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General SF&F discussion > Forthcoming books for June!

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message 1: by Stefan, Group Founder + Moderator (Retired) (new)

Stefan (sraets) | 1671 comments Mod
Hi everyone,

As part of our desire to feed your book addiction, here's the list of forthcoming SF and fantasy books for June. Please let us know if you're planning to buy/read any of these!

Anderson, Kevin J: The Edge of the World (#1 Terra Incognita) (tpo)
Anthony, Piers: Steppe
Barant, D D: Dying Bites (#1 Bloodhound Files) (pbo)
Bear, Elizabeth: Ink and Steel (Promethean Age) (pap)
Beckett, Galen M: The Magicians and Mrs. Quent (pap)
Brennan, Marie: In Ashes Lie (tpo)
Buettner, Robert: Orphan’s Triumph (pap)
Cabell, James Branch: Jurgen: A Comedy of Justice (pap)
Carey, Jacqueline: Kushiel’s Mercy (pap)
Carey, Jacqueline: Naamah’s Kiss
Chadbourn, Mark: Darkest Hour (#2 Age of Misrule) (tp)
Constantine, Storm: The Ghosts of Blood and Innocence (#3 Wraeththu Histories) (tp)
Dantec, Maurice G: Grande Junction (tpo)
Douglass, Sara: The Infinity Gate (#3 Darkglass Mountain)
Fallon, Jennifer: The Immortal Prince (pap)
Frost, P R: Faery Moon (#3 Tess Noncoire)
Garcia, Eric: The Repossession Mambo (movie tie-in edition) (pap)
Garner, Elizabeth: The Ingenious Edgar Jones
Graham, Heather: Dust to Dust (#1 Prophecy) (pbo)
Green, Simon R: Daemons Are Forever (#2 Eddie Drood) (pap)
Green, Simon R: The Spy Who Haunted Me
Guerrier, Simon: Primeval: Fire and Water (tpo)
Gunn, David: Death’s Head: Maximum Offense (pap)
Holmqvist, Ninni: The Unit
Huff, Tanya: The Enchantment Emporium
Huff, Tanya: Valor’s Trial (#4 Confederation) (pap)
Hughes, Matthew: Hespria (tp)
Hutchins / Weisman: Personal Effects: Dark Art
Iggulden, Conn: Emperor: The Death of Kings (tp)
Kessler / Kittredge: Black and White (tpo)
Kirkpatrick, Russell: Beyond the Wall of Time (pbo)
Kittredge, Caitlin: Street Magic (pbo)
Lake, Jay: Green
Lisle, Holly: Hawkspar (pap)
MacLeod, Ken: Divisions (The Cassini Division and The Sky Road) (tp)
McCray, Cheyenne: Demons Not Included (pbo)
Modesitt, L E, Jr: Haze
Niven / Lerner: Juggler of Worlds (pap)
O’Neal, James: The Human Disguise (tpo)
Reynolds, Alastair: House of Suns
Rhodes, Jenna: The Dark Ferryman (#2 Elven Ways) (pap)
Richardson, Kat: Greywalker (#1 Harper Blaine) (pap)
Robbins, David: The Fox Run (#1 Endworld) (Reissue) (pap)
Rollins, James: The Doomsday Key
Rosenberg, Jonathan: Goats: Infinite Typewriters (tpo)
Rowland, Diana: Mark of the Demon (pbo)
Rucker, Rudy: Hylozoic (sequel to Postsingular)
Sanderson, Brandon: Warbreaker
Scott, Tim: Love in the Time of Fridges (pap)
Shepherd, Joel: Breakaway (Cassandra Kresnov) (pap)
Shufeldt, Ken: Genesis (pbo)
Snodgrass, Melinda: The Edge of Reason (pap)
Tarr, Judith: Bring Down the Sun (tpo)
Turtledove, Harry: The Man with the Iron Heart (pap)
Turtledove, Harry: After the Downfall (pap)
Van Vogt / Anderson: Slan Hunter (sequel to Slan) (tp)
VanderMeer, Jeff: Mapping the Beast: The Best of Leviathan (tp)
Weber, David: By Schism Rent Asunder (pap)
Weldon, Phaedra: Phantasm (tp)
Wilson, Robert Charles: Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd Century America
Wright, John C: Null-A Continuum (pap)
Ed. Little: Swordplay (pbo)
Ed. Starr: More Tales of Zorro (tpo)
Lackey / Lee / Asaro: Charmed Destinies (tpo)



message 2: by Ken (new)

Ken (ogi8745) | 1380 comments I picked up Kushiel’s Mercy on Friday and put an order in for Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd Century America. He is going to be having a book launch here in Toronto on July 2nd.

message 3: by Kathi, Moderator & Book Lover (new)

Kathi | 3962 comments Mod
I am busy buying used books and OOP books--spent my birthday money at Alibris--so I won't be buying any new stuff for awhile.

