Goodreads Reviewers' Group discussion

Social Networks > Blogs

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message 1: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (rebeccas_books) | 340 comments Mod
If any of you have your own Book Review Blogs, feel free to post links here

message 2: by Emma (new)

Emma Faragher | 5 comments My sister and I recently started this one. Although she is still coming to terms with using google and hasn't managed to get sorted as a blog author yet so it's just me so far. (any tips on sorting duel authorship would be much appreciated)

message 3: by Jennie (new)

Jennie  Coull | 42 comments Hi everyone, I have just started a bolg, its very new but i would love to know what you all think :)

message 4: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Pearson Coull wrote: "Hi everyone, I have just started a bolg, its very new but i would love to know what you all think :)"

hahaha! Love the way you describe yourself on your blog - had me genuinely laughing out loud :~D

message 5: by Jennie (new)

Jennie  Coull | 42 comments Victoria wrote: "Coull wrote: "Hi everyone, I have just started a bolg, its very new but i would love to know what you all think :)"

hahaha! Love the way you describe yoursel..."

lol thanks i think...;)

message 6: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (rebeccas_books) | 340 comments Mod
I've been thinking about starting a blog, but I wouldn't even know what to write... I don't think my reviews are long enough or detailed enough for a blog

message 7: by Victoria (new)

Victoria Pearson Rebecca wrote: "I've been thinking about starting a blog, but I wouldn't even know what to write... I don't think my reviews are long enough or detailed enough for a blog"

Sometimes those are the best kind of reviews though. I like a long review, but it can be good to scan a few reviews quickly to choose what you want to read next :~)

message 8: by Caitlin (new)

Caitlin  | 1 comments I just started a book blog. not much on it yet but will be doing loads of reviews once i get the hang of the whole blogging thing.

message 9: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
My reviews are posted on but I rarely get views and never get comments unless I bug a friend :(

Still, publishers prefer to refer people to my blog than my Goodreads when they like a review of mine.

message 10: by Jason (new)

Jason Crawford (jasonpatrickcrawford) | 4 comments This is a review blog for paranormal fantasy/epic fantasy:

Spirit of Wonderland Reviews (spiritofwonderlandreviews) | 78 comments I post my reviews on my blog, and am hoping to add more stuff to it soon (just finished getting it set up and going last month). Don't have many followers or comments, but hoping to generate some interest!

Thanks :)

message 12: by Sam (new)

Sam Arnold (samharnold) I always post my reviews both on this site and to my own personal blog

Hope you enjoy it

message 13: by Sandra (new)

Sandra Hernandez (saniy95231) | 4 comments this is very new, only 2 posts as of now, but hopefully I will get more done within time, and it will get bigger and better.

message 14: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (rebeccas_books) | 340 comments Mod
I've just started a Wordpress blog, I've only posted one review on there so far. If anyone else is on Wordpress, I'd love a follower :)

message 15: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca | 4 comments I have a blog that I have been posting my book reviews on. Here it 'tis!

message 16: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (rebeccas_books) | 340 comments Mod
Hi everyone, I've just started a blog, but couldn't decide if I wanted to join Wordpress or Blogspot, so I made both :)

I'd love some followers:

message 17: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Just launched my new blog dedicated to crime, mystery and thriller books (mostly, there's some horror and fantasy thrown in too) and would love some followers and some opinions on what you think of it :)

message 18: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Rebecca wrote: "Hi everyone, I've just started a blog, but couldn't decide if I wanted to join Wordpress or Blogspot, so I made both :)

I'd love some followers:"

You should add a follow by e-mail and a google+ widget to your blogspot :)

message 19: by Sarah (new)

Sarah (sarahmarie902) | 2 comments I have followed all the above blogs :)

My sister and I just recently starting reviewing a few months ago, and have been building a database, we would love to have some more followers as well :)

Check it out here

XO Sarah & Vanessa

message 20: by Rachel (last edited Nov 12, 2013 05:44PM) (new)

