Short & Sweet Treats discussion

Games and Fun > Scavenger Egg Hunt

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message 1: by LaLaLa Laura (new)

LaLaLa Laura  (laurabhoffman) | 4443 comments Mod
One person names a random word and the next person must provide a book title that contains that word in it. That person then provides another word which the following person must then provide a title for.

message 2: by Nancy from NJ (new)

Katz Nancy from NJ (nancyk18) love

message 6: by LaLaLa Laura (new)

LaLaLa Laura  (laurabhoffman) | 4443 comments Mod

message 11: by Pip (new)

Pip Jen ƸӜƷ wrote: "Rug Berns


REALLY, Jen????!!!!!

Maybe this is a good moment to plug my forth-coming biography of Herbie Hancock, "Living on Cantaloupe Island".

Ha ha, no, just jesting ;-)

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Jenn Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Schu (jennschureviews) Pip wrote: "Jen ƸӜƷ wrote: "Rug Berns


REALLY, Jen????!!!!!

Maybe this is a good moment to plug my forth-coming biography of Herbie Hancock, "Living on Cantaloupe Island".

Ha ha, no, just jest..."


message 13: by Angel (new)

Angel Serrano | 148 comments Our Eyes Met Over Cantaloupe

Author: Anne McAneny

Not sure you cold call it a classic, but is certainly a book!

message 14: by Angel (new)

Angel Serrano | 148 comments New word: Melancholic

message 15: by LaLaLa Laura (new)

LaLaLa Laura  (laurabhoffman) | 4443 comments Mod
Angel wrote: "New word: Melancholic"

They could be any books, Angel. Not just classics. Good answer!

The Melancholic Mermaid

Next word: something I wish I was doing now...


message 17: by Nancy from NJ (new)

Katz Nancy from NJ (nancyk18) Hybrid


message 19: by LaLaLa Laura (new)

LaLaLa Laura  (laurabhoffman) | 4443 comments Mod

Now something else I like:

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Jenn Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Schu (jennschureviews) then this one is for you, Laura: The Food Lover's Companion


message 24: by Angel (new)

Angel Serrano | 148 comments The Snake's pass, by Bram Stoker


message 31: by Pip (new)

Pip Salad Days


message 32: by Pip (new)

Pip Jen ƸӜƷ wrote: "The Rancid Walnut - An Ultrarunning Psychologist's Journey with Prostate Cancer


We're discovering some real gems here, eh?

Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Jenn Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Schu (jennschureviews) Pip wrote: "Jen ƸӜƷ wrote: "The Rancid Walnut - An Ultrarunning Psychologist's Journey with Prostate Cancer


We're discovering some real gems here, eh?"

Indeed! I enjoy finding different reads that I may or may not read. :)

message 34: by LaLaLa Laura (new)

LaLaLa Laura  (laurabhoffman) | 4443 comments Mod
Sad Desk Salad

Sad Desk Salad by Jessica Grose

love the cover. too funny. i think this has to go on my tbr list.

next word: cherries

message 37: by Angel (new)

Angel Serrano | 148 comments Wrecked but not ruined, by Ballantyne

message 38: by Angel (new)

Angel Serrano | 148 comments Twin

message 39: by Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Jenn Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ (last edited Aug 18, 2013 07:45AM) (new)

message 40: by Kristi (new)

message 45: by Kristi (new)

Kristi Krumnow | 496 comments Crisp


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