: by [deleted user] (new)

cat 2, The Wind in the Willows Kenneth Grahame

message 36: by Mita (new)

Mita (mitab) Category 2: City of Bones by Cassandra Clare

message 37: by Kristen (new)

Kristen Harvey Cynthia,
I think Hunger Games is supposed to be in Category 2.

message 38: by Jon (new)

Jon Cat 1 Unless - Carol Shields

message 39: by Pam (new)

Pam Cat 1
A Thread of Grace by Mary Doria Russell

message 40: by Linda (last edited Apr 15, 2009 06:32AM) (new)

Linda | 887 comments Cat 1 - Fidali's Way A Novel by George Mastras.

message 41: by Lori, Super Mod (last edited Apr 14, 2009 06:38AM) (new)

Lori (tnbbc) | 10442 comments Mod
please reread the rules I posted.
I cannot accept your nominations the way they are.
PLease edit them.

message 42: by Mary (new)

Mary (picadilly) | 2 comments Category 1 - let the northern lights erase your name, by vendela vida

message 43: by Kathy (new)

Kathy  (readr4ever) | 510 comments Katerina wrote: "cat 2-- Crank by [a:Ellen Hopkins|2821144|Ellen Hopkins|"

I just finished Crank, and it is an excellent book. I am going to meet the author, Ellen Hopkins, this weekend at a book festival, where I plan on getting her to sign my copy of Crank and buying its sequel, Glass.

message 44: by Kate (new)

Kate (kathrynlouwca) | 423 comments Kathy wrote: "Katerina wrote: "cat 2-- Crank by [a:Ellen Hopkins|2821144|Ellen Hopkins|"

I just finished her book Identical. It was really good. Have fun meeting her!!! That is really awesome!!!

message 46: by Janny (new)

Janny (jannywurts) | 142 comments Catagory 1: The Tenth Gift by Jane Johnson.

Our local book club has a wide spread of tastes, and this title incited some nice discussion for its cross cultural insights.

message 47: by Molly (new)

Molly (slinkyxo) | 8 comments category 1= choke by Chuck Palahniuk

message 48: by Kathy (new)

Kathy  (readr4ever) | 510 comments Kathryn, I will probably end up buying all of her books while at the book fest, or at least all of the ones available there. I always go overboard at these events.

message 49: by Adam (new)

message 50: by Jeane (last edited Apr 14, 2009 11:09AM) (new)

Jeane (icegini) | 4891 comments category one

Persuasion by jane austen

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