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message 1: by Angela (new)

Angela Ray-Sanders | 5 comments Hello, my name is Angela

I'm looking for something new to read.

I love historical romance, fiction and non-fiction.

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie was really good! Another two that I read this year that were pretty good were The Butterfly House and The Glass Castle.

Any recommendations?


message 3: by Icewineanne (last edited Jun 10, 2013 08:21AM) (new)

Icewineanne | 114 comments There are 2 books by Kimberley Freeman that I enjoyed, Wildflower Hill & Lighthouse Bay.
I am currently reading This Child of Mine by Sinead Moriarty which is also very entertaining.
Good Luck on your quest for your next "good read"!

message 4: by Lisa (new)

Lisa I finished Life After Life last week and enjoyed it immensely. It's set I'm England during WWI through WWII. it inspired me to read The Great Influenza about the 1918 pandemic. You might enjoy it since you like historical fiction

message 5: by Lynn Diane (last edited Jun 10, 2013 12:34PM) (new)

Lynn Diane (goodreadscomlynndiane_smith) | 1 comments Hi! I'm Lynn Diane. I'm reading Mary: Mrs. A. Lincoln. Some of my favorites are: The Art of Racing in the Rain; The Girl Who Fell From the Sky; The Light Between Oceans; and These is My Words.

message 6: by Nadia (new)

Nadia A (bagambo) | 12 comments Right now I'm reading Alafair Burke's latest - If You Were Here. I wanted something quick and exciting to read and so far its fitting the bill perfectly.

message 7: by Kathleen (new)

Kathleen (misterdaisy) If you love historical romance you simply must read Outlander by Diana Gabaldon! It is positively my favorite book and it is a romance that will stick with you for the rest of your life. Outlander

message 8: by Anna (new)

Anna | 3 comments hi! I am Anna :) I am currently reading scarlett by alexandra ripley, the sequel to gone with the wind

message 9: by Icewineanne (new)

Icewineanne | 114 comments Began reading "The Imperfectionists" by Tom Rachman today. So far it's a great novel (after 125pgs). Reading it for a library book club meeting next week. Definitely recommended!

message 10: by Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (last edited Jun 12, 2013 12:01PM) (new)

Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) One good book that I have read recently is Pictures of You. Currently I am reading The Coldest Winter Ever.

message 11: by Nadia (new)

Nadia A (bagambo) | 12 comments Anne, I have that one on my TBR list. Glad to her its great :)

message 12: by Martina (new)

Martina Leslie | 2 comments Christopher Moore : Lamb (iPhone)
Recipes from an Italian summer (kitchen)
Waves by Virginia Woolf (bedside table)
Slim Aaron's : la dolce vita (coffee table)

message 13: by Angela (new)

Angela Ray-Sanders | 5 comments I'm reading wild by Cheryl strayed. I'm now on chapter 11. I got some great ideas for the next few months. Thanks everyone

message 14: by Katherine (new)

Katherine (bookienerd86) | 4 comments I'm currently reading Lovely Green Eyes by ARNOST LUSTIG

message 15: by Kelly (new)

Kelly (marquis784) I just finished the trilogy by Stieg Larsson. "The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo", "The Girl Who Played with Fire" and "The girl Who Kicked the Hornets Nest".
Gripping suspenseful series. Not for people who are offended by foul language as the series contains more than a few offensive words. I find it was mostly used to convey the social economic environment to portray "real" tough mob-like characters.

message 16: by Kelly (new)

Kelly (marquis784) "Somewhere I'll Find You" by Lisa Kleypas is a wonderful romantic historical fiction.

I had never read any of her books before and was pleasantly surprised by the strong female protagonist. I have since learned that it is part of a series. The book is stand alone and doesn't leave you hanging which is why I hadn't realized the story continued.

