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message 1: by Freya, Dragon Rider (last edited Oct 06, 2013 02:53AM) (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Well as an off-shoot to book events and festivals (and seeing as Rinn has just got some lovely signed things), what signed books have you got? Have you had any really good chats with authors when getting books signed? :)

Off the top of my head I only have one signed book and it was a children's poetry book called Midnight Forest; Magic Mirror which was bought and signed when the author did a talk at my school when I was eight :) (and yes, I still own it!)

message 2: by Rinn, (Retired mod) Captain of the SSV Normandy (last edited Oct 06, 2013 08:38AM) (new)

Rinn (rinnsohma) | 3456 comments Mod
I actually have a signed shelf so you can see all mine there =)

I also had a couple of books signed by Jacqueline Wilson from when I was younger, and I'm sure I also had a few other Dick King-Smith ones that were signed too. I met him in Keynsham near Bristol, believe it or not he was at some village fayre I went to there when I was little, and I had always been a big fan!

They're a combination of met the author, won the signed book, or got the signed book as a gift =) And one I actually picked up in a charity shop...

message 3: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
That is a good plan! :) I forgot to add I have a giveaway that is signed, but I didn't think huge amounts of it :/

message 4: by Abi (new)

Abi Killen | 66 comments Mainly ones I've met in book stores but I have Anthony Horowitz, Iain Banks, Phillip Pullman Kathy Reichs & Val Mcdermid (all from last years Cheltenham festival) all of my other books left when I moved but I do still have several signed and dedicated ones from a friends mum who is a children's author.

So gutted I couldn't go to the festival this year, who are you looking forward to the most Rinn?

message 5: by Abi (new)

Abi Killen | 66 comments Oh and Jane Goodall (famous chimp lady!) But she was definitely the best author I chatted to, so many fantastic stories! She came to my uni as part of an extra ecology lecture thing.

message 6: by Jennifer (new)

Jennifer (desdinova) I went to Anne Rice's book signing but she wasn't talking to anyone. It was set up like an assembly line.

message 7: by Rinn, (Retired mod) Captain of the SSV Normandy (new)

Rinn (rinnsohma) | 3456 comments Mod
Abi wrote: "So gutted I couldn't go to the festival this year, who are you looking forward to the most Rinn? "

Sarah J. Maas, who I met yesterday, and Mary Beard who I'm meeting on Sunday =D

message 8: by Kirsty, Jedi Master (last edited Oct 07, 2013 12:18AM) (new)

Kirsty Cabot (kirstycabot) | 1912 comments Mod
I've got 5 signed paperback and hardback copies of the Stonewylde series by Kit Berry as I know her personally :P

message 9: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Ooh so many authors that would be cool to meet there guys :)

I have to say, I would love to meet Terry Pratchett, and I was fairly gutted when I realised that Paul Kidby who does all the current illustrations for his covers was doing an exhibit near where my parents live but I couldn't go home! :'(

message 10: by Krys (new)

Krys I just found this thread... and I've been dying to brag... I have all of Brandon Sanderson's adult fiction signed, Mistborn trilogy, Elantris, last 3 wheel of Time, and Way of Kings. (except the ebooks, although, I got him to sign my kobo... so that still counts right?). They are all personally signed, and he always writes little blurbs in them. I even got one of his "famous" random blurbs, and it makes absolutely no sense, it's awesome. I even have a few numbered first editions, as well.

Many of these were ordered online, although I did go to a meet and greet signing, where I got 4 things signed. He is a GREAT person, and truly seems to respect and admire his fans for helping him do what he loves for a living. He took a little time to chat with every person, everything from talking games, to answering behind the scenes questions about any of the books he's written.

message 11: by Sarah (last edited Mar 13, 2014 08:33AM) (new)

Sarah Fairburn | 12 comments 0_0 How...? I adore Sanderson's work. [Edit: Nevermind... I always get stuff on Amazon, but I just noticed he sells signed books via his website, which probably gives him better profit anyway]

I have a signed Redwall before Brian Jacques died, plus a signed book by Jeffrey Deaver.

I never seem to find out when signings are around here until after my friends start showing them off on Facebook.

message 12: by Krys (new)

Krys he takes back the copies that stores are going to trash and sells them. he also does presells for signed and numbered books through a store that ships internationally. also, i went to a signing he did in Toronto around the time memory of light came out

message 13: by Rinn, (Retired mod) Captain of the SSV Normandy (new)

Rinn (rinnsohma) | 3456 comments Mod
Eeek Krys, that's amazing! I love that your Kobo is signed too, haha =)

I'm going to a Laini Taylor & Lauren Owen event in London in April. Haven't read anything by Lauren Owen, but I LOVED Laini Taylor's Daughter of Smoke & Bone - I should probably buy the others before then...

message 14: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Sarah wrote: "I have a signed Redwall before Brian Jacques died..."

I LOVE Redwall :D

Also, Sarah, I think if I recall rightly, we have a thread on book events? I think I might try and be a little more proactive there and post any events I hear about - obviously I'd probably only be covering the UK, but if people of this group know of any in the US or Europe (or wherever you live!) then post away to let others know... then you'll be there on facebook before the others :D

message 15: by Freya, Dragon Rider (new)

Freya (flamecat) | 1835 comments Mod
Here's my signed shelf

I slowly growing collection mainly over this past year (Goodreads and this group have been a terribly awesome influence!)

message 16: by Paul, A wanderer in unknown realms (last edited Aug 08, 2014 02:22AM) (new)

Paul | 3571 comments Mod
ve a similar shelf but it includes all my signed and collectables. Most on it are signed but some are rare first editions or antiques. -Collectable Editions

I'm jealous of your Rivers of London Freya.
I have the rest of the Peter Grant books as signed first editions but only an unsigned of the first. I need to get that done at some point to complete the set.

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