Romance Readers Reading Challenges discussion

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Archive (general & ongoing) > May - What are you currently reading?

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message 1: by Kasia (new)

Kasia It's May guys, in my time zone at least it's officially May. So what are you currently reading?

message 2: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Me? I'm reading Zodiac, I think? I know I started it a while back, read 20 pages and then went for something else... I suppose I could finish it, but in order to do so I'd better start spending less time on GR... Yeah I should probably do that.

message 3: by tosca (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments I'm reading Lover Avenged! It's 1st May here in NZ and i started my morning by reading up to chapter 7 and oohh I want to race ahead but then I want to drag it out and YUM Rehvenge is yum heh I plan to finish it tonight :)

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments I woke up at 2 am (as usual) and was debating. Finish my April reads or dive into my eagerly awaited May reads.

Currently I have on deck:

Last read: Last Wolf Standing by Rhyannon Byrd

Want to finish this week: From this day forward by Irene Hannon

Have't picked up in a few days but still want to finish: Dark Hunter's Companion, A New Earth Awakening to Your Life's Purposeby Eckhart Tolle

Plan to start: The Darkest Night by Gena Showalterand re-read Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon

message 5: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Kenjii wrote: "I woke up at 2 am (as usual)..."

at 2am is when I go to bed usually!!! Weird schedule Kenjii!

message 6: by tosca (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments It's roughly 11:30pm here and the moment I dreaded has arrived - I've finished Lover Avenged. The good news is it'll prompt me to re-read the entire series again. The heartbreaking news is there's no more BDB for ANOTHER YEAR. It's enough to make a grown woman cry *cue tear* And so on to my next challenge book!

DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (darkheart) tosca wrote: "It's roughly 11:30pm here and the moment I dreaded has arrived - I've finished Lover Avenged. The good news is it'll prompt me to re-read the entire series again. The heartbreaking..."

Heh, it's made me go back and start the audio books. I'm currently enjoying Dark Lover. And as soon as Lover Avenged becomes available on audible, I'll be "re-reading" it. ;)

DarkHeart "Vehngeance" (darkheart) I haven't started my May books yet, as I've decided to finish up Marr's Wicked Lovely series, currently enjoying Fragile Eternity. And of course I still want to finish my April book, Nightlife. Not sure what my first May challenge book will be.

message 9: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments I'm still stuck with April challenge leftover books. So books for May will have to wait a little longer..LOL.

message 10: by Shanon (new)

Shanon (boban) Yz wrote: "I'm still stuck with April challenge leftover books. So books for May will have to wait a little longer..LOL."

Me too Yz. I need to finish up the last 100 pages of Chill Factor before I start on May's books. Then I'm on to Darkfever.

message 11: by Christel (new)

Christel (christelc) | 72 comments Started Lover Avenged last night

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Yz wrote: "I'm still stuck with April challenge leftover books. So books for May will have to wait a little longer..LOL."

I'm currently in the middle of 3 different April holdover books I didn't finish in time. So I'm right there with ya Yz. lol

message 13: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments LOL..Know exactly what you mean, Briansgirl. Plus I have 2 books I got from the library that were for April challenges but now I can't work in for May.

Now, I'm torn whether I should just read them or returned them unread...because there is no way I can read more than 18 books for this month..since I might be moving...

The dilemmas I get myself into...*sighs*

message 14: by Adrienne (last edited May 01, 2009 09:48AM) (new)

Adrienne my plans are::simple::finish Lover Avenged::readWicked Lovely::followed byEternal Pleasure::then i want to get back with the Dark Hunter Series::may intersperse DH with my other planned reading::i have lots of little things to read as well ::short stories::misc stuff::i'm trying to keep all my reading fresh and interesting::

message 15: by Nikki ♥ (new)

Nikki ♥ I plan on starting Lover Avenged tonight.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments I am in "finish my April reads" boat. Hehe. Altho I have read 1 May read so far and finished. It was a quickie. I am glad to see yall are enjoying Lover Avenged (no spoilers! lol). I need to catch up in the Series Read for another group as we are reading Lover Revealed this month. =D.

message 17: by Barbara ★ (new)

Barbara ★ | 3838 comments I'm lucky enough to have finished all my April challenges but have so many May challenges I can't read Lover Avenged yet. DAMN I really wanted to jump right into this one. I have 2 library book due back next weekend and I've sold 2 books that I have to read this weekend. Lucky me, I was able to work all of these books into my May challenges. Yippee.

