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message 1: by Hemat (last edited Jul 20, 2013 06:43PM) (new)

Hemat Malak | 29 comments At the risk of being the nerdy kid on the block, any lovers of spiritual books here? I can see there are many lovers of fiction; anyone else here who loves a good soul-expanding read?
Two authors in this genre that I love are Joel S Goldsmith (The Infinite Way and so many others)and Dr David Hawkins - oh, and the great poets, Hafiz, Rumi and Kahil Gibran. I also enjoy books such as Proof of Heaven: A Neurosurgeon's Journey into the Afterlife "Dying to Be Me" and "Wishes Fulfilled".
I've just purchased on Kindle Marvin Meyer's "The Gnostic Gospels of Jesus" - really looking forward to answering some questions through that read.
Anyone here enjoy this genre too?

message 2: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (last edited Jul 20, 2013 06:53PM) (new)

message 3: by Hemat (new)

Hemat Malak | 29 comments Sorry about that Brenda & thanks so much for your trouble : )
I need to change a couple of the links - I've edited my original post but I don't think I can edit yours, can I? (The link I found for the Infinite Way is the correct ISBN but shows a description in Spanish, even though the edition is in English)
Sorry, still a bit green!
: )

message 4: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Thanks Hemat:) I've edited mine to be the same as your edit (no we can't edit anyone else's post) and I changed the Spanish to English on the book too:)

It's ok to be green...we all have to learn:)

message 5: by Hemat (new)

Hemat Malak | 29 comments Hi Brenda, how did you change that into English? Thanks again : )

message 6: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
I'm a librarian, so it was as easy as copy and paste;)

message 7: by Hemat (new)

Hemat Malak | 29 comments Some days I am just filled with awe - I'm old enough to remember carbon paper! ; )

message 8: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Oh me too Hemat!! And the mess it made;)

message 9: by Hemat (new)

Hemat Malak | 29 comments Brenda wrote: "Oh me too Hemat!! And the mess it made;)"

lol, yes! And I will never forget how I felt when I discovered white-out tape a few years ago (I'll bet there are lots of us here who still adore stationery!)
What an exciting time to live - as long as we have some little ones around to explain things to us! My 7 year old just showed me how to resize a photo and snap it again on his ipad!
Thanks again Brenda - enjoy your day : )

message 10: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Ah yes our 7 year olds! Mine is my grandson Hemat, so I'm a lot older than you;)

Thanks you too:)

message 11: by Hemat (new)

Hemat Malak | 29 comments Brenda wrote: "Ah yes our 7 year olds! Mine is my grandson Hemat, so I'm a lot older than you;)

Thanks you too:)"

lol! Not necessarily, Brenda! I started very late - 1965 was a very good year ; )

message 12: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod

message 13: by Carolyn (new)

Carolyn Golledge (carolyngolledge) | 4 comments Hemat wrote: "At the risk of being the nerdy kid on the block, any lovers of spiritual books here? I can see there are many lovers of fiction; anyone else here who loves a good soul-expanding read?
Two authors i..."

I read and LOVE Kahil Gibran's and many other spiritual books. My sister reads more than I, and bought Proof of Heaven which I then read and much enjoyed (having had similar experience though not the severe illness) I can't recall titles but know i've read a lot , last would be the Dalai Lama's book about Happiness (one of the many he's written) I did read and enjoy books about the GNostic Gospels, too, and more about religious history though I'm not religious myself

message 14: by Hemat (last edited Jul 20, 2013 10:30PM) (new)

Hemat Malak | 29 comments Hi Carolyn : ) Glad to find another lover of this genre!
You also had a NDE? (would love to know more if you feel like sharing)
If you enjoyed Proof of Heaven, I can really recommend Dying to Be Me My Journey from Cancer, to Near Death, to True Healing by Anita Moorjani . The first part is very interesting as Anita sets the stage with her cultural background and experiences up until the time of her illness. Starting from her NDE, the book is filled with beautiful wisdom and she is so eloquent in delivering it.
Yes, poetry really can touch your soul, can't it? Much like Kahil Gibran, Persian poets Rumi and Hafiz really lift me with their writing.
I grew up in an Orthodox faith and was schooled in Catholic schools. Even with that structure around me (or due to?!) I can't claim to be religious but I'm definitely spiritual.
Lovely to meet you, Carolyn : )

message 15: by Tui (new)

Tui Allen (tuibird) | 143 comments Have you read any books my Richard Bach? He's my favourite of this type of author. I recently read "Hypnotizing Maria" but he's written others which are amazing also. But Bach writes fiction and that's my own preference too. I gather the books you speak of above are non-fiction. Is that correct?
There might be books for you on the Visionary and Metaphysical book list. It is supposed to include non-fiction and fiction, though I mostly explore the fiction side. It is here:

message 16: by Brenda, Aussie Authors Queen (new)

Brenda | 77388 comments Mod
Tui wrote: "Have you read any books my Richard Bach? He's my favourite of this type of author. I recently read "Hypnotizing Maria" but he's written others which are amazing also. But Bach writes fiction and th..."

Hypnotizing Maria by Richard Bach

message 17: by Hemat (last edited Sep 16, 2013 11:20PM) (new)

Hemat Malak | 29 comments Hi there Tui : )
Yes, I have Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach and Illusions The Adventures of a Reluctant Messiah by Richard Bach , although I read them many years ago. Thank you for the suggestion - I didn't realise he had more current work.
Yes, most of the books I mentioned are non-fiction. I tend to read more from that pile.
Thanks for that link Tui - I look forward to seeing what it holds for me!
A great week to you! : )

message 18: by Tui (new)

Tui Allen (tuibird) | 143 comments No problem Hemat. I hope you enjoy them. I might even check out the one you mentioned, The Infinite Way.
In fact I just looked at it in the Amazon Kindle store but it was above my e-book price limit. But I'm wavering. Specially since I've found someone (you) who's read it already I could talk it over with. Did you find it helped you in any way? I'm not keen on things with too overtly a Christian messages. Is it like that?
I like spiritual but not religious content.

message 19: by Hemat (new)

Hemat Malak | 29 comments Ooh, so hard to know how someone else will enjoy something... It is definitely more spiritual than religious, although I believe Joel Goldsmith studied many religions and passed through Christian Science on his spiritual path - he does seem to have a love for Jesus. This didn't make the book overly Christian to me - I would describe it as mystical.
When I read his writing, I find myself "yes-ing" often! I recognise what he speaks of as Truth. I'm probably a Joel-junkie though - The Infinite Way sits in my handbag, and on my Kindle I'm part-way through Conscious Union with God Understanding the Truth by Joel S. Goldsmith and waiting in the wings are The Thunder of Silence by Joel S. Goldsmith and Living The Infinite Way by Joel S. Goldsmith lol!
I think you may be able to find samples of his work online somewhere or maybe a talk to listen to?
As for how his work helps me... a stronger inner awareness and more personal connection with God, great instruction on meditation practice, a greater understanding and Experience of the nature of life and illusion. Scared you off yet?! lol!
See if you are drawn to his writings - we all resonate with different things, don't we?
Take care and looking forward to another chat soon :)

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