"The Kitchen House" by Kathleen Grissom is another captivating historical novel.
It describes the tumultuous relationships amongst its characters during the 1700's.

message 17: by Rhonda (new)

Rhonda (rniola) I'm currently reading "Z, a novel of Zelda Fitzgerald" by Therese Fowler. I love it, I love Fitzgerald's writings and this gives me some background on their relationship and life.

message 18: by Icewineanne (last edited Jun 17, 2013 08:52AM) (new)

Icewineanne | 114 comments I'm also looking forward to reading "Z". Just waiting for the paperback to be released, hardcovers are too heavy too lug around. Yes, I'm still old school, preferring physical books to e-readers :)

message 19: by Carol (new)

Carol | 40 comments Lorrea(Threein3) wrote: "One good book that I have read recently is Pictures of You. Currently I am reading The Coldest Winter Ever."

Anne wrote: "Began reading "The Imperfectionists" by Tom Rachman today. So far it's a great novel (after 125pgs). Reading it for a library book club meeting next week. Definitely recommended!"

I think you sold me on Pictures of You. I'm kind of in between books right now and it sounds like something I'm in the mood for right now.

message 20: by Carol (new)

Carol | 40 comments Angela wrote: "I'm reading wild by Cheryl strayed. I'm now on chapter 11. I got some great ideas for the next few months. Thanks everyone"

I loved that book! She is so real!

message 21: by Zoe (new)

Zoe Mcduncan | 1 comments I'm reading 'The Alchemist' by Paul Coelho. It's about a young boy's journey through life. It's a very good read.

message 22: by Deepika (new)

Deepika Motah | 1 comments Games People Play by Eric Berne..
and The Alchemist is beautiful ;)

message 23: by Angie (new)

Angie Angela wrote: "Hello, my name is Angela

I'm looking for something new to read.

I love historical romance, fiction and non-fiction.

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie was really good! Another two that I read this yea..."

You should definitely read Freeman by Leonard Pitts. It is historical fiction and a beautiful love story although the story is much more than a love story.

message 24: by Thomas (new)

Thomas Hay (wwwthomaslhaycom) | 8 comments Have you heard of "An Abduction Revelation" Some readers say it is a memoir, while others think it to be sci-fi. Is it reality or imagination gone wild? www.thomaslhay.com

message 25: by Kathy (new)

Kathy | 5 comments Historical romance of an offbeat sort....Joyce Carol Oates new novel "The Accursed".

message 27: by Aguedalandia (new)

Aguedalandia | 24 comments Im reading "struck by living" by Julie k. Hersh, really really good. Also I bought "Life after life" by Kate Atkinson and I'm 11% into it, I don't ever read the sinopsis, have you read it? Is it good?

message 28: by Icewineanne (new)

Icewineanne | 114 comments Agueda wrote: "Im reading "struck by living" by Julie k. Hersh, really really good. Also I bought "Life after life" by Kate Atkinson and I'm 11% into it, I don't ever read the sinopsis, have you read it? Is it good?"

No idea, but it's had terrific reviews. I put a hold on it at my local library. Let me know how it is if you read it before I can :)

message 29: by Maryanne (new)

Maryanne (maryannegrabo) I am currently reading So Pretty it Hurts by Kate White. I am a fan of both fantasy fiction and mystery. A new indie author who happens to be my daughter has 2 in her YA fantasy fiction series. Journey into the Realm: The Elf Girl (1) and The Spell Master (2) by Markelle Grabo. We need readers. I hope you will consider her work.

Angela M is taking a little summer break I'm reading Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohajalian .

message 31: by Carol (new)

Carol | 40 comments Angela wrote: "I'm reading Light in the Ruins by Chris Bohajalian ."

how you liking it so far?

message 32: by Naomi (new)

Naomi | 8 comments I am reading The light between oceans

Angela M is taking a little summer break Carol- I really just started it so I don't have anything to say yet other than I Iike it so far. I have enjoyed most of Chris Bohajalian 's
other books so I hope this one is good too. I'll let you know more when I have finished it .

Angela M is taking a little summer break Naomi - I loved Light Between Oceans . I found it to be a beautifully written story , sad and touching . I hope you like it.