I'm currently reading The Looking Glass Wars. Following with The Bodies Left Behind A Novel and The Rosetta Key. This way I can at least get my library books back on time.

message 18: by Julianna (last edited May 01, 2009 06:40PM) (new)

Julianna (authorjuliannad) | 1846 comments Everyone is making me jealous with Lover Avenged and of course it's laying here next to me, tempting me even further, but knowing that there won't be a new BDB book for probably another year, makes me want to spread it out and make it last. I'll be waiting a while to read it, and in the meantime trying to avoid spoilers like the plague.:-)

This afternoon I started Violation by Darian North, a suspense novel that I hope will have some romance in it. I like that it will fit in three challenges I'm working on.

Jessi McMullen  (jessim) | 131 comments I'm reading Wicked Lovely and really enjoying it. At the same time I am also reading Uglies. I love Uglies, to me it is really funny and I'm having a hard time putting it down.

message 20: by [deleted user] (new)

I am stuck in the "holding onto lover avenged and waiting for the perfect time to read it" boat. In the meantime, I have the insiders guide which I had not read yet and got at the same time as lover avenged.

message 21: by Lori (new)

Lori  (moderatrixlori) I reading Lover Avenged and also started Broken Boundaries last night to try out my new Sony E-Reader. For those of you that like M/M...this is a fabulous story. I was up until 3:00 last night and then back up at 7:00 so I could read some more. It's kind of a Scifi romance but it's really about the relationship between the two main characters. I can't wait to read more by Evangeline Anderson.

message 22: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 367 comments You guys are a bad influence! I just bought Lover Avenged today, even though I have only just finished Butch's story and am ready to pick up V's. I bought it in hardback, and I'm not even ready to read it yet! Yes, I'm an addict.

But it makes finishing my current selection of As Shadows Fade by Colleen Gleason pretty darned hard. :)

message 23: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Don't worry, Sarah, the BDB books are worth it, and they are the kind of books you can reread over and over...LOL..that's me, talking from experience..LOL

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments Lori wrote: "I reading Lover Avenged and also started Broken Boundaries last night to try out my new Sony E-Reader. For those of you that like M/M...this is a fabulous story. I was up until 3:00..."

Lori: I agree. Evangeline Anderson is such an excellent author when it comes to creating both well developed characters, relationships and background stories. I read Pleasure Planet. Her m/f novellas are excellent too.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments I started Gentle Cage by You Shizaki for my "Y" author in the A-Z challenge and Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon for my DH series re-read. I am also going to finish my last April read so I can complete my READ THE MONTH challenge.

message 26: by tosca (last edited May 02, 2009 03:29PM) (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments I would like to register a complaint - umm authors don't write fast enough to suit me LOL While I'm sure I can find many a book to hold me over until the next release of a BDB novel the months will DRAG until then :)

However, I seem to have recovered quite well and have finished reading Stay the Night A Novel of the Darkyn by Lynn Viehl and am about to start (in between catching up on some work on my weekend ick) Darkness Revealed by Alexandra Ivy and/or Darkness Unknown by Alexis Morgan. None of which are on my challenge lists LOL Ack.

message 27: by Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (last edited May 02, 2009 03:54PM) (new)

Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (wwwgoodreadscomprofilejael) I'm straying from my challenges to read the Midnight Breeds series. I just finished Kiss of Midnight and I'll be starting Kiss of Crimson tonight than I'll read LOver Avenged(it just arrived today and I'm trying to hold off on reading it) Then I'll finish up the Breeds series before the new book arrives at my house.

message 28: by ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (last edited May 03, 2009 08:13AM) (new)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Lordy, just found out the book I'm reading that starts a series (by various authors) has 32 books in it!! Library has all but 16 which they list as out-of-print. While searching around the web it appears that other than the first book, any can be read in any order. It's a series about three aging sisters who inherit a large victorian house from their dead father and they decide to turn it into a B&B. It's a series published by Guideposts (a christian magazine). I found the first book a nice cozy read, which I needed after several days of the kids driving my nearly batty! I knew this was a series, but didn't realize it was THAT BIG A ONE!! lol Guess I might as well mention the series is called Tales from the Grace Chapel Inn.

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments I like cozy reading but there seems to be a one book every so often limit. From This Day Forward by Irene Hannon is my last April read. But I couldn't resist. I started a couple may reads and got pretty deep into them. I have stalled on reading A New Earth Awakening to Your Life's Purpose by Eckhart Tolle. It is apart of a fun Boxed Set. So I hope to get through it. Argh!

message 30: by tosca (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments Hey Briansgirl, quick query - all books written by the same author? Not a series of contributing authors? That's wow that's pretty phenomenal :D

message 31: by ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (last edited May 03, 2009 08:14AM) (new)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) tosca wrote: "Hey Briansgirl, quick query - all books written by the same author? Not a series of contributing authors? That's wow that's pretty phenomenal :D"

They are written by different authors, one author to a book. I had to go searching last night for the book list (and in what order, although they said order doesn't matter after the first one). Of the 39 books in the series, there are 13 authors.

Four wrote 1 book
One wrote 2 books
Three wrote 3 books
Two wrote 4 books
Two wrote 5 books
One wrote 6 books

I hope that with this many individual authors writing the same characters the series is okay. No idea. I did like the first book, after that I'll have to see. Of the 39 books, the library is missing 16. Of the 13 authors, they have books by 10.

message 32: by Kim (new)

Kim I've just read The Starter Marriage by Kate Harrison. I need to pick something else now off the tbr pile!

message 33: by ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (last edited May 03, 2009 11:20AM) (new)

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) HELP! I need to ask someone a question whose read Meg Cabot's (Jenny Carrol's) 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU series. My library only has book 1 (When lightening Strikes), book 3 (Safe House(, and book 4 (Santuary). I checked them out to read. What will I be missing in book 2 (Code Name Cassandra). Is there anything in it vital to the continuing plot I'm gonna need to know? I'd have to pay $1.50 for interlibrary loan to get my hands on a copy of it. I've got all 3 checked out today, but havn't started them yet. Thought I'd ask first what I'll be missing.

message 34: by Melissa (new)

Melissa | 1245 comments Briansgirl wrote: "HELP! I need to ask someone a question whose read Meg Cabot's (Jenny Carrol's) 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU series. My library only has book 1 (When lightening Strikes), book 3 (Safe House(, and book 4 (Santu..."

I'd say you will miss some relationship building by not reading book 2. I loved these books and would say it is worth $1.50, but you could probably read some book synopsis somewhere to get the idea of the book. If I remember correctly, she's pretty good about a quick recap at the beginning of each book. I actually bought the books and have read the first four twice because they were so fun. Not sure that helps!

message 35: by Yz the Whyz, Moderator (new)

Yz the Whyz (whyz) | 9327 comments Finished Kelley Armstrong's Bitten, and I was pleasantly surprised how much I like this book. Looking forward to reading Stolen, the next book in the series for May.

Read and finished No Ordinary Man by Suzanne Brockmann, a contemporary romantic suspense story. Sometimes I just need a break from all the PNR/UF books I read.

Started Linnea Sinclair's Shades of Dark, Book 2 in her Dock Five series, and once again, totally charmed by Sully.