However, I am all set (once the books arrive) for reading the Bujold series!!

message 4: by Stefan, Group Founder + Moderator (Retired) (new)

Stefan (sraets) | 1671 comments Mod
Ken --- Julian Comstock A Story of 22nd-Century America is great. I'm only halfway through, but I get the sense that the best parts are still to come. It combines the style of a 19th century adventure novel with a post-apocalyptic setting. It's unlike anything I've read in the past. My weekend was wonderful in many ways, but I wish I'd had more time to read because this book is hard to put down! I will post a review once I'm done with it, probably in the next day or two.

In terms of what I'll be buying/reading from the list:

- I'll definitely check out the new L. E. Modesitt Jr. novel - I think it's an SF one, and I usually prefer his SF over his fantasy.
- I will keep an eye out for the one by Marie Brennan --- her last novel, Midnight Never Come, was pretty good.
- I've already read The Edge of Reason by Melinda Snodgrass and would recommend it, depending on the person's political and/or religious views. It has some similarities with The Traveler in terms of story, but it's much better written.
- There are a couple of books on the list from series where I have part 1 on my TBR pile... (Mark Chadbourn, Brandon Sanderson) so if the first books are okay, I'll probably check out the newer ones.
- One day I will read the second Kushiel trilogy by Jacqueline Carey, but I feel like I need to re-read the first one to refresh my memory, and I just don't see that happening very soon.

There are a handful of others I might look out for in the future. I'm lucky enough to have a large pile of great books to be read, so it's hard to keep up with the most recent releases right now...

message 5: by Bill (new)

Bill (reedye) | 60 comments Surprisingly there's only one on that list for me which is Garner, Elizabeth: The Ingenious Edgar Jones(bought because I really like her fathers books so was intrigued and synopsis sounded good)I'm in the UK and this was pubbed at least a year ago, maybe two. That might say something about my TBR pile which never gets any smaller. For me in June there is Chris Wooding's Retribution Falls (his best yet I'm told), Joe Abercrombie's Best Served Cold and possibly Alex Bell's Jasmyn.

message 6: by Kelly (new)

Kelly (sisimka) Anderson, Kevin J: The Edge of the World (#1 Terra Incognita) (tpo)

I'm going to wait until this series is nearly done.

Carey, Jacqueline: Kushiel’s Mercy (pap)

I'll pick this one up for the ever-towring TBR 'shelf'

Carey, Jacqueline: Naamah’s Kiss

Waiting for paperback

Wilson, Robert Charles: Julian Comstock: A Story of 22nd Century America

Folks seem to be enjoying this one!

Lackey / Lee / Asaro: Charmed Destinies (tpo)

I'd pick this one up second-hand for the Asaro entry, I've been following her Luna series.

But seriously, I can wait a LONG time for all this, my TBR pile is starting to make me dizzy...

message 7: by Edward (new)

Edward Butler | 19 comments I might pick up Marie Brennan's In Ashes Lie. I read Midnight Never Come, and while I wasn't wild about it, it left me willing to go further. I wish these were mass market sized, though: trade paperbacks really clutter up the place!

message 8: by Brenda (new)

Brenda (readingfairytales) I don't usually buy books, I use the library, but I'm sure I'll eventually get to the two Jacqueline Carey books, and Warbreaker by Sanderson.

message 9: by Staci (new)

Staci | 47 comments There are a few here I would definitely like to buy: Jacqueline Carey's Naamah's Kiss. I already own & have read Kushiel's Mercy. Also, the Jennifer Fallon, Immortal Prince. Looks like this is a new series. I really enjoyed her Hytrhun books. And I'm really looking forward to Robert Charles Wilson's Julian Comstock book.

message 10: by Ron (last edited Jun 09, 2009 12:07AM) (new)

Ron (ronbacardi) | 302 comments I've been reading Tanya Huff's 'Valor' series and I love the heroine, a tough gutsy Space Marine gunnery sergeant ("Gunny" to her friends) so I'll pick up the paperback of #4. I read the Ken Macleod books separately and recommend them but I won't pick up the omnibus. Tried to read the James Branch Cabell once but it's beyond me. Might try the Jay Lake book; his first novel was pretty good, if a bit theological.
Edit--my neighbor picked up the new 'Valor' novel, so I'll borrow it from him. He's from the neighboring county she lives in, don't believe they've met. He borrowed the first three from me, so I guess it's fair.

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