Wild Things: YA Grown-Up discussion

Introductions > Hi from New Mexico

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message 1: by Mosca (last edited Apr 28, 2009 03:36PM) (new)

Mosca | 11 comments New to this group. Usually I hang out at the The Next Best Book Club. I am an adult male who usually reads fiction, science fiction, history, current events, etc. Most of my reading includes books intended for "adults".

But this past winter Fiona encouraged me to read I Capture the Castle by Dodie Smith. What a treat!

A couple of days ago my visit to the library resulted in the usual mix of science fiction and current "adult" fiction. But this time I also included A Wrinkle in Time by Madeleine L'Engle, as well as The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame.

I had not even heard of "A Wrinkle in Time" until I started loitering around Goodreads. But the many comments I have heard about it have encouraged me to read it.

"The Wind in the Willows" is a book never read; but have long wanted to read.

About fifteen years ago, a girlfriend who worked in the local public library started talking about a new YA book phenomena called Harry Potter, and said how much she was sure I would like it. I still have not read any of those books nor have I seen any of the movies. But I have always been certain that I would eventually treat myself to them.

But also, a recent less-than-mature(by some) discussion at The Next Best Book Club concerning so-called "Young Adult" books has peaked my interest in some of these books.

To quote Tom Robbins: "It's never too late to have a happy childhood."

message 2: by Lisa Julianna (new)

Lisa Julianna (lisajulianna) Hi Mosca,

Welcome to the group!!

message 3: by Becky (new)

Becky (beckyofthe19and9) Mosca, I am so glad you joined!! I love reading your input about books, and I'm glad that you are trying to expand your reading horizons. :D


message 4: by Laura (new)

Laura (apenandzen) Hello Mosca, glad that discussion "peaked your interest" in YA! It is a terrific genre, and we are glad to have you here!

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