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Melissa wrote: "Briansgirl wrote: "HELP! I need to ask someone a question whose read Meg Cabot's (Jenny Carrol's) 1-800-WHERE-R-YOU series. My library only has book 1 (When lightening Strikes), book 3 (Safe House(..."

Thanks Melissa. I'll start the first book in the series and after I'm done I'll look for a synopsis (or read spoiler reviews on GRs). I'll start the third book and read her recap and if I think I've missed too much to make sense of it, will do the interlibrary loan. I just hate to pay that much money for a book I have to return, yet, no point buying only book 2 of a series.

message 37: by Unapologetic_Bookaholic (last edited May 03, 2009 07:21PM) (new)

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments Briansgirl: Can u do PBS or bookmooch? Or do you not want to wait that long?

Unapologetic_Bookaholic | 1990 comments I read Gentle Cage by You Shizaki most of the day. I may actually give it a high enough rating to have to review it, lol. Now I need a paranormal injection. The Darkest Night by Gena Showalter or Fantasy Lover by Sherrilyn Kenyon. Or both!

ஐ Briansgirl (Book Queen)ஐ (katyabookqueen) Kenjii wrote: "Briansgirl: Can u do PBS or bookmooch? Or do you not want to wait that long? "

I'm not on either of those. I could wait and just check these out from the library again another time.

message 40: by tosca (new)

tosca (catatonichataholic) | 742 comments Currently reading Enchanted Erotic Bedtime Stories For Women by Nancy Madore and have just started Kiss of Midnight by Lara Adrian. For some reason I'd read the rest in the series but never this one. Am enjoying it!

message 41: by Malena (new)

Malena (badgalmalmal) Had a little break after powering through April challenges. Right now I'm reading The Angel Experiment. It's been on my shelves for awhile.

message 42: by Shanon (new)

Shanon (boban) I'm starting Dead and Gone. I'm very excited to read it.

Unfortunately, I didn't work it into any of the challenges this month. :(

message 43: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 367 comments All this talk of Lover Avenged has me finally digging back into Lover Unbound.

message 44: by Kasia (new)

Kasia Shanon wrote: "I'm starting Dead and Gone. I'm very excited to read it. "

Me too Shanon, me too! I've been waiting so long for this one...

Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (wwwgoodreadscomprofilejael) Ok seriously I don't know when I'll ever began my challenge reads with books arriving in the mail daily. I just recieved Magic Strikes and an ARC of Strange Angels by St.Crow(the first in her YA series) and I just got notice that Dead and Gone and Ashes to Midnight will be arriving shortly. I just finished Kiss Of Crimson and decided to read th next four before starting my new books. I think I need to change my books for the challenges around.

message 46: by [deleted user] (new)

I am about to ridiculously busy with school over the nex two months, so there's not much hope of me getting much reading done. I want to cry about it. Anyway, I just finished the audio book Prince Of Twilight by Maggie Shayne. It was terrible. I just found the characters to act in illogical manners. I couldn't really wrap my head around what they were doing/saying. Then, everything magically came together in the last chapter. Yeah, I probably won't read anymore of this series. Of course, it is book 12 in the series, so maybe if I had started at the beginning I would like it more. But, I don't know that life is long enough to waste on bad books.

message 47: by Sarah (new)

Sarah  | 367 comments Jael, I just heard about Strange Angels today. If you get a chance to look at it, please post what you think. It sounds really good.

Jael ~ *~ Syhren ~* ~ (wwwgoodreadscomprofilejael) Will do Sarah

message 49: by Malena (new)

Malena (badgalmalmal) I have just started reading Kiss of Fire A Dragonfire Novel. Shapeshifting dragons are wicked! It's a change from vampires and weres.

message 50: by new_user (new)

new_user LOL. I'm reading about shapeshifting dragons too. The fourth book in the Drakon series. The Treasure Keeper by Shana Abe.

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