Rachel John (racheljohn) | 12 comments I have a book blog, and just recently opened up to review requests which changed things up more than I expected. A lot more work, but also more views - as an indie author I know how hard it is to find places to promote so I glad I am giving exposure to new authors.

message 21: by Rebecca, The Constant Reader (new)

Rebecca (rebeccas_books) | 340 comments Mod
I'm still not used to this blogging thing, and can't work out how to follow any blogs!

message 22: by Rebecca (new)

Rebecca | 4 comments Sarah wrote: "I have followed all the above blogs :)

My sister and I just recently starting reviewing a few months ago, and have been building a database, we would love to have some more followers as well :)


I've set myself to Follow you in return, Sarah!

If anyone would like to Follow me, I will gladly return the favor and Follow them, but its best if you pm me your blog, just in case I forget to check in here!

message 23: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Rebecca wrote: "I'm still not used to this blogging thing, and can't work out how to follow any blogs!"

Most have a "follow by e-mail" box or a googl+ bit (usually says something like join this site with google friend connect) and there's sometimes bloglovin. I've jt added a couple more ways to follow to my blog, haven't got any so far :(

message 24: by Ellie (new)

Ellie (theelliemo) As soon as I have worked out how to follow people, I'll start following the blogs listed here. I have my own blog, mostly book reviews but does cover events as well. I haven't had mic time recently to write lengthy reviews, though :(

message 26: by Sam (new)

Sam Arnold (samharnold) Please check out my review blog

Thank you

message 27: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
So everyone, Tea Party Princess relaunched today :D I have lots of swag set aside to giveaway and some pretty cool features.

Plus, corgis.

Just had to put that out there.

There will be lots of pictures of corgis.

message 28: by Shannon (new)

Shannon Cahill (missesmerelda) | 5 comments I have started a blog for book reviews, personal musings, and what not. Check it out :)

message 29: by Shen (new)

Shen Hart (reviewhart) The Review Hart is a relatively new book review blog but it's already achieving a great number of hits and click-throughs. We consider all genres and review in an entirely honest and objective manner.

message 30: by Therin (new)

Therin Knite | 4 comments Mine isn't just a book review blog, but I do review books, and I do take requests. :)

Knite Writes

message 31: by Sam (new)

Sam Arnold (samharnold) Just finished my new website have a look would welcome any constructive feedback please

message 32: by Jola (new)

Jola | 72 comments "

I'm just starting with my blog. I review mostly fantasy and mystery but I'm open to every genre ;) " "

message 33: by Cora, Tea Party Princess (new)

Cora Tea Party Princess (corazie) | 661 comments Mod
Jola wrote: ""

I'm just starting with my blog. I review mostly fantasy and mystery but I'm open to every genre ;) " ""

Nice blog :) Is there any way to follow it? Bloglovin or subscribe by email?

message 34: by Jola (new)

Jola | 72 comments Cora Linn wrote:

Nice blog :) Is there any way to follow ..."

Thanks! :) There should be a follow button on the right, it's email subscription :)

message 35: by Kevin (new)

Kevin (svrkev) Have your Amazon Book featured for the month of March. On my site I will post your book cover, short description, purchase link and include a link to your Facebook or Twitter profile. I plan on hosting two giveaways (gift cards, ebook copies) and a writing competition in the month of March that will draw traffic and gain exposure for your books. This feature can end with you having your book purchased and reviewed by me and being crowned book of the month.
Contact me via Facebook, Goodreads or on my website:

message 36: by PepperP0t (last edited Mar 16, 2014 08:29AM) (new)

PepperP0t  | 173 comments I'm still under construction but am starting my own review site.

message 37: by Samantha (new)

Samantha (samanthajth) My young adult book blog is
Hope you can check it out. =o)

message 38: by Lance (new)

Lance Morcan | 7 comments Greetings
My co-writer/son James and I are novelists, screenwriters and film producers. Here’s our blog… - the site for a new perspective on books and films.
Everyone welcome!