Lorrea - WhatChaReadin'? (whatchatreadin) Getting to Happy by Terry McMillan

message 36: by Naomi (new)

Naomi | 8 comments Angela- I just recently started reading the book. Based on your comment I am sure I will like it.

Angela M is taking a little summer break Naomi - I would be interested in hearing what you think .

message 38: by Elaine (new)

Elaine Smith | 2 comments Angela wrote: "Hello, my name is Angela

I'm looking for something new to read.

I love historical romance, fiction and non-fiction.

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie was really good! Another two that I read this yea..."

I've recently enjoyed "Wild" by Cheryl Strayed, "The Fault in Our Stars" by John Green, and "The Sunne in Splendor" by Sharon Kay Penman.

message 39: by Jessica (new)

Jessica Conley | 3 comments I am reading the Queen's Fool by Philippa Gregory. I love historical fiction and she writes so well!

message 40: by Jill (new)

Jill | 4 comments I am currently reading Cold Mountain. For me it has been slow moving. once I start a book however I don't like not finishing it. Maybe it will get better as I get deeper into it.

message 41: by Naomi (new)

Naomi | 8 comments Angela- I finished the light between oceans. There are few books that can make me cry and this was one of them.

message 42: by May (new)

May (mayzie) | 575 comments Jill, I agree with your response to Cold Mountain. I don't think it ever picked up. It is one of the few cases where the movie was better than the book.

message 43: by Aguedalandia (new)

Aguedalandia | 24 comments Im finishing Breaking night by Liz Murray, what a story. Makes me thank for my bed every day I read it.

Angela M is taking a little summer break Naomi - me too ! I just thought Light Between Oceans was such a heart wrenching, beautifully written story I don't often cry after reading a book but I really did with this one . Read some happier next.

message 45: by Beverly (new)

Beverly I just finished reading:
Americanah by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie. Great read as Adichie is master storyteller. Will be one of my top reads this year.
The Resurrectionist by Matthew Guinn - If you like southern literature with a touch of gothic you will enjoy.

Next read is Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan

message 46: by Icewineanne (new)

Icewineanne | 114 comments Just picked up Crazy Rich Asians from the library. As soon as I finish The Silent Wife, I'll begin this one next. If anyone else has read it, let me know if you enjoyed it!

message 47: by Christie (new)

Christie Owens | 10 comments I admit it: I need suspense! I just finished Steven King's "The Wind Through the Keyhole!" and just put two more SKs on hold at the library. Perfect storyteller!

message 49: by Shirley (new)

Shirley | 1 comments Currently read First Night of Summer by Landon Parham I highly recommend if you are looking for something different in thriller/suspense.
In a world where every second person is a self-proclaimed writer, myself included, it's easy to forget what makes a debut author stand out among all the other newly published books. It is because they have distinct talent and are good. Let me rephrase that, they are damn good and it sets them apart from the rest of the newbies. Landon Parham is a case in point. While this book may appear to be your run-of-the-mill thriller at first glance, it thoroughly disabuses you of that notion within just a few chapters. He moves the plot forward through a mixture of point-of-views, leaving you hanging on every last sentence waiting to see what will happen next. First Night of Summer is a sad, haunting tale about an ex military man, Isaac Snow and how he must find a way to protect what is left of his family before he loses everything to a dark and demented evil. Some violent parts can be difficult to read, but you will not be able to put it down. Packed full of emotion, it is a fast-paced read with a strong plot driven story.
Check out the official book trailer:
You can download a kindle, nook, or ibook for only 99 cents for a limited time.. I "liked" his Facebook page https://www.facebook.com/pages/Landon..., and he is one of my new favorites. I can't wait to read his next! #1 NYT bestseller, Sandra Brown picked his debut book, First Night of Summer as her recommended read this year!
Feel free to share and help him raise awareness through fiction.

message 50: by Rakisha (new)

Rakisha (cutestlilbookworm) | 1 comments I read Pillars of the Earth last year and also watched and enjoyed the tv series. So now I've decided to tackle another of Follett's chunkster novels...part 2 of Pillars, The World Without End. So far it's just as good as Pillars.

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