message 39: by Cyndel (new)

Cyndel Schafer Good evening all! I have recently started blogging my reviews. Learning as I go but feel free to stop by http://[email protected]

message 40: by Tiffany (new)

Tiffany Do (sarcasticcookiedo) | 7 comments Hi! I just recently started a blog a few days ago and if anyone has any tips that would help, I would gladly appreciate it. :) Also, I mainly read NA, YA, and genres considered over 18+, but I'm open to read anything as long as it interests me. My blog consists of my reviews and will consist of my personal interests such as fashion and other things. I would gladly appreciate it if you would like to check it out :

message 41: by Kerry (new)

Kerry Burnett | 9 comments I review at www . I review contemporary, romance, chick-lit and family drama

message 42: by Megan (new)

Megan Cyrulewski | 4 comments BOOK BLOG TOUR HOSTS NEEDED! Hey everyone! My first book, a memoir, is releasing on Saturday. I would like to find as many willing hosts as I can to do a huge book blast. Everyone who participates, I will definitely reciprocate with an author interview and/or hosting a book tour for you. I'm definitely a girl of my word because since January 2014, I've featured over 130 authors on my blog! I've been marketing like crazy and my blog numbers reflect that. My blog has been up and running for over 7 months but as of today, I've had 113,000 visitors. On average, I get about 12,000 visitors per week. Please let me know if you are interested by contacting me through my website. I REALLY appreciate this! Oh - and anyone who participates in hosting, I will raffle off 2 Amazon gift cards worth $50 a piece. THANK YOU!!

message 43: by Rosana (last edited Aug 10, 2014 04:12PM) (new)

Rosana Maia (rosanamaia) Hi :)

We are five friends who love books, and we decided to create a blog to share all of the journeys we do by reading. We are from Portugal, so we mostly share reviews in portuguese, although we have also shared some reviews in engish.
If you like reading visit our blog and if you want you can follow us through GFC ( or through Facebook (

If you're an author and you would like us to read your book and review it on our blog or make a giveaway with a copy please do not hesitate to contact us! Our main interests are: classics, young adult, romance, crime, mystery, fantasy, science-fiction, suspense, thriller and horror.


message 44: by Roy (new)

Roy (mplwdscribe) | 3 comments My blog A LINE A DAY is a hodgepodge. It's really not a traditional blog so much as a random collection of my musings on various topics. But one of its regular features is compiled reviews of the last several books I've read. Often these posts feature novels for adults as well as children's books I've read to my daughter. There are plenty of other literature based posts that don't feature book reviews which may be of general interest to book lovers as well. So please feel free to visit. Chances are you'll find quite a few posts to skip over with barely a glance, but also a good number that seem worth checking out.

Most recent book review post:

message 45: by Cassidie (new)

Cassidie (cassidiejhones) | 4 comments I have a review blog, mostly featuring YA. I also participate in memes and host weekly features. Feel free to swing by. ;)

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

HI everyone. I just started a blog and have a few posts up..I also do author interviews if anyone is interested, and I am thinking of adding character interviews very soon. If you guys don't mind please go look at it and let me know what you think, and if you are interested in filling out the questionnaire for the interviews just message me. Thank you in advance...

message 47: by Amy (new)

Amy Heugh (amyheugh) | 3 comments Review of The Fault in Our Stars

message 48: by Cassidie (new)

Cassidie (cassidiejhones) | 4 comments I'm Cassidie and this is my YA review blog. There are a few movie and audiobook reviews, too and features and memes. Feel free to swing by. :)

message 49: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  (aweebishbookblog) I recently moved my shiny new blog to self hosting. Finally liking it enough to share!

message 50: by Devi (new)

Devi Nair (views_she_writes) Hi everyone. I just posted a new review on a murder mystery. Check it out at Poisoned Waters
The reviews are also posted on Amazon and Goodreads
Thanks in advance